World War 3

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World War 3
« Reply #120 on: August 03, 2006, 10:52:10 PM »
Quote from: "Rick_James"
BTW, our "terrorist" state is the only thing standing in the way from the fundamentalist Islamic regimes from turning the whole western world into a fundamentalist Islamic hell on par with Saudia Arabia.

IF by "standing in the way" you actually mean "Stirring up the hornets nest until all the hornets from other nests come and gang up on you and you have to call the Coalition of the Willing to bring some insect repellant", then yes, I agree.

Although, I don't think the coalition will be nearly as willing this time(/place).

Dude, you are quite poetic with your metaphor, except that you have it backwards.  Hizbullah stirred up the "hornets nest" by lobbing missles into Israel sovereign territory until we decided we weren't going to just sit and take it, and then the Lebanese President had to call in the "Coalition of the Willing" to bring the insect repellant.  I say that the coalition should just stay away because I think the Europeans are a bit out of their league trying to mediate the border between Israel and Lebanon/Syria.  Let them stay home and patrol their own borders.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein



  • The Elder Ones
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World War 3
« Reply #121 on: August 03, 2006, 10:59:49 PM »
Hizbullah stirred up the "hornets nest" by lobbing missles into Israel sovereign territory until we decided we weren't going to just sit and take it,

I thought they kidnapped 2 of your soldiers, starting this conflict?

Sorry, I was a bit hazy with my post, I know Hezbollah started (performed the action to which the retaliation was a declaration of war) this conflict, but it is my opinion that by entering Lebanon (not just opposing, but actually entering andpushing forward further into Lebanon) they have stirred up the Arab "hornett's nest" and brought in the others (ie. Iran, Syria, then potientially, anyone else who then sides with Palestine, Lebanon, Iran or Syria).

I agree that Europe/US/Australia/NZ (etc) should stay out of it (for now), it hits especially close to home due to that Aussie who died last week fighting in the Isreali army.
However, i hold grave fear for Israel if no one comes to their aid (not saying they need it yet) then eventually a combined Arab superpower may be too much for them. Hezbollah is only the tip of the iceberg.

World War 3
« Reply #122 on: August 03, 2006, 11:02:08 PM »
Quote from: "quixotic"
I dont agree with this thread at all, i think your all being a little too harsh.

For someone that is supporting their race mbczion you seem a little unwilling to listen to anyhting else.

Dont get me wrong, in the whoel scheme of things I am for the Jews, but in the current conflict, you cannot deny that Israel is at fault. Yes, Hezbollah could b held responsible, but Israel are the ones that will be held accountable.

First of all, the Jews are NOT a race.  One who does not have any Jewish lineage whatsoever can convert to Judaism and be a full fledged Jew.  We are, however, a "people".

Secondly, like anyone else I have red-lines about certain things and claiming Israel has no right to exist is one of those red-lines for me.  That's just the way it is.   So, you're right.  If one wants to claim that Israel was "born in sin" and should be dismantled I am unwilling to listen.  This is NOT the same as Israeli being criticized for certain policies and/or actions.  Israel, like any other sovereign state, is subject to criticism like any other state, but to say we have no right to exist - I unaplogetically declare that I have no tolerance for that view.

Thirdly, the only thing Israel is at fault for in the current conflict is for daring to defend ourselves.  The katyushot were falling in our sovereign borders first before our air force jets so much as broke the air barrier between Israel and Lebanon.  Let's get real, if any other sovereign country had missles falling in their major cities and killing civilians sitting in their homes eating a meal, they would surely nuke the guilty country and ask ?'s later.  And they wouldn't give civilians a three day warning to get out of the danger zones either.  The Israelis (including Arabs, by the way) who have died from missles did not have the same luxury of this three day warning that we are giving the Lebanese citizens.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #123 on: August 04, 2006, 07:52:29 AM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
If one wants to claim that Israel was "born in sin" and should be dismantled I am unwilling to listen.

Then you're a fanatical individual blinded by his faith and government's propaganda.

World War 3
« Reply #124 on: August 04, 2006, 08:07:45 AM »
Your bullshit lies:

Quote from: "mbczion"
We turned the desert into the blossoming garden and metropolis that it is today and won four wars, despite being outnumbered, long before America so much as threw a dime our way.


First grant occured in 1951.  Israel sure must be more blood thirsty than I thought if you guys managed all that in few years.

So, whatever. Just more evidence of how twisted in head you are.  You could just admit you exagerated, lied, or simply didn't know when American taxpayers gave free money to your country, or not. Your choice.

Quote from: "mbczion"
If the Islamic fundamentalist weren't concentrating most of their energy on Israel, then they would be utilizing it that much more all around the globe. We are clearly on the front lines here fighting it. Not so hard a concept to grasp.

Yah, yah, keep repeating the same old tired propaganda over & over.  I'm sure it's true in your head, it's too bad facts don't work like that.  They are just people mad that you took their land and killed them. They don't even have to have a name or group, because that's the only nitpick that you seem to have. Now they're fighting you for that land back.  Not Palestinians?, then call them whatever you want.  They certainly weren't jews.  Not a hard concept to understand, now is it?

Islamic 'fundamentalist', the true ones, don't give two shits about Israel.  They have cells around the world, acting on their own agendas.  You aren't concentrating any extremists, just possibly creating more.  If you think sending one guy with some explosives strapped to him is some seriously resource consuming task, then you're dumber than I ever imagined.

World War 3
« Reply #125 on: August 04, 2006, 08:24:45 AM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
Let's get real, if any other sovereign country had missles falling in their major cities and killing civilians sitting in their homes eating a meal, they would surely nuke the guilty country and ask ?'s later.

No, they wouldn't.  Only the crazy Jews would be that nuts.  But that raises a good point.  Why haven't you guys used your nukes yet?  Also, from the sound of your logic, Lebanon should be invading you guys as well.

Quote from: "mbczion"
And they wouldn't give civilians a three day warning to get out of the danger zones either.

How about just not blowing them up to begin with?  Some people just can't or won't run away from their homes.  Either medical, health, age, or financial, or sanity reasons.  You guys seem more than happy to bomb roads and bridges, along with buses, so maybe staying in their homes makes sense?

World War 3
« Reply #126 on: August 04, 2006, 09:54:24 AM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"
Let's get real, if any other sovereign country had missles falling in their major cities and killing civilians sitting in their homes eating a meal, they would surely nuke the guilty country and ask ?'s later.

No, they wouldn't.  Only the crazy Jews would be that nuts.  But that raises a good point.  Why haven't you guys used your nukes yet?  Also, from the sound of your logic, Lebanon should be invading you guys as well.

Quote from: "mbczion"
And they wouldn't give civilians a three day warning to get out of the danger zones either.

How about just not blowing them up to begin with?  Some people just can't or won't run away from their homes.  Either medical, health, age, or financial, or sanity reasons.  You guys seem more than happy to bomb roads and bridges, along with buses, so maybe staying in their homes makes sense?

I would call it murder to not do anything while preventable missiles fall on your civilians.

Whether you like or dislike Jews and their history, this remains the problem.

"Against criticism a man can neither protest nor defend himself; he must act in spite of it, and then it will gradually yield to him." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

World War 3
« Reply #127 on: August 04, 2006, 09:05:14 PM »
Quote from: "Mephistopheles
Whether you like or dislike Jews and their history, this remains the problem.

When you are given the option of a cease fire, and flat out reject it, kill some more civilians, agree to a cease fire, then go off and kill some more civilians LITERALLY hours later, stating you haven't killed enough civilians to satisfy your blood lust and need a few more days, you'll never get much sympathy from me.



  • The Elder Ones
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World War 3
« Reply #128 on: August 04, 2006, 09:26:03 PM »
Here Here.



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World War 3
« Reply #129 on: August 04, 2006, 11:38:44 PM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
stating you haven't killed enough civilians to satisfy your blood lust and need a few more days,

Please provide the link where this statement can be found.

One of the things that really pisses me off is the way the world reacts to civilian deaths nowadays.  Hez. is launching unguided rockets into Israel hoping that they will come down in a city killing some people.  They launch hundreds a day.  Everyday civilains are being killed by them.  The deaths get a small blurb on the news and the newspapers run photos of a blown up building (today's USA Today, front page, civilians killed including a small girl).  When an Israeli missile intended for a Hez. leader blows up a house and kills children, the photos the next day are of the dead kids and the world is outraged.  What about the other side, killing civilians INTENTIONALLY?  Where is the outrage for them?  Same thing in Iraq.  Sucicide bombers blow up police stations and markets killing tens to hundreds of civilians, but where's the world's outrage?

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

World War 3
« Reply #130 on: August 05, 2006, 06:17:11 AM »
It's called reading between the lines guy.  Those crazy fuckers would never outright say that they haven't killed enough civilians, so they need a few more days, so instead, they don't mention targets, just after agreeing to a cease fire, they say they need a few more days to finish the job instead.  Not sure what job that is, besides killing civilians, but I'm sure they've propagandized some reason. I thought this was about the 2 soldiers, which could be diplomatically handled.  If those two aren't killed yet, I would be very surprised.

I will find you that quote where someome says that Israel needs a few more days.  That was a in the 20s of July, I know that.

As for your, OMG BUT THEY'RE KILLING JEWS!!!111, well, suck it up.  You don't get to kill 12 people for every 1 of your people that dies. That is unless you're happy being called a blood thirsty freak. What the terrorists do is inexcusable, but what the jews do is nothing more than a vulgar display of force which needs to be stopped immediately. You do realize they started launching their weak ass rockets AFTER Israel started bombing them, right?  If they're really launching 100s, then there must be alot of duds.  Besides, why not just do what they are telling the people in town's they're bombing to do? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES.  The rockets have a severly limited range, so you're only talking cities right on the border. What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?,,1819122,00.html

Israel threatened to bomb Lebanon "back 20 years"  -  oh yah, sure sounds like targeted and compasionate use of force to me, or have you forgotten these remarks already?



  • The Elder Ones
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  • Rick <3 Gayer
World War 3
« Reply #131 on: August 05, 2006, 07:17:31 AM »
Saw on the news tonight that 30 (from memory - of course this was the commercial news [propaganda]) Syrian farmers were killed by an Israeli airstrike today.

Could this be the start of Syria jumping in?


World War 3
« Reply #132 on: August 05, 2006, 08:45:35 AM »
Lets hope not, Let just hope Syria whines to the UN or something, instead of jumping into the conflict
he man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Advocatus Diaboli



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World War 3
« Reply #133 on: August 05, 2006, 01:01:07 PM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
It's called reading between the lines guy.

That's funny because you said that they stated they hadn't killed enough civilians to satisfy their blood lust.  So you were just making stuff up?
If they're really launching 100s, then there must be alot of duds.

Yes, they really are launching 100's a day.
They are rockets, which means they are unguided.  Once they leave the launcher, they are ballistic.  They aim them for population centers and hope they hit something.  That is indiscriminate killing.
The rockets have a severly limited range, so you're only talking cities right on the border.

So it's ok to kill civilians as long as there is a range limit?
Besides, why not just do what they are telling the people in town's they're bombing to do? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES.

So why doesn't the other side do the same?  If civilians leave the areas held by Hez., they won't get blown up.  

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson

World War 3
« Reply #134 on: August 05, 2006, 01:49:06 PM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"
If one wants to claim that Israel was "born in sin" and should be dismantled I am unwilling to listen.

Then you're a fanatical individual blinded by his faith and government's propaganda.

You are even more ignorant of history and current events than you are letting on.  First you say I am blinded by my "faith".  Study a little bit about the founding of Israel.  Israel was predominately founded by atheistic Jews.  Even today, Israel is a secular government run by mostly secular Jews.  Sure, there are religious parties, but they are in the minority.  So what "faith" am I blinded by.  True, I am a religious Jew, but most Israelis are NOT and even if I was an avid atheist I would still be just as much in defense of my country as I am as a devout Jew.  

Secondly, which government "propaganda" am I blinded by?  The one that gives Arabs full voting rights and currently allows 10 out of 120 of our members of government to be Arabs, including ones that have openly claimed loyalty to our enemies.  The one that tries to bend over backward being more democratic than the USA, even if it means risking it's own civilians lives.  The one that is always striving to make sacrifices for peace, even when it comes to kicking thousands of its own citizens out of their homes and not providing them with places to live or alternative livelihoods to make up for the ones they lost.  Yeah, I am just blinded by my governments "propaganda" :?

Another site, some here might find interesting:

What is interesting to me is not so much the content of the e-mails.  I am NOT surprised in the least that there are some Arabs and/or Muslims who are beginning to see the light of the Middle East Conflict.  What interests me is that the overwhelming majority of the e-mails are signed anonymously.  That means that most of them are afraid to sign there name because they are afraid of what might be done to them if they are tracked down.  You see another part of my government's "propaganda" is that our government believes in free speech, unlike those of the poor authors of the e-mails in the above link.  No matter how much an Israeli citizen criticizes his own government, he is protected by the law, while some of the authors of the above e-mails are risking their very lives (by being dissidents of their governments) by writing the truth.

And you might want to read what Arab/American Joseph Farah writes on the current Lebanon War:
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #135 on: August 05, 2006, 02:02:18 PM »
qwerty789 wrote:
No, they wouldn't.  Only the crazy Jews would be that nuts.  But that raises a good point.  Why haven't you guys used your nukes yet?  Also, from the sound of your logic, Lebanon should be invading you guys as well.

You have just answered your own ?  Maybe, just maybe because us "crazy Jews" are really NOT that nuts and don't want to use nukes, but only have them as a deterrant.  Maybe that concept is stretching your brain matter a bit, but maybe, just maybe....

Lebanon is invading us....Hundreds of missles falling each day on our major cities, deep in our country....Haifa, Afula, and Tiberias are far from the northern border....That is why we had to go into Lebanon for the first time in six years in the first place....Maybe this is not the picture you are getting watching CNN or BBC or reading the NY Times, but that is the reality....Not your one-sided, twisted, biased version....

qwerty789 wrote:
How about just not blowing them up to begin with?  Some people just can't or won't run away from their homes.  Either medical, health, age, or financial, or sanity reasons.  You guys seem more than happy to bomb roads and bridges, along with buses, so maybe staying in their homes makes sense?

If Hezballa doesn't indiscriminately launch missles into our cities, then we won't have a need to blow up the location from which they launched their missles, which many times (unfortunately) include civilian populated areas.  And we are NOT happy to bomb anything.  If Lebanon would control their borders more and keep out the unwelcomed Syrian and Iranian funded terror groups then we would not have to do their work for them.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #136 on: August 05, 2006, 02:19:14 PM »
qwerty789 wrote:

First grant occured in 1951.  Israel sure must be more blood thirsty than I thought if you guys managed all that in few years.

So, whatever. Just more evidence of how twisted in head you are.  You could just admit you exagerated, lied, or simply didn't know when American taxpayers gave free money to your country, or not. Your choice.

Even according to the link you provided in the previous post, the US did not begin supplying Israel with weapons until after the Yom Kippur War and most of the money that had been given to Israel until that point were loans, rather than grants (which were all payed back) unlike those received from the US by Egypt who hasn't payed back any of the billions they have been granted to this very day.

At any rate, the War of Indepence took place in 1948 and Israel kicked the kahooties out of all the surrounding countries despite being outnumbered and having the most primitive of fighting equipment.

And Israel made the desert blossom long before 1951.  Electricity already existed in Tel-Aviv as early as 1938.  And a country can have all the foreign aid in the world, but without the know how it won't amount to anything as both Egypt and Jordan are living examples of.

qwerty789 wrote:
Yah, yah, keep repeating the same old tired propaganda over & over.  I'm sure it's true in your head, it's too bad facts don't work like that.  They are just people mad that you took their land and killed them. They don't even have to have a name or group, because that's the only nitpick that you seem to have. Now they're fighting you for that land back.  Not Palestinians?, then call them whatever you want.  They certainly weren't jews.  Not a hard concept to understand, now is it?

Your the one repeating the same old propaganda.  You are denying that any Jews lived in Palestine between 70AD and the 19th century, but any honest historian knows that is a bunch of donkey bookus.  Jews have been living in this land consistently for the last 3,500 years.  Some periods there were more and some periods there were less.  And no small number of the Arabs who were here in 1948 only immigrated from the surrounding countries after the desert began to blossom from the blood and sweat of the Jewish pioneers.  Don't take my word for it.  Read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters (not Jewish).  So we have no less claim to this land than the "Palestinians", maybe more so.

qwerty789 wrote:
Islamic 'fundamentalist', the true ones, don't give two shits about Israel.  They have cells around the world, acting on their own agendas.  You aren't concentrating any extremists, just possibly creating more.  If you think sending one guy with some explosives strapped to him is some seriously resource consuming task, then you're dumber than I ever imagined.

If you think that these cells do not need finances to operate, than you are dumber than I thought.  The Islamic fundamentalists "the true ones" have stated time and time again that their first goal is to Islamicize the Middle East and then afterwards to Islamicize the whole world.  First they are concentrating most of their finances in the Middle East.

You are right about one thing though.  One thing Israel has no control over is other countries immigration policies.  If Europe and the rest of the western world open up their gates wide and open to all without checking every once in a while who comes in, then that is their business and problem.
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #137 on: August 05, 2006, 02:29:42 PM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "Mephistopheles
Whether you like or dislike Jews and their history, this remains the problem.

qwerty789 wrote:
When you are given the option of a cease fire, and flat out reject it, kill some more civilians, agree to a cease fire, then go off and kill some more civilians LITERALLY hours later, stating you haven't killed enough civilians to satisfy your blood lust and need a few more days, you'll never get much sympathy from me.

Some "ceasefire".  Hundreds of missles have been falling on our cites a day non-stop since July 12.  Actually the proper term is "hudna", which is the Arabic word for "ceasefire" (as opposed to the english word that you hear on CNN or BBC), which means a kind of, sort of, maybe, but not quite "ceasefire"....
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #138 on: August 05, 2006, 03:26:22 PM »
Quote from: "TheEngineer"

The rockets have a severly limited range, so you're only talking cities right on the border.

So it's ok to kill civilians as long as there is a range limit?
Besides, why not just do what they are telling the people in town's they're bombing to do? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES.

So why doesn't the other side do the same?  If civilians leave the areas held by Hez., they won't get blown up.  

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

First jackass, I was saying that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO STILL GO in your own country. Where in the world you got that I said it's okay, I have no clue. Israel can project force anywhere into Lebanon, so where can they go?  The rockets being launched have a short flight path, thus you can leave these cities on the northern border

Also, your bloody thirsty murderers.  12:1 death rate.  How compassionate.  Explain the logic behind that.

World War 3
« Reply #139 on: August 05, 2006, 03:29:58 PM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
If Hezballa doesn't indiscriminately launch missles into our cities, then we won't have a need to blow up the location from which they launched their missles, which many times (unfortunately) include civilian populated areas.  And we are NOT happy to bomb anything.  If Lebanon would control their borders more and keep out the unwelcomed Syrian and Iranian funded terror groups then we would not have to do their work for them.

Buses, ambulances, UN building...

Clearly Hezzbollah strongholds.

World War 3
« Reply #140 on: August 05, 2006, 03:31:59 PM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"
If Hezballa doesn't indiscriminately launch missles into our cities, then we won't have a need to blow up the location from which they launched their missles, which many times (unfortunately) include civilian populated areas.  And we are NOT happy to bomb anything.  If Lebanon would control their borders more and keep out the unwelcomed Syrian and Iranian funded terror groups then we would not have to do their work for them.

Buses, ambulances, UN building...

Clearly Hezzbollah strongholds.

Actually, groups like that usually use innocuous seeming and stigma inducing targets, like schools, churches/mosques/temples, hospitals, etc. for their strongholds.
he man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Advocatus Diaboli

World War 3
« Reply #141 on: August 05, 2006, 03:37:56 PM »
Quote from: "mbczion"

Even according to the link you provided in the previous post, the US did not begin supplying Israel with weapons until after the Yom Kippur War and most of the money that had been given to Israel until that point were loans, rather than grants (which were all payed back) unlike those received from the US by Egypt who hasn't payed back any of the billions they have been granted to this very day.

At any rate, the War of Indepence took place in 1948 and Israel kicked the kahooties out of all the surrounding countries despite being outnumbered and having the most primitive of fighting equipment.

And Israel made the desert blossom long before 1951.  Electricity already existed in Tel-Aviv as early as 1938.  And a country can have all the foreign aid in the world, but without the know how it won't amount to anything as both Egypt and Jordan are living examples of.

Your the one repeating the same old propaganda.  You are denying that any Jews lived in Palestine between 70AD and the 19th century, but any honest historian knows that is a bunch of donkey bookus.  Jews have been living in this land consistently for the last 3,500 years.  Some periods there were more and some periods there were less.  And no small number of the Arabs who were here in 1948 only immigrated from the surrounding countries after the desert began to blossom from the blood and sweat of the Jewish pioneers.  Don't take my word for it.  Read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters (not Jewish).  So we have no less claim to this land than the "Palestinians", maybe more so.

If you think that these cells do not need finances to operate, than you are dumber than I thought.  The Islamic fundamentalists "the true ones" have stated time and time again that their first goal is to Islamicize the Middle East and then afterwards to Islamicize the whole world.  First they are concentrating most of their finances in the Middle East.

You are right about one thing though.  One thing Israel has no control over is other countries immigration policies.  If Europe and the rest of the western world open up their gates wide and open to all without checking every once in a while who comes in, then that is their business and problem.

I said US tax payers gave Israel free cash.  You said you guys fought 4 wars before a dime was thrown your way. I was right, you were wrong.  You can't seem to own up to this. Silly brainwashed jew...

You also have as much claim to the land as I do to parts of Sub Saharan Africa.  Yes, jews were there at times, and many other people were there for much longer.  At certain times Muslims WERE PROTECTING THEM from cuckoo Christians and their crusades. Yes, that's right. :-)

As for the fundamentalist, I'll go back to my point. So what are your few square miles of dirt doing besides emboldening them and their youth with your vulgar force against a civilian populace?  You aren't stopping them in any way what so ever anywhere else in the world, nor concentrating their actions.  If anything you screw over countries that try and help you. No clue what the finance part was about.  Are you guys funding terror cells again?

World War 3
« Reply #142 on: August 05, 2006, 03:41:40 PM »
Quote from: "mbczion"
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "Mephistopheles
Whether you like or dislike Jews and their history, this remains the problem.

qwerty789 wrote:
When you are given the option of a cease fire, and flat out reject it, kill some more civilians, agree to a cease fire, then go off and kill some more civilians LITERALLY hours later, stating you haven't killed enough civilians to satisfy your blood lust and need a few more days, you'll never get much sympathy from me.

Some "ceasefire".  Hundreds of missles have been falling on our cites a day non-stop since July 12.  Actually the proper term is "hudna", which is the Arabic word for "ceasefire" (as opposed to the english word that you hear on CNN or BBC), which means a kind of, sort of, maybe, but not quite "ceasefire"....

They started falling since you started bombing their country over two of your soldiers illegal encroachment and eventual capture on Lebanese soil.  As for the cease fire, well no duh they've been dropping on you when there was no cease fire.  But when the cease fire was agreed to, it was you silly jews that threw in the maybe, sort of part, and proceed to start bombing civilians hours later.  During that time no rockets hit any part of Israel.

Here's a piece on how Hezbollah is really able to project force into Israel:

You could just leave Northern cities, like you tell the Lebanese people to do.



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World War 3
« Reply #143 on: August 05, 2006, 05:26:11 PM »
How can Israel ever justify such mass killings? Allah knows how many people have died in Lebanon. Why? Hezbollah is Israel's target, not the civilians of Lebanon.
Courtesy of your friendly neighbourhood Muslim.

World War 3
« Reply #144 on: August 05, 2006, 08:03:41 PM »
If Hezbollah hides with the civilians than they need to be smoked out.  Basically Lebanon is extremely opposed to a Isreali ground force coming into Lebanon (iirc).  So what is Isreal supposed to do, just take having missles shoved up its ass?
he man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

Advocatus Diaboli


Ballin Junie

World War 3
« Reply #145 on: August 05, 2006, 09:11:06 PM »
any of you guys go golfing? I've been thinking about doing just that... I heard it actually improves your PERSONALITY! Is this true?



  • The Elder Ones
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World War 3
« Reply #146 on: August 06, 2006, 12:23:20 AM »
Quote from: "mbczion"

Lebanon is invading us

Have Lebanese or Hezbollah troops entered Israeli territory?
Then I'd say you aren't being invaded.

World War 3
« Reply #147 on: August 06, 2006, 12:42:09 AM »
Quote from: "CrimsonKing"
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"
If Hezballa doesn't indiscriminately launch missles into our cities, then we won't have a need to blow up the location from which they launched their missles, which many times (unfortunately) include civilian populated areas.  And we are NOT happy to bomb anything.  If Lebanon would control their borders more and keep out the unwelcomed Syrian and Iranian funded terror groups then we would not have to do their work for them.

Buses, ambulances, UN building...

Clearly Hezzbollah strongholds.

Actually, groups like that usually use innocuous seeming and stigma inducing targets, like schools, churches/mosques/temples, hospitals, etc. for their strongholds.

Hear Hear
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #148 on: August 06, 2006, 12:45:39 AM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "TheEngineer"

The rockets have a severly limited range, so you're only talking cities right on the border.

So it's ok to kill civilians as long as there is a range limit?
Besides, why not just do what they are telling the people in town's they're bombing to do? GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE CITIES.

So why doesn't the other side do the same?  If civilians leave the areas held by Hez., they won't get blown up.  

What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

First jackass, I was saying that YOU HAVE A PLACE TO STILL GO in your own country. Where in the world you got that I said it's okay, I have no clue. Israel can project force anywhere into Lebanon, so where can they go?  The rockets being launched have a short flight path, thus you can leave these cities on the northern border

Also, your bloody thirsty murderers.  12:1 death rate.  How compassionate.  Explain the logic behind that.

So if Israel did not know how to defend herself, did not value the life of her civilians (as opposed to our enemies who hide behind civilians and cynically use them for human shields), and there were as many or more Israeli casualties as Lebanese casualties, then Israelis retaliation would be acceptable.  Please enlighten me with more of your idiotic "logic" :roll:
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein

World War 3
« Reply #149 on: August 06, 2006, 01:10:22 AM »
Quote from: "qwerty789"
Quote from: "mbczion"

Even according to the link you provided in the previous post, the US did not begin supplying Israel with weapons until after the Yom Kippur War and most of the money that had been given to Israel until that point were loans, rather than grants (which were all payed back) unlike those received from the US by Egypt who hasn't payed back any of the billions they have been granted to this very day.

At any rate, the War of Indepence took place in 1948 and Israel kicked the kahooties out of all the surrounding countries despite being outnumbered and having the most primitive of fighting equipment.

And Israel made the desert blossom long before 1951.  Electricity already existed in Tel-Aviv as early as 1938.  And a country can have all the foreign aid in the world, but without the know how it won't amount to anything as both Egypt and Jordan are living examples of.

Your the one repeating the same old propaganda.  You are denying that any Jews lived in Palestine between 70AD and the 19th century, but any honest historian knows that is a bunch of donkey bookus.  Jews have been living in this land consistently for the last 3,500 years.  Some periods there were more and some periods there were less.  And no small number of the Arabs who were here in 1948 only immigrated from the surrounding countries after the desert began to blossom from the blood and sweat of the Jewish pioneers.  Don't take my word for it.  Read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters (not Jewish).  So we have no less claim to this land than the "Palestinians", maybe more so.

If you think that these cells do not need finances to operate, than you are dumber than I thought.  The Islamic fundamentalists "the true ones" have stated time and time again that their first goal is to Islamicize the Middle East and then afterwards to Islamicize the whole world.  First they are concentrating most of their finances in the Middle East.

You are right about one thing though.  One thing Israel has no control over is other countries immigration policies.  If Europe and the rest of the western world open up their gates wide and open to all without checking every once in a while who comes in, then that is their business and problem.

I said US tax payers gave Israel free cash.  You said you guys fought 4 wars before a dime was thrown your way. I was right, you were wrong.  You can't seem to own up to this. Silly brainwashed jew...

You also have as much claim to the land as I do to parts of Sub Saharan Africa.  Yes, jews were there at times, and many other people were there for much longer.  At certain times Muslims WERE PROTECTING THEM from cuckoo Christians and their crusades. Yes, that's right. :-)

As for the fundamentalist, I'll go back to my point. So what are your few square miles of dirt doing besides emboldening them and their youth with your vulgar force against a civilian populace?  You aren't stopping them in any way what so ever anywhere else in the world, nor concentrating their actions.  If anything you screw over countries that try and help you. No clue what the finance part was about.  Are you guys funding terror cells again?

And you said Israel would be nothing without America Aid and that is myth.  First of all, the amount of aid that Israel gets from the States amounts to maybe 2% of our gross national product (and that is a generate estimate).  Israel was successfully developing the dessert and defending herself just fine even before the US threw a dime our way and that is a fact.  Also, much of the "aid" goes to relocating Israelis that our government has kicked out of their homes (calculate 2,000 families kicked out of their homes in Gaza times 100,000 dollars for new home plus some money until they find work).  The rest goes to purchasing arms which we are required to purchase only from the US, so the "aid" goes right back into the US pockets (facts that are not disclosed when aid packages are discussed in the News).

At any rate, if the US would NOT give large amounts of aid and weapons to Israel's enemies then we would not need their aid either:

Again, I say that the US should keep their money for themselves.  They have enough of their own problems- homeless, mass immigration, jobless, unavailable medicare....

Israel will manage without US aid and so will our neighbors, as long as they don't do anything stupid, like try to attack us again....

And you still do not get it.  Jews have been here straight through for the last 3,500 years.  There was never a period here where there were no Jews.  I don't know if you have a claim to Africa or not and if you do, more power to you; move there.  But to deny Jewish claims to Israel like they do not exist or like they or neglible is historic ignorance and/ revisionism.  And much of the land in Israel was bought by Jews from Arabs.  That is FACT, my friend.  Maybe it pops holes in your "blood lusting Jews stole Palestinian land" theory, but that is life.

And once again you still do not get it.  Do you really think it is as simple as some loonie stapping on a belt an blowing himself up.  Guess what?  These "heroes" families get 25,000 dollars (aside from their 72 virgins) a pop from the Iranian government, as well as any of these cells other supporters for sending their kids to be "martyrs".  And there is training.  You think those terrorist were able to wake up one day and crash three planes into buildings?  You really are clueless.  And yes, Israel is the only liberal, democractic, western strong-hold in the middle of an Islamic Republic that intends to take over the world.  We are the only thing stopping them from having a uniform stronghold in the Middle East, which if they had, the terrorism happening around the world now would be a pleasant memory compared to what would await the rest of the western world....
Science and religion do NOT contradict one another, but are two truths." (from

"Religion without science is blind, but science without religion is lame." - Albert Einstein