Even according to the link you provided in the previous post, the US did not begin supplying Israel with weapons until after the Yom Kippur War and most of the money that had been given to Israel until that point were loans, rather than grants (which were all payed back) unlike those received from the US by Egypt who hasn't payed back any of the billions they have been granted to this very day.
At any rate, the War of Indepence took place in 1948 and Israel kicked the kahooties out of all the surrounding countries despite being outnumbered and having the most primitive of fighting equipment.
And Israel made the desert blossom long before 1951. Electricity already existed in Tel-Aviv as early as 1938. And a country can have all the foreign aid in the world, but without the know how it won't amount to anything as both Egypt and Jordan are living examples of.
Your the one repeating the same old propaganda. You are denying that any Jews lived in Palestine between 70AD and the 19th century, but any honest historian knows that is a bunch of donkey bookus. Jews have been living in this land consistently for the last 3,500 years. Some periods there were more and some periods there were less. And no small number of the Arabs who were here in 1948 only immigrated from the surrounding countries after the desert began to blossom from the blood and sweat of the Jewish pioneers. Don't take my word for it. Read From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters (not Jewish). So we have no less claim to this land than the "Palestinians", maybe more so.
If you think that these cells do not need finances to operate, than you are dumber than I thought. The Islamic fundamentalists "the true ones" have stated time and time again that their first goal is to Islamicize the Middle East and then afterwards to Islamicize the whole world. First they are concentrating most of their finances in the Middle East.
You are right about one thing though. One thing Israel has no control over is other countries immigration policies. If Europe and the rest of the western world open up their gates wide and open to all without checking every once in a while who comes in, then that is their business and problem.
I said US tax payers gave Israel free cash. You said you guys fought 4 wars before a dime was thrown your way. I was right, you were wrong. You can't seem to own up to this. Silly brainwashed jew...
You also have as much claim to the land as I do to parts of Sub Saharan Africa. Yes, jews were there at times, and many other people were there for much longer. At certain times Muslims WERE PROTECTING THEM from cuckoo Christians and their crusades. Yes, that's right. :-)
As for the fundamentalist, I'll go back to my point. So what are your few square miles of dirt doing besides emboldening them and their youth with your vulgar force against a civilian populace? You aren't stopping them in any way what so ever anywhere else in the world, nor concentrating their actions. If anything you screw over countries that try and help you. No clue what the finance part was about. Are you guys funding terror cells again?
And you said Israel would be nothing without America Aid and that is myth. First of all, the amount of aid that Israel gets from the States amounts to maybe 2% of our gross national product (and that is a generate estimate). Israel was successfully developing the dessert and defending herself just fine even before the US threw a dime our way and that is a fact. Also, much of the "aid" goes to relocating Israelis that our government has kicked out of their homes (calculate 2,000 families kicked out of their homes in Gaza times 100,000 dollars for new home plus some money until they find work). The rest goes to purchasing arms which we are required to purchase only from the US, so the "aid" goes right back into the US pockets (facts that are not disclosed when aid packages are discussed in the News).
At any rate, if the US would NOT give large amounts of aid and weapons to Israel's enemies then we would not need their aid either:
http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/egyptaid.htmlhttp://www.jordanembassyus.org/new/aboutjordan/uj1.shtmlhttp://faculty-staff.ou.edu/L/Joshua.M.Landis-1/syriablog/2004/07/us-foreign-aid-to-syria.htmhttp://voanews.com/english/2006-08-04-voa50.cfmAgain, I say that the US should keep their money for themselves. They have enough of their own problems- homeless, mass immigration, jobless, unavailable medicare....
Israel will manage without US aid and so will our neighbors, as long as they don't do anything stupid, like try to attack us again....
And you still do not get it. Jews have been here straight through for the last 3,500 years. There was never a period here where there were no Jews. I don't know if you have a claim to Africa or not and if you do, more power to you; move there. But to deny Jewish claims to Israel like they do not exist or like they or neglible is historic ignorance and/ revisionism. And much of the land in Israel was bought by Jews from Arabs. That is FACT, my friend. Maybe it pops holes in your "blood lusting Jews stole Palestinian land" theory, but that is life.
And once again you still do not get it. Do you really think it is as simple as some loonie stapping on a belt an blowing himself up. Guess what? These "heroes" families get 25,000 dollars (aside from their 72 virgins) a pop from the Iranian government, as well as any of these cells other supporters for sending their kids to be "martyrs". And there is training. You think those terrorist were able to wake up one day and crash three planes into buildings? You really are clueless. And yes, Israel is the only liberal, democractic, western strong-hold in the middle of an Islamic Republic that intends to take over the world. We are the only thing stopping them from having a uniform stronghold in the Middle East, which if they had, the terrorism happening around the world now would be a pleasant memory compared to what would await the rest of the western world....