squat...listen butterball...you have shown yourself to be just a dope, with a mediocre belief in the round earth system...how dumb or brainless do you have to be, to believe that 1000 trillion billion liters of water can stay ''glued" right next to the surface of a sphere, using a nonexistent attractive gravitation? How dumb can you be, since you have at your disposal the trajectories of the clouds which categorically and immediately contradict the theory which tells us that the Earth rotates around its own axis.
Both R. Norwood and J. Picard lied their butts off about the arcs they supposedly discovered; they only had to investigate any possible curvature across the English Channel...there ain't any...no curvature whatsoever over a distance of 34 km...

h = 3 m BD = 60.6
h = 5 m BD = 53
h = 10m BD = 40.4
h = 20m BD = 25.5
Even if we go to a height of 20 m (but the picture was taken well below that, we on the beach of Cap Gris Nez), we should have seen an ascending slope, and a midpoint obstacle of 22.4 meters; no such thing exists there.
Here are photographs of the White Cliffs of Dover, so that you can see what they look like:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/apeofjungle/2145058531/http://www.flickr.com/photos/orodreth_au/1472106076/http://www.flickr.com/photos/big-e-mr-g/129592362/Now, the best photographs ever taken of the English Channel, we are located RIGHT ON THE CAP GRIS NEZ BEACH:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/9979943/Dove-DoverThe photographers right there, preparing to take the second shot, called Shipspotting:

And now the ship being spotted:

A completely flat surface of the water, with the White Dover Cliffs seen in their entirety; no ascending slope, no midpoint curvature of 22.6 meters, no visual obstacle of 65 meters.
Let us now go over to the other side of the Atlantic, to the Big Apple.
On a round earth, we should see a rising slope, with a midpoint visual obstacle of 2.4 meters, but there is no such thing in these photos taken right on the Sandy Hook beach:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/23956233@N04/2890814609/in/photostream/http://www.flickr.com/photos/23956233@N04/2891651706/in/photostream/This is what Beamer Falls looks like, approximately 45 meters in height:
http://farm1.static.flickr.com/160/343037881_497327a9d6_o.jpgAnd now, one of the most fantastic photographs taken from Grimsby, right from the Beamer Falls Conservation Area:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/suckamc/53037827/One of the best proofs that there is no curvature over lake Ontario; from 45 meters, we need another 10 meters just to reach the top of the curvature, right in front of you, and then miss the bottom 65 meters of the buildings in Toronto (the visual obstacle). But there is no curvature, no midpoint 55 meter obstacle, the Toronto downtown buildings visible top to bottom.
My friends, do you like to be taken for dummies? Have you lost your minds to believe in a round earth fantasy which no scientific proof behind it? Look carefully at these pictures, they tell the story better than anything else.
thermalddt, don't try this stuff with me here...most photographs from Port Credit/Etobicoke are taken right from the beach itself, no ascending slope, no midpoint obstacle; the photographs from Hamilton are taken right there on the beach, no 195 visual obstacle, just a completely straight surface of the water.