The only other significant sacred cubit figure between 339.25 and 254.43 is 286.1 (the displacement factor of the Gizeh pyramid).
286.1 x 1.5 = 429.15
1762 63 km 2.59 km/year (83.9 arcseconds of precession)
1812 190.73 km 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds)
2024 509.8 km 1.5 km/ year (48.6 arcseconds)
1738 - 1762 24 year period
1762 - 1812 50 year period
1812 - 2024 212 year period
24 years with a precessional shift of 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds) - a total of 62.16 km (arclength)
50 years with a precessional shift of 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds) - a total of 129.5 km (arclength)
Total: 62.16 + 129.5 = 191.66 km
Most likely the figures are 63 km and 127.3, respectively (total of 190.3 km): it is a matter of simply counting the months also.
212 years with a precessional shift of 1.5 km/ year (48.9 arcseconds) - a total of 318 km (arclength).
24 + 50 + 212 =
286 years212 = 636/3
318.1 = 500 sc (sacred cubits)
127.132 = 200 sc
63 = 100 sc
509.8 = 800 sc
1762 63
1812 190.6
2024 509.8
Between 1738 and 1812, the precessional shift must have been much higher than today, at a rate of some 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds, where 83.9 sc = 53.4)
As another example, for a total of 261.8 years, the shift would measure 63 arcseconds; for a total of 260 years, the precession would amount to 63.63 arcseconds.
1738 age of Adam
1762 first great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, Olympians vs Titans (epic fight on Earth and in the zodiacal constellations; Olympians: Draco/Fenrir, Loki, Sirius, Chimera (Hydra + Leo), Cetus, Crab, Scorpius, Mushpar/Garuda - Titans: Orion, Apollo, Hyades, Pleiades, Hercules, Mars, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius)
1776 -1812 rule of the Titans, the Olympians are banished to Tartaros (Antarctica)
1812 great Deluge/Phaethon
A total of 286 years of history.
509.8 km - corresponding angle of 4.58333° (0.08 radians)
55° total angle of the solar orbit (27.5 x 2), solstice to solstice (Tropic to Tropic)
55° = 0.959931 radians
0.959931/11 = 0.08726646 = 0.2617994/3
318 km ~- corresponding angle of 2.861° ( for 317.8 km, believe it or not) (radius = 6,363.63 km as always)
4.58333 - 2.861 = 1.722
1.722/2 = 0.861
1.722 = 1.361 + 0.361
5.34 - 1.722 = 3.61767
63 km - corresponding angle of 0.567285° (~2.861/5)
127.3 km - corresponding angle of 1.1463° (2.861 x 4 = 11.444)
Gizeh pyramid: length of one half of a side of the base perimeter = 116.712 meters
With an angle of 27.5°, the opposing side will measure 53.4 meters.
Gizeh pyramid: length of one half of the diagonal of the base = 165.05 meters
With r = 165.05 we get very good results for each of the following angles: 4.58333°, 2.861°, 1.1463° and 0.567285° (direct relationships with the sacred cubit constants).
An illustration of the importance of the measure of the precessional shift (in arcseconds).
Let us suppose that this shift is equal to 53.4 arcseconds. This would correspond to an arclength of 349.266 km. Yes, 1/2.861 = 0.34953. However, the rate would measure 1.6475 km /year. So, we would have to find some kind of an explanation, such as invoking terrestrial refraction in order to modify the total angle (since the radius of 6,363.63 km is fixed and cannot be modified further) of 55°. Then, of course, the total length of chronological history would increase as well.
These kinds of calculations have never been done before, since almost no one believes that the surface of the Earth is flat, let alone someone having knowledge of the new radical chronology of history theory. Perhaps even Fomenko would look with disdain at these computations, since he believes that the entire history is some 1,000 years old; the only historian who would approve of these facts is Christoph Pfister, who did verify for himself that before 1700 AD there was no human presence on the territory of Switzerland and that the printing press was invented well after 1730 AD.
Why would the precessional shift (measured in arcseconds) come up to a value of some 48.9 arcseconds/year, instead of 50.2 arcseconds/year?
Because of the orbital variance theory: (uses the heliocentrical system as a context)
The 3 . 14 seconds is the mean deviation. The actual deviation, over time, is from 3.11 seconds to 3.17 seconds daily. In other words, the TIME required for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun (a year) decreases daily by the rate of 3.14 seconds (of time) and accumulates, annually, to approximately 18 minutes .