Advanced Flat Earth Theory

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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #750 on: August 19, 2023, 11:52:27 AM »

"The Hour will not be established till the sun rises from the west"

We know from the book of Enoch that the Sun rises from the East, sets beyond Antarctica and then rises again to reach its initial point of departure:

Before the Deluge, both Saturn (Blue Kachina) and Mars (Red Kachina) were seen in the sky emitting more light than the Sun, the view of Mars might have looked like this:

Harakhte is the Egyptian name for the western sun.

Ra-Horakhty is Aten, associated with Akhenaten (represented by planet Mars). Thor is actually Mars, while Tyr is Polaris (the North Star). Odin is Saturn.

The year of 360 days was used in conjunction with the 12 constellations, and five days were added. The calendar described in the book of Enoch has 364 days, where one such day is some four minutes longer than our present day. The calendar of the Gizeh pyramid, based on echinoxes/solstices, has not changed at all after the Deluge or any other cosmic conflagration: while the Earth is undergoing a magnetic pole reversal it is still stationary (the stellar Dome also shifts).

The astral body which will be seen risinig from the West will be either Blue Kachina or Red Kachina.

We know for sure that the radius of the Piri Reis map is 6,363.63 km, Charles Hapgood proved that fact while he had consulted with several noted mathematicians to help him out decipher the map (the circumference of the Earth (Flat or Globe); it must give the same value in both versions). (page 33 - the relationship between the value attributed to Erathosthenes and the radius of Piri Reis' map)



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #751 on: August 21, 2023, 02:34:05 AM »


Rahu, or ra's al-tinnin, and Ketu, or danab al-tinnin (pages 197-198, 201-205)


Vasuki becomes Rahu and Ketu, in the Vedic cosmology. However, Vasuki resembles the Hydra constellation to a greater degree.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #752 on: August 21, 2023, 07:52:21 AM »

When Arcturus (alpha Bootis, supposed to be an archer, Ursa Major being his bow) shoots down the North Nail with his arrow on the last day, the heaven will fall, crushing the earth and setting fire to everything [n1 U. Holmberg, Finno-Ugric and Siberian Mythology (1964), p. 221. See the drawing made by J. Turi in Das Buch des Lappen Turi (1912), plate XIV: Arc­turus = Favtna, Polaris/North Nail = Boaje-naste, or Bohinavlle.].

In fact, it is noted in Turi's Book Of Lapland that the three stars which make up the belt of Orion are also hunting for the North Star. And the Blue Kachina image looks like one of those stars:

Arcturus (in constellation Bootes). This particularly bright star (Alpha Bootis) is Icarius.

It is stated this Icarius, became Arcturus, while his dog, Maira, became Canicula (Procyon).

ARCTURUS.  The English word translated "Arcturus" is from Latin, and probably is Greek in origin.  In Hebrew, the word translated "Arcturus" is 'ayish or 'ash, which seems to be the old Hebrew word for the red planet.

FET: all of the stars which make up the twelve zodiacs signs are to be found about at the same distance from the surface of the Earth, and are ball lightning toruses.

In the Vedic cosmology/astrology, Abhijit is Vega and represents the magnetic north pole. Researchers could not explain why or how both Abhijit (magnetic pole) and Dhruva (North Star) could leave their place at the same time in the sky: the two stars signify two different phenomena which are linked by the end of a world age/epoch.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #753 on: August 23, 2023, 12:30:07 PM »

The largest object in the Universe, according to modern astronomy, is the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall, assumed to exist at a distance of some 10 billion light years. These astronomers seem to forget the calculation which had been carried out by none other than Wolfgang Pauli who stated that if the zero-point energy field does exist, then the radius of curvature of the universe measures only 31 km:

The red shift function is a measure of the density of the ether field.

Fenris is Gochihr (Rahu/Draco). Garm and Cerberus are also derived from Fenris (as is Orthrus, which is another description of Cerberus).

The older drawings of the Hercules constellation show Cerberus being held in a tight grip:

Originally, Orthrus had two heads:

Draco constellation features a flying serpent with a dragon's head: in some mythologies, Ursa Minor and Ursa Major were the wings of the dragon, while in others the head was that of a bear or of a wolf. Cerberus also has many serpents and the tail of a snake (very similar to Hydra, as an example).

The Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall is Gleipnir, the rope that holds Fenris in place:*c4ocaKvcKByX7VBqqWW3Mg.png

The GRB cluster at z = 2 appears to identify the presence of a larger angular structure that covers almost one-eighth of the sky. This encompasses half of the constellations of Bootes, Draco, and Lyra, and all of the constellations of Hercules and Corona Borealis.

The Hercules–Corona Borealis Great Wall, the largest known structure in the universe, covers a part of the southern region of Draco.

Fenris with Tyr as Aries (Tyr was also depicted as Polaris). Cetus is Midgard.

Hoag's object (Serpens Caput constellation) and Loki:

The Hyades constellation was thought to be another image of Fenris:

The signs that Gleipnir no longer can hold Fenris:

AT2018cow erupted in or near a galaxy known as CGCG 137-068, which is located about 200 million light-years away from Earth in the constellation Hercules.

On June 17, astronomers at the University of Hawaii’s Institute of Astronomy twin Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS) telescopes discovered an enormous, unprecedented bright flash in space that had just appeared in the heavens.
Supernovae typically take several weeks to develop but this flash, 10 to 100 times brighter than an average supernova, appeared in a region of space the astronomers had checked only two days before.

“It really just appeared out of nowhere,” said Kate Maguire at Queen’s University Belfast, part of the ATLAS team, to New Scientist.

The flares from Barnard's star (Ophiuchus constellation), 1998, 2005, 2019, almost the start of a supernova.

(image copyright: 1. Chris Johnsen 2. Istrander 3. Chris Johnsen)

« Last Edit: August 23, 2023, 12:35:38 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #754 on: August 24, 2023, 06:35:39 AM »

Midgard is Eridanus (Cetus) while Hel, the third offspring of Loki, is the Hydra constellation.

Before the fight between the Olympians and the Titans (Giants), which was won by the Titans (Ouranus was actually Zeus, and the same legend was repeated for Cronos, after the Deluge), there were no zodiacal constellations in the sky: the struggle between Scorpius and the Hunter, Midgard and Orion, Leo and Hydra, Hercules and Draco was enshrined in the form of star signs (ball lightning toruses) by the beings who had the supernatural power to accomplish this task (they could only access the first layer of the stars, the so-called zodiacal signs).

Sidereal zodiac dates:



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #755 on: August 26, 2023, 02:47:19 AM »

In an older version of Ragnarok, in the epic Lokasenna, it is Thor who will fight Fenris:

You will not be so brave when you fight the wolf Stanza 58

Another author writes:

Stanza 58. Here it appears that Thor was on his way to fight against the Fenris Wolf, as is also indicated in Voluspa stanza 56.

Tyr, as Polaris, takes part in the binding of Fenris with Gleipnir episode. Tyr, as Mars, will fight Garm (who is actually Fenris). But Thor is Mars. Vidar (Vitharr) has the same powers as Thundarr (Thor). So Fenris will fight twice: Odin first, and then Thor, two distinct events (which are separated by several months it seems).

Tartaros is Antarctica.

Thor already had fought Midgard before:

With regard to the vision of the Scorpion-Men by John of Patmos, here are more images:

They are also mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Why in the world would John of Patmos mention, make use of, the Epic of Gilgamesh (of all possible things)?



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #756 on: August 26, 2023, 11:18:12 AM »

In the original source for Ragnarok, Codex Regius, Thor will fight Fenris the Wolf; it is only later that in the Hauksbok manuscript Fenris is replaced by Midgard (orm instead of ulf). This happened most likely because of the fact that Fenris has a serpent body with a wolf's head in many instances:

Ragnarok and the Trojan War:



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #757 on: August 28, 2023, 08:49:20 AM »

The Lakota Indians mythology describes Sirius as being part of a Snake constellation:

It starts with Columba and Puppis, and ends in the Canis Major constellation.

Most of the legends ascribed to Sirius actually involve Procyon (Canis Minor).*.html

Procyon is Horus.

Rudra, in the Vedic cosmology is Betelgeuse (Orion constellation) and not Sirius.

In the Norse mythology, Sirius is Lokabrenna, or Loki's torch.

It is well-known that the Ouroboros symbol in astrology is exemplifed by the Ophiuchus constellation, however there seems to be another such symbol in the Canis Major constellation:

Both are related to the Galactic Center (Golden Gate) and respectively to the Galactic Anti-Center (Silver Gate).

The symbol of the Wolf biting its own tail:

Because the star Polaris is the tail of Ursa Minor, it depicts the tail of the Slavic wolf, attached to the hub of the heavens.

Sirius is also linked to Astraeus the Starry One:

(dog-star (kynos astraios) )

But planet Astra was located between Mars and Jupiter (Tiamat -> Rahu/Ketu).

Garuda is Anzu.

Ishum (Issum) is the Hyades constellation (it assists Erra/Mars/Sekhmet).

And there are two Rattlesnake constellations (one of them is well-known as the Pleiades, however the other one is not): (page 5)



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #758 on: September 04, 2023, 11:11:22 AM »

Radius of the FE: 6,363.63 km
Angle between the two Tropics: 0.959582 rad

However, in order to determine the entire length in years of world history we need to know the precession rate of the Sun (the value of which is a variable).

Currently, it is assumed that this rate is 50.29 arc seconds per year. However, using the orbital variance theory, this rate can have a value of between 49 arc seconds and 50.26 arc seconds per year. This is the reason why I chose the value of 0.0136111° for the precession (expressed in degrees):

This gives us a total of 336.56 years (1687 AD to present). By modifying the 49 arc seconds value slightly we can also arrive at the estimate of 339.25 years.

With 50.26 arc seconds, we get a total of 328.17 years (1695 AD).

Vedic cosmology uses 54 arc seconds:

Tnen, the total will be 305.44 years (1717 AD).

Here are the references that must guide us to arrive at the correct result:

-the 52 x 5 Round Mayan Calendar (260 years); this calendar is based on the Great Conjunctions between Jupiter and Saturn, where the starting and closing dates must be very near to the date of the solstices/equinoxes:

Then, 1762 + 260 = 2022. That is, we must go back at least to 1762 AD (March 18, 1762 and December 20, 2020 Great Conjunctions).

-the fact that on 800+ maps California is depicted as an island, up to the period 1802-1822 (thereafter, California is a peninsula).

Modern astronomy tells that the Great Comet of 1811 was the C/1811 F1 comet.

Not a chance.

On November 4, [William J.] Burchell (near the Vaal River about 50 miles west of present day Kimberly, South Africa) wrote, "as I lay waiting for sleep, and amusing myself in observing the constellations above my head, I noticed a faint nebulous star of the third magnitude, which I had not been used to see in that part of the heavens. Looking at it more attentively, it appeared plainly to be a comet." He said it was located in the tail of Aquila and formed a right triangle with Alpha Cygni and Alpha Lyrae.

"Note that Burchell's 04 Nov 1811 magnitude 3 comet in the tail of Aquila is approximately 35 degrees SSE from the ephemeris position for C/1811 F1 on the same date."

The C/1811 F1 comet was used a cover story for the planetary body which sprang forth and was first seen in the Aquila (Garuda) constellation.

Let us go back to the Navajo Indian mythology:

Garuda is Anzu, or Mushpar, perhaps it is even related to planet Vulcan:

Muspar (a fiery comet that loiters around the sun)

In the period 1811-1812 we had: a world war, two huge earthquakes (New Madrid and Ventura, CA), and thereafter the eruption of the Tambora volcano.

This author believes that the New Madrid earthquake was caused by a meteor strike from the Great Comet of 1811:

He also says that the Carolina Bays were caused by the same comet. However, in the official time chronology of geology, the Carolina Bays were formed some 9,000 to 10,000 years ago. Some authors also link the sinking of Atlantis (island next to Cuba) to the same period of time.

Did the island of California realign itself with the continent in 1811-1812? The maps certainly seem to indicate so.

Then, the Deluge and the myth of Phaethon coincide and did occur in the same interval of time.

The only problem with the Flood having occurred in 1811-1812 is the fact that the Deluge is linked to a Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn (the closest dates are 1802 and 1821).
« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 03:07:41 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #759 on: September 07, 2023, 04:43:34 AM »

The only other significant sacred cubit figure between 339.25 and 254.43 is 286.1 (the displacement factor of the Gizeh pyramid).

286.1 x 1.5 = 429.15

1762       63 km  2.59 km/year (83.9 arcseconds of precession)
1812       190.73 km 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds)
2024       509.8 km 1.5 km/ year (48.6 arcseconds)

1738 - 1762 24 year period
1762 - 1812 50 year period
1812 - 2024 212 year period

24 years with a precessional shift of 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds) - a total of 62.16 km (arclength)

50 years with a precessional shift of 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds) - a total of 129.5 km (arclength)

Total: 62.16 + 129.5 = 191.66 km

Most likely the figures are 63 km and 127.3, respectively (total of 190.3 km): it is a matter of simply counting the months also.

212 years with a precessional shift of 1.5 km/ year (48.9 arcseconds) - a total of 318 km (arclength).

24 + 50 + 212 = 286 years

212 = 636/3

318.1 = 500 sc (sacred cubits)

127.132 = 200 sc

63 = 100 sc

509.8 = 800 sc

1762  63
1812  190.6
2024  509.8

Between 1738 and 1812, the precessional shift must have been much higher than today, at a rate of some 2.59 km/ year (83.9 arcseconds, where 83.9 sc = 53.4)

As another example, for a total of 261.8 years, the shift would measure 63 arcseconds; for a total of 260 years, the precession would amount to 63.63 arcseconds.

1738 age of Adam

1762 first great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, Olympians vs Titans (epic fight on Earth and in the zodiacal constellations; Olympians: Draco/Fenrir, Loki, Sirius, Chimera (Hydra + Leo), Cetus, Crab, Scorpius, Mushpar/Garuda - Titans: Orion, Apollo, Hyades, Pleiades, Hercules, Mars, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius)

1776 -1812 rule of the Titans, the Olympians are banished to Tartaros (Antarctica)

1812 great Deluge/Phaethon

A total of 286 years of history.

509.8 km - corresponding angle of 4.58333° (0.08 radians)

55° total angle of the solar orbit (27.5 x 2), solstice to solstice (Tropic to Tropic)

55° = 0.959931 radians

0.959931/11 = 0.08726646 = 0.2617994/3

318 km ~- corresponding angle of 2.861° ( for 317.8 km, believe it or not) (radius = 6,363.63 km as always)

4.58333 - 2.861 = 1.722

1.722/2 = 0.861
1.722 = 1.361 + 0.361
5.34 - 1.722 = 3.61767

63 km - corresponding angle of 0.567285° (~2.861/5)

127.3 km - corresponding angle of 1.1463° (2.861 x 4 = 11.444)

Gizeh pyramid: length of one half of a side of the base perimeter = 116.712 meters

With an angle of 27.5°, the opposing side will measure 53.4 meters.

Gizeh pyramid: length of one half of the diagonal of the base = 165.05 meters

With r = 165.05 we get very good results for each of the following angles: 4.58333°, 2.861°, 1.1463° and 0.567285° (direct relationships with the sacred cubit constants).

An illustration of the importance of the measure of the precessional shift (in arcseconds).

Let us suppose that this shift is equal to 53.4 arcseconds. This would correspond to an arclength of 349.266 km. Yes, 1/2.861 = 0.34953. However, the rate would measure 1.6475 km /year. So, we would have to find some kind of an explanation, such as invoking terrestrial refraction in order to modify the total angle (since the radius of 6,363.63 km is fixed and cannot be modified further) of 55°. Then, of course, the total length of chronological history would increase as well.

These kinds of calculations have never been done before, since almost no one believes that the surface of the Earth is flat, let alone someone having knowledge of the new radical chronology of history theory. Perhaps even Fomenko would look with disdain at these computations, since he believes that the entire history is some 1,000 years old; the only historian who would approve of these facts is Christoph Pfister, who did verify for himself that before 1700 AD there was no human presence on the territory of Switzerland and that the printing press was invented well after 1730 AD.

Why would the precessional shift (measured in arcseconds) come up to a value of some 48.9 arcseconds/year, instead of 50.2 arcseconds/year?

Because of the orbital variance theory: (uses the heliocentrical system as a context)

The 3 . 14 seconds is the mean deviation.  The actual deviation, over time, is from 3.11 seconds to 3.17 seconds daily. In other words, the TIME required for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun (a year) decreases daily by the rate of 3.14 seconds (of time) and accumulates, annually, to approximately 18 minutes .



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #760 on: September 07, 2023, 02:17:09 PM »

Both celestial charts feature Thuban (Alpha Draconis) as the Pole Star. In the official chronology of history and also in modern astronomy, Thuban was the Pole Star some four thousand years ago. Both maps do not make any sense at all, given the period in which they had been created (Renaissance), where Polaris was the North Star. Why would both Hondius and De Wit use Thuban as the Pole Star? Where is the outcry from the other astronomers of the day?

The maps by De Wit or Hondius (till 1640 at least) are accompanied by a stellar chart, where Thuban of Draco is the pole star. The changing of the place of the East and the reversing of the maps happened before Polaris of the Little Dipper became the pole star.

Earlier we have seen how the Great Bear came "bowing down" and was replaced by Polaris as the Pole Star.

Thuban -> Dhruva (Great Bear)
Dhruva -> Polaris

With respect to the previous message, even the figure of 2.12° (0.037 radians) is related to sacred cubit constants.

2.12° - 235.46 km (arclength)

381/235.46 = 1.618

There are two Kalki Avatar characters: Krishna/Skanda (Mars, Thor) and Thule/Vril.

But when Lord Shri Krishna will incarnate as Kalki, then only he will return the gem of Ashwathama after ending Kalyug. And Ashwathama will also help Lord Kalki in establishing Dharma.

Some prophecies suggest that Krishna will appear as Kalki, the final avatar of Vishnu, riding a white horse to bring an end to darkness and restore righteousness.

India, photographs in Calcutta taken in 1863 AD:



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #761 on: September 08, 2023, 04:24:58 AM »

Star charts (Aratus, Durer, Cellarius)

Even more examples here: (pg 5 9 14)

Dhruva was the constellation Shisumara (Draco). And the Great Bear came "bowing down" together with this star, and was not the Pole Star.

Location of Pole star (Dhruva) appears to have changed from earlier Puranic reference from tail of Shishumara (Draco) to tail of Ursa Minor (Current Polaris) and this supported Meru concept instead of Shishumara as hub of cosmos. pg 84

Saturn (Kewan) fought against the general of the generals, the Pole Star.

Therefore, we can simplify even further the succession of events as they relate to the Pole Star:

Thuban -> Polaris (most probably during the Deluge)

The most renowned stellar chart makers did identify Thuban as the Pole Star during the Renaissance, it is only that the Renaissance occurred some 200 years later in time (18th century).

« Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 04:28:21 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #762 on: September 09, 2023, 08:43:45 AM »

Here is the video taken in May of 2022: (the video is not fake, the effects of the ringtone can be observed at 1:16 - 1:23; it was seen by perhaps a few dozen people and was forgotten the very next day - after a few hours, the Sphinx did open its eyes as before)

The entire episode might be a reference to W.B. Yeats' poem The Second Birth (The Second Coming).

Armilustrium (end of October)

Galactic Gate #1 (12/1 - 12/21)

Tubilustrium (end of March)

Galactic Gate #2 (6/1 - 6/21)

The first three events have been described in Egyptian texts and are synonymous with the Orion Nebula, Sagittarius A and the Cygnus constellation. A cosmic occurrence which takes place during Armilustrium means that it will not arise in the time of Tubilustrium (if it does come about in the midst of Tubilustrium, it will not happen at Armilustrium). Example: if Blue Kachina is seen during the autumn of some year, and nothing happens on Armilustrium then Red Kachina will appear during Tubilustrium.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #763 on: November 12, 2023, 03:27:19 PM »

Take a bag (container/bottle) with holes, filled with water, and drop it in free fall. The water will stop pouring out of the holes. Therefore, the conventional weight formula, W = mg is totally false (not to mention disingenuous). The weight of an object, in FET, is given totally by the absorbing vortices of the dextrorotatory subquarks of an atom, there are nine dextrorotatory subquarks which make up a single electron (graviton). An object at rest is no longer influenced by the downward cosmic rays (subquarks), its weight a wholly a measure of the absorbing vortices of the dextrorotatory subquarks.

Mass, as in the definition of the visible amount of matter, is an antigravitational property: it is the laevorotatory subquarks which provide the mass itself, they are totally antigravitational, they have emissive vortices. The dark matter, the hidden dextrorotatory subquarks provide the weight of the object. The positrons do not contribute to the weight of an object, only the gravitons do so (electron = graviton).

Weight is measured in kg (kilograms) for an object at rest, NOT in newtons.

Why then does the acceleration of the downward cosmic rays (subquarks) equals exactly the true density (pi squared or 9.86 as a value) figure? During free fall, the object weighs nothing at all: the dextrorotatory subquarks no longer absorb aether, therefore the density becomes normal again (d instead of Δ, where Δ = 9.86d) so these cosmic rays which penetrate matter will provide that necessary figure of 9.86 during the free fall. As soon as the object is at rest, the density of the subquarks reasserts itself, while the object is no longer subject to the influence of the cosmic rays, weight is then measured in kilograms (or grams). Starting from atomic mass and atomic density, using Avogrado's number, we can incorporate the 9.86 figure into the final formula.

The units of weight for an object at rest are kilograms not newtons. The downward cosmic rays will penetrate the falling object to provide immediately the Δ figure of 9.86 (the dextrorotatory subquarks of the object will align themselves vertically with the cosmic rays).

Neutrons and protons/electrons from a subquark point of view:

can weight be defined in terms of avogadro number

The atomic mass unit (amu or simply u) is the 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom. Avogadro's number (NA=6.022×10^23) is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of 12C.'s_Number_and_the_Mole

Another property of Avogadro’s number is that the mass of one mole of a substance is equal to that substance’s molecular weight.

The mass of an atom is determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. It is usually expressed in atomic mass units (amu).

The atomic number density (N; atoms/cm3) is the number of atoms of a given type per unit volume (V; cm3) of the material.

The atomic weight of a helium atom (4.002) is approximately four times that of an individual hydrogen atom (1.007), but since gaseous hydrogen is a diatomic molecule containing two hydrogen atoms (H2), helium gas is only twice as heavy as hydrogen gas.

The value of the mass number of hydrogen is 1, while the mass number of the helium is 4. Considering the mass number, the helium is four times heavier than that of the hydrogen element.
A helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule.

A light interferometer is actually a display of the existence of gravitational waves since the Coriolis effect is connected to terrestrial gravity, and the electromagnetic light waves and the gravitational waves travel in double fashion: a deflection of the gravitational waves will show up as the deflection of the light beam. The Sagnac effect, by contrast, is totally an electromagnetic effect, related to the speed of the velocity of the light beams.

Physics of the barometer tube:

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 03:44:14 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #764 on: November 12, 2023, 11:45:26 PM »

The formula W=mg is always wrong. An object in free fall registers no weight at all, yet it is at that very point that the g force is active upon the object. An object at rest is not subject to the g force, g = 0, and yet the full weight would be registered by a scale.

The correct formula is:

W = VΔ, WHERE Δ = 9.86 x d (d = density), V is the volume

The density is actually 9.86 x d, since we have nine dextrorotatory subquarks which make up the electron (graviton) and there are also connecting tubes:

Let us remember that the weight of a column of air of one square meter would register 100,000 newtons on a scale. All scales would be destroyed, no one would be able to breathe at all. Here all factors are taken into consideration (the air beneath the scale, the pressure in the lungs):

In FET theory we have the following figures:

Weight of a subquark (electron) with dextrorotatory receptive vortex:

9.06 x 10-31 kg

Weight of an antiboson:

6.36 x 10-41 kg

Radius of a boson:

3.39 x 10-35 m

Radius of the aparabindu:

5.34 x 10-38 m

Strings are to be found at the Planck level (strings are made up of bosons and antibosons). Below the Planck scale, we have the smallest particles: the aparabindu and the parabindu.

In this paper, where they went all the way to the 10-48 m scale, they are using the wrong formula for the distance Earth -  GRB 041219A galaxy; the distance is actually some 25-30 km (let us remember Pauli's calculation for the radius of curvature of the Universe at 31 km, if ether does exist): (the grains are the bosons and antibosons)

The aparabindu looks like this:

The amount of aether being absorbed by a boson/subquark depends on the size of the square shaft of the subterranean chamber: (those are royal cubits, not sacred cubits)

« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 11:47:51 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #765 on: November 13, 2023, 08:06:15 AM »

There are 14 billion bosons (photons, bubbles of light) in a subquark. The number of the antibosons (bosons which produce more darkness/aether/stillness instead of light/ether/sound) is six times as much.

"The six little bodies are arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles that are not interchangeable. The lines in the diagram of the atom on the gaseous sub-plane, Fig. 1. are not lines of force, but show the two triangles; on a plane surface the interpenetration of the triangles cannot be clearly indicated. "

Those are 30 - 60 - 90 triangles (ratio of the sides 1 - √3 - 2).

The atomic density number must be multiplied by π2: nine subquarks and the connecting tubes.

π2 - 9 = 0.8696, for a sacred cubit of 0.63662 units.

With a sacred cubit of 0.63673 unit we get π2 - 9  = √3/2 ~= 1.361sc.

"Estimating the distance between successive bubbles as about six times the width of a bubble..."

14 x 6 = 84 billion antibosons per subquark

84 is our old friend: 84sc = 53.4

Total density: π2

84 x √3/2 = 72.746, which is quite amazing.

The missing apex of the Gizeh pyramid measures exactly 286.1 sacred inches, or 7.27 meters.

Those additional 72.7 billion antibosons form the sides (tubes) of the triangles connecting the subquarks of the hydrogen atom.

2y + √3y + y = 72.7/2

y = 7.68

√3y = 26.6/2, where of course we recognize the five sacred ratios: 26.7 - 53.4 - 80 - 136.1 - 534.

Now we know where the √3/2 figure contribution to the 9.86 total density number comes from.

No one has ever asked a FE this question about the g-force: if you agree that the object placed on a flat surface is not subject to the g-force, then where does the 9.86 discrepancy figure come from? Now, this question can be answered.

Garuda, the Firebird, the only planet/comet which can orbit the Sun very closely:
The 3:18 image captured the Winged Disc, the prior and later images did not have this rare capture. Per Skymap, only the planet Mercury should be in the four o'clock position on that day, to the right of the Sun.

This is not Nibiru. Nibiru is associated with Canopus, Saturn (in Aquarius/Cygnus) and Mars.

Garuda of great splendour, enkindling all the points of the universe, that mighty being endued with strength, that bird capable of assuming at will any form, of going at will everywhere, and of calling to his aid at will any measure of energy. Effulgent like a heap of fire, he shone terribly. Of lustre equal to that of the fire at the end of the Yuga, his eyes were bright like the lightning-flash. And soon after birth, that bird grew in size and increasing his body ascended the skies. Fierce and vehemently roaring, he looked as terrible as second Ocean-fire. (Mahabharata)

In the Persian mythology, Garuda is Muespar.

Muspar (a fiery comet that loiters around the sun)



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #766 on: March 25, 2024, 12:11:06 AM »

On November 4, [William J.] Burchell (near the Vaal River about 50 miles west of present day Kimberly, South Africa) wrote, "as I lay waiting for sleep, and amusing myself in observing the constellations above my head, I noticed a faint nebulous star of the third magnitude, which I had not been used to see in that part of the heavens. Looking at it more attentively, it appeared plainly to be a comet." He said it was located in the tail of Aquila and formed a right triangle with Alpha Cygni and Alpha Lyrae.

"Note that Burchell's 04 Nov 1811 magnitude 3 comet in the tail of Aquila is approximately 35 degrees SSE from the ephemeris position for C/1811 F1 on the same date."

"In 1893 Norbert Herz reported what seems to have been evidence of a significant pertubation to the orbit of the Great Comet of 1811(6). Quoting Herz: "In general, if a comet is not perturbed by external forces, only one orbit, be it parabolic, elliptic, or hyperbolic, can be derived from the observations [of the comet]. But a single curve cannot be found for the comet of 1811 which will satisfy the observations.""

What did happen to the C/1811 F1 AQUILA comet?

On this open bank, where the ground was perfectly dry, I passed the night ; and as I lay waiting for sleep, and amusing myself in observing the constellations above my head, I noticed a faint nebulous star of the third magnitude, which I had not been used to see in that part of the heavens. Looking at it more attentively, it appeared plainly to be a comet. Its situation, as well as I could then determine by the eye, was southward from alpha Lyrce , and near the tail of Aquila : alpha Cygni , alpha Lyrce , and the comet, forming a right-angled triangle. It was in that part of its orbit approaching the sun ; and, on the 22d of the month, was so far advanced in its perihelium, as to be no longer visible.

Did any one in Cape Town observe a comet which I first perceived on the 30th of October, near the constellation Lyra? By the 20th of November it was so near to the sun that it was no longer visible.

Comet C/1811 F1 Aquila was orbiting at a 90 degree angle in the opposite direction of the trajectory of comet C/1811 F1 (which was orbiting towards the Capricorn constellation). Already, by November 22 1811, it was reaching the Scorpio constellation next to Hercules, when it was no longer visible.

Now, comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was discovered by the astronomer Jean Louis Pons on July 12 1812 in the Camelopardalis constellation. It just appeared out of nowhere in the night sky.

Comet C/1811 F1 Aquila was orbiting in the same direction: it was no longer visible on November 22 1811, where did it go? It is more than likely that it did appear some nine months later in the Camelopardalis constellation and was thought to be a new comet (comet 12P/Pons-Brooks).

The astronomers who try to identify comet 12P/Pons-Brooks with comets C/1385 U1 and C/1457 A1 have no knowledge of the fact that the Deluge did occur in 1762 AD (year of the great Saturn-Jupiter conjunction), or that California was an island until 1812 AD, or that the huge New Madrid earthquake was caused by a meteor which was accompanying comet C/1811 F1 Aquila.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2024, 12:17:02 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #767 on: March 30, 2024, 06:52:20 AM »

According to the official astronomical data, comet C/1811 F1 Aquila (12P/Pons-Brooks) is ten times the size of the Apophis asteroid.

The sources for all of the comets are: saturnian comets (Saturn conflict with Jupiter), jovian comets (Jupiter conflict with Tiamat) and those generated by Garuda (sungrazing comets).

The April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse would be of significance if, and only if, the summer solstice would fall right on that date: then, both the Sun and the Dark Mihr would go beyond the northern Tropic, an extended solar eclipse.

The orbit of comet 12P/Pons-Brooks would be of significance if, and only if, there will be a tidal disruption event for this sungrazing comet. Important dates: April 21 (perihelion), May 19-20 when it crosses the Eridanus river and gets very close to Rigel (in astrological terms, there is an orchard in the stars of the Eridanus constellation which makes up about a third of its stars, called the Heliades), and the second half of June.

Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks can be linked to the Northern June Aquilids meteor shower, which, remarkably, originate in the Aquila constellation. This is called the F3 filament. The F3 filament was at the origin of the F1 filament (kappa draconids), exactly as did happen in the month of November in 1811, when William J. Burchell had observed comet 12P/Pons-Brooks in the region of the Aquila constellation.

There was a tidal disruption event then in the month of November of the year 1811, the very origin of comet C/1811 F1 Aquila (comet 12P/Pons-Brooks).

There are plenty of researchers who have posted ample video and written material on these events (the April 8 total solar eclipse and comet 12P/Pons-Brooks), yet none of them were able to link/connect comet C/1811 F1 Aquila to comet 12P/Pons-Brooks.

Garuda, video and image:

A new sungrazing comet in the southern sky:
« Last Edit: March 30, 2024, 06:55:09 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #768 on: March 31, 2024, 01:29:43 PM »

The eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883 was caused by the comet C/1811 F1 Aquila (comet 12P/Pons-Brooks).

"In 1883, on the 12th and 13th of August, Mexican astronomer José A. y Bonilla observed several objects passing in front of the solar disk.

Our working hypothesis is that what Bonilla observed in 1883 was a highly fragmented comet, in an approach almost flush to the Earth’s surface.

During these days Bonilla observed 447 bodies crossing the solar disc.

During 1883 two comets were seen: 1883 I (Brooks-Swift) and 1883 II (Pons-Brooks) (Cincinnati Observatory, 1885). The fragmenting of any of the two comets some months or years before 1883 could explain Bonilla’s objects.

On the other hand, the slanting of the orbit of the Pons-Brooks comet with respect to the ecliptic was of 74° (Cincinnati Observatory, 1885), which would mean an angle between 7° and 39° with respect to the North. If we take the greater angle, this would coincide with Bonilla’s observations."

What no one is asking is this question: when did the comet 12P/Pons-Brooks undergo a tidal disruption event? That stream of meteors which had accompanied the comet in 1883 is still there. Comet C/1811 F1 Aquila did experience a tidal disruption event in the month of November, 1811, as we know. The meteor which did hit the New Madrid fault, the realignment of the island of California with the continent, the Tambora volcanic eruption were caused by this comet.

In 1861, another Kreutz sungrazer, was the cause of the largest volcanic eruption ever recorded in Africa (Dubbi).
In 1954, comet C/1811 F1 Aquila (12P/Pons-Brooks) came to perihelion again, but no meteors were observed as they were in 1883 (huge floods in China and notable volcanic eruptions in Hawaii and New Zealand, and the most severe winter ever recorded in eastern Europe with five meters of snow in the month of February).

Therefore, if there is another tidal disruption event, a similar event like that which had occurred in 1811, then a large volcanic eruption might happen (Pacific Rim or the Mediterranean Sea) again (like those in 1815 and 1883).

G (the gravitational constant) is just a ratio.

6.6666 x 10-11 = 9.06472 x 10-11/1.3597

9.06472, of course, is the Lehmer pairs constant or 2π/ln2.

The ether density constant is μ0 or the vacuum permeability.

μ02 = π2 x 3/1250 x G

The radius of the H atom is 5.34 x 10-11, and not 5.29 x 10-11.

G = 1.25 x 5.34 x 10-11

G is a dimensionless constant.

The telluric currents propagate in the shape of Riemann zeta waves. G is related to the spacing of the gravitons and antigravitons which comprise the ether (subquark strings or telluric currents). This spacing is related to the 2π/ln2 figure (the Eta function constant) and also to the radius of the H atom.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2024, 02:09:10 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #769 on: April 01, 2024, 01:56:43 PM »

Le Verrier, 1859:

Lescarbault, 1959

Russell, 1860

(1876). An Intra-Mercurial Planet. Nature, 14(362):505

Covington, 1860

Lummis, 1862

Coumbary, 1865

Swift and Watson, 1878:

In fact, Swift and Watson (two oustanding American observational astronomers) had declared that they had seen TWO intra-mercurial planets (that's Garuda and its main satellite).

Then, after 1882, there were no more astronomical observations.

In a paper published just three days ago, Michael Lund of CalTech proposes that Garuda (Vulcan) had changed its orbit following the interaction with the great comet of 1882 and also comet Wells (1882):

"Simply put, Vulcan is no longer on the orbit that it was as of the middle of the 19th century, but is on an inclined orbit that would have placed it close to the sun, but outside of the narrow band alignedwith the sun’s equator that Campbell (1909) focused on."

"The first possibility, and the more straight forward one, is that Vulcan underwent a close gravitational interaction that significantly changed its orbit somewhere between
roughly 1880 and 1900."

"This provides the alternative possibility that through the von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai mechanism, Mercury was able to significantly excite the orbital inclination of Vulcan, resulting in Vulcan rarely being in line with the sun’s equator and outside the region that intramercurial planet searches had deliberately targeted."

He also notes that Einstein did not explain "the observations that had been made of Vulcan".

In fact, Le Verrier's original calculations stand correct, since the equations provided by GTR cannot be used to analyze dynamical systems:

Then, starting about 2003, Garuda became active again and numerous photographs and videos were published depicting the FireBird next to the Sun.

The relationship between the great comet of 1882, comet Wells of 1882, great comet of 1880 and the great comet of 1843 (all sungrazers controlled by Garuda, the source of all sungrazing comets):

Heinrich Kreutz studied the orbits of the three great comets, and developed the idea that the three comets were fragments of a much larger progenitor comet which had broken up at an earlier perihelion passage. The fragmentation of the Great Comet of 1882 itself demonstrated that this was plausible.

The legendary fight between Sirius (Tistrya/Tishtrya) and Garuda (Pairika/Mus Pairik):

« Last Edit: April 01, 2024, 02:01:11 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #770 on: April 08, 2024, 11:21:21 PM »

« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 11:23:10 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #771 on: April 10, 2024, 01:07:55 AM »

That Mayan pyramid is Chichen Itza. The most important date relating to the pyramid at Chichen Itza is May 20 (great Sun-Pleiades conjunction):

The last step in the pyramid represents the year 2019, the month of November (solar transit of Mercury): (the analysis is from 2015)

Let us notice that the Great Seal can also be a reference to the 1776 solar transit of Mercury (bottom step being the 1769 solar transit). The thirteen step pyramid points to the year 2012 (1756-2012, Mayan calendar, explained earlier). Then 2012 + 7 = 2019, again (2019 is another year for the Mercury transit, as are 2006 and 2016).

While the eye is associated with the Orion constellation, we can also find in that same astronomical region the Pleiades, the Hyades, Aldebaran and the Eridanus river.

There will be a transit of the river Eridanus by comet 12P/Pons-Brooks (which is actually comet C/1811 F1 Aquila) on May 19-20: there will be problems if and only if there is a tidal disruption event (just like in the month of November in 1811); it will also pass very close to Rigel. Problems = meteors of comet 12P/Pons-Brooks.

The Sun is in opposition with the zenith of the Pleiades during winter (in the northern semiplane); conversely, the Sun is aligned with the zenith of the Pleiades on May 20.*wseYQsOkrYytmxRZS5Uwfg.jpeg

« Last Edit: April 11, 2024, 08:36:42 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #772 on: June 14, 2024, 10:24:43 AM »

The Weyl-Ivanov formula can be derived using only our knowledge of the concept of the density of subquarks.


For the antigravitational effects to be seen, we need to first fill the FA-MI boson interval, and then create the force necessary to either have the laevorotatory subquarks emit 5.34x9.86 times as much aether as before, or supply the 5.34x9.86 density number of subquarks from the telluric currents. That is, we need to increase the density of the laevorotatory subquarks: first we activate the FA-MI boson interval from an inertial state, then once we reach this barrier, supply the necessary L-subquarks (antigravitons) from an outside source.

FA-MI interval

But in the three thicker wires of the atom there is a very slight difference. The seven bubbles no longer fit exactly under one another, as it were, if one looks along or through the wire endwise; in 100 "spirillae of the lowest order" there ought to be just 700 bubbles; so there are in the seven thinner, coloured wires, but in the three thicker wires there are 704. So the increase is at present 1 in 175. And the same curious little increase holds good in the relation of the different orders of spirillae, In the thinner wires exactly 7 spirillae of one order make 1 of the next higher order, so that 700 "b"s make exactly 100 "a"s and so on; but in the thicker wires 704 "b"s go to 100 '"a"s. and the same curious proportion all through.

Those extra bosons represent the FA-MI interval (the SI-DO interval is already activated). They only become active and start the antigravitational phenomenon (activated laevorotatory subquark or dextrorotatory subquark) if the barrier is reached.

That barrier has been described as the density of ether or the permeability constant:

The value of k can be derived experimentally, using capacitors.

Here is the Weyl-Ivanov formula: (page 10)

On page 6 an even more generalized formula is derived, where gz = G^1/2 x V.

At the Honda Institute, an equivalent formula was obtained using mkgs units:

Then, at gz = 2.86g the first results should be seen, as exemplified here:

Full antigravitational effects would be obtained at gz = 5.34g = 5.34x9.86.

The voltage can be calculated using Avogadro's number (kg - g - mole - Na - positron/volt conversions).

It is to be noted that positive electricity (bosons) flow through positrons (antigravitons) and not electrons (gravitons). Negative electricity (gravity) flows through electrons/gravitons.

Dextrorotatory subquarks can increase the weight of an object only if they pass through that object itself: the 5.34g density of subquarks forms a ball lightning torus/sphere around the object.

One amp is defined as 6.28 x 10^18 electrons per second.
1 volt is an EMF of 6.24 X 10^18 electrons.
The atomic mass unit (amu or simply u) is the 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom. Avogadro's number (NA=6.022×10^23) is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of 12C.
To obtain the mass of 2 moles of water, we simply the number of moles by molar mass: 2 moles X [2(1) + 16]g/mole = 36 g. Note that to get the molar mass of a compound, we simply add up the masses of the individual atoms, so the molar mass of water is 18 g/mole.
Avogadro's number, number of units in one mole of any substance (defined as its molecular weight in grams), equal to 6.02214076 × 10^23. The units may be electrons, atoms, ions, or molecules, depending on the nature of the substance and the character of the reaction (if any).
The atomic mass unit (amu or simply u) is the 1/12 of the mass of a 12C atom. Avogadro's number (NA=6.022×10^23) is the number of atoms contained in 12 g of 12C.'s_Number_and_the_Mole
Another property of Avogadro’s number is that the mass of one mole of a substance is equal to that substance’s molecular weight.
The mass of an atom is determined by the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. It is usually expressed in atomic mass units (amu).
The atomic number density (N; atoms/cm3) is the number of atoms of a given type per unit volume (V; cm3) of the material.
helium - 2 pro 2 neu 2 ele = 18 + 18 + 2x18 where 2 Lsub and 1 Dsub in arrangement of three subqk
The atomic weight of a helium atom (4.002) is approximately four times that of an individual hydrogen atom (1.007), but since gaseous hydrogen is a diatomic molecule containing two hydrogen atoms (H2), helium gas is only twice as heavy as hydrogen gas.
The value of the mass number of hydrogen is 1, while the mass number of the helium is 4. Considering the mass number, the helium is four times heavier than that of the hydrogen element.
A helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2024, 10:27:59 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #773 on: June 14, 2024, 02:00:42 PM »

"And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening †on the extremity of the great chariot† in the west]
And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light."

This quote from the Book of Enoch is not included in all editions.

Thus far, the sun rising from the west meant that its orbit will reach beyond the Tropic for 75 days (636 meters diameter, 1.5 km/yr westward precessional shift), and then it will return for an astronomical reset (another 75 days, total of 150 days).

The above quote, however, implies much more. It says that the entire unit comprised of six gates will rotate as well, together with the Sun, in a westward direction.

Here is the current situation:

Distance on the Piri Reis map between the tropics: 6,105.6 kilometers (angle of 54.97°, radius of 6,363.63 km). We rotate the two Tropics for an angle of 23.5 degrees: sun rises from beyond the first dome, next to Japan, it sets in Antarctica and then at once rises again.

Alloted interval for solar precession: 508.8 km

When the Sun will reach the outer limit of its orbit, the entire six gates unit (together with the Sun) will rotate most likely at a rate of 30 km/day (same as now, one gate has 1,017.6 km, with 30 windows one for each day) in a westward direction, to the left: it will reach the North Pole, then travel further to the west until the six gates unit will attain a 23.5 degree with the horizontal diameter, like this:

6,105.6 km - 54,97° - 180 days
2,618.05 km - 23,57° - 77 days
1,272.6 km -11,458° - 37,5 days
Circumference: 39,983.866 km
39,983.866 / 4 = 9,995.9666 km

At a rate of 30 km/day, the remaining magnitude of the arc of the circle to the North Pole measures 1,272.6 kilometers (37.5 days).

Then, the concept of the sun rising from the west will have a more complete meaning.

It is said that before the cosmic conflagrations, there was only one season, spring: this means that the tropics and equator had a totally horizontal position, and then the entire six gates unit moved/rotated for an angle of 23.5 degrees.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #774 on: June 17, 2024, 12:41:21 AM »

As soon as the quarks had been discovered theoretically (1964) and experimentally (1967-1973), the density formula should have been changed at once. It is beyond belief and beyond understanding that not one of the physicists at that time had thought to himself: protons and neutrons are made up of quarks, that means that the density formula must change as well by a factor of 3.

This is from the chemistry and physics textbooks:

The density of an object is the mass of the object compared to its volume. The equation for density is: Density = mass/volume or D = m/v. Each substance has its own characteristic density because of the size, mass, and arrangement of its atoms or molecules.

The density of elements in the periodic table is a measure of the number of atoms and their mass when they occupy a certain volume of space.

And if that "arrangement" of atoms is modified, should not the density formula  be changed as well? Protons and neutrons consist of quarks, electrons are made up of preons.

W = mg = V x D x g in 1963

W = mg = V x D1 x g/3 where D1 = 3D in 1964 (1967-1973)

The remaining factor of g/3 = 3.28666 should have immediately reminded the physicists that quarks themselves are also made up of three smaller physical entities and that the connecting strings account for the decimal part (0.28666 or the 0.86 factor in 9.86). (subquarks and preons)

The g formula has nothing to do with "attractive" gravity, it is simply a description of the DENSITY at the quantum level (nine subquarks and 0.86 factor).

W = VΔ, WHERE Δ = 9.86 x d (d = density)

The g "force" in aviation is due to the greater quantity of aether being absorbed by the gravitons (electrons) or dextrorotatory vortices which of course will increase the weight. Let us remember that using the appropriate voltage for a capacitor can either increase or decrease its weight (the Biefeld-Brown effect).

« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 12:44:15 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #775 on: June 17, 2024, 09:01:25 AM »

The weight of the proton is given by its quarks and bosons (gluons). The bosons form the connecting strings/lines between the quarks. If a charm quark is forced to absorb more aether than usual, it will become heavier than the proton itself.

Before 1964, the weight of an object is given as mg, where m = V x D (atomic level). After 1964, the weight of the object is mg/3, where m = V x D1 (quark level), D1 = 3D. After 1996 (when the subquark was detected at Fermilab), the formula becomes: W = V x D2, where D2 = 9.86D.

The more energetically you interact with a proton — and, remember, that high energy corresponds to short wavelengths, short distances, and short timescales — the denser this sea of internal particles appears to be.

E5 (ether level 5) is the Hydrogen atom. The weight formula before 1964 uses this kind of atomic density. W = mg, where m = V x D (D, density at the atom level)

E2 (ether level 2) is the quark level of the Hydrogen atom. The weight formula after 1964 should have immediately reflected this new information: W = mg/3, where m = V x D1 (D1 = 3D), D1 is the density at the quark level.

E1 (ether level 1) is the subquark level of the Hydrogen atom. The weight formula after 1996 should have been modified again, for the final form: W = V x D2 where D2 = 9.86D, D2 is the density at the subquark level.

The weight of an object registers the nine dextrorotatory subquarks (gravitons/electrons) which absorb aether, and the density of the connecting lines of bosons.

Why 9.86 and not 9.81?

Riemann zeta function sound waves are the strong nuclear force:

« Last Edit: June 17, 2024, 09:05:36 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #776 on: September 19, 2024, 02:24:53 AM »

In Greek mythology, Ares is accompanied by Phobos, Deimos and Eris (Discordia, sister of Ares). The sister of Aplu (Apollo) is Artemis, while now we know that Nergal represented both Apollo and Mars.

The original name for the Wormwood comet in revelation 8 is Artemisia Absinthium.

For the Aztecs, Eris was Toci (Mixcoatl is Tezcatlipoca or the Orion constellation, Quetzalcoatl is the dragon with wings or the Taurus constellation and Xolotl is either Sirius B or Procyon).

Few people remember that the earthquake which had occurred on December 26, 2004 in the Indian Ocean was caused by the explosion of the SGR 1806-20 magnetar (Dec. 27, day it was observed).

The SGR 1806-20 magnetar is located in the Sagittarius constellation, which is located right next to the Aquila constellation (see the discussion on this page).

COMET HALLEY: Hydra constellation (sep. 2024 - june 2025)

COMET HALE-BOPP: Octans constellation (oct. 2024 - june 2025); Octans and Pavo constellations are Taweret (egyptian mythology)

COMET ENCKE: Aquarius constellation (march 2025) and Pisces constellation (may - june 2025)

COMET 12P/PONS-BROOKS: Ara and Lupus constellations (oct. 2024 - june 2025)

COMET TSUCHINSHAN-ATLAS: Aquila constellation (dec. 2024 - mar. 2025)

Of these comets, Tsuchinshan-Atlas is a good candidate for being Eris/Discordia (the third moon of Mars), for now.

Spearfinger is Phaethon/Canopus, but also represents Tiamat (the star which was located between Jupiter and Mars and fought with them). Thus, Valetudo which is the satellite of Jupiter with the most unusual orbit, might be a former moon of Tiamat.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2024, 07:33:59 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #777 on: September 29, 2024, 05:03:46 AM »

Comets have only been orbiting the solar system for at most 2,500-3,000 years (heliocentric context) or some 250-300 years (FE). That is why the calculations according to which a comet has been in orbit for millions of years (at least) are not correct:

The usual explanation for the Saturnian and Jovian families of comets is that they had originally traveled on extremely elongated or even parabolic orbits and, passing close to one of the large planets, were changed into short-period comets, traveling on ellipses—it is usual to say that they were “captured.” However, the Russian astronomer K. Vshekhsviatsky of the Kiev Observatory, one of the leading authorities on comets, has brought strong arguments to show that the comets of the solar system are very youthful bodies—only a few thousand years old—and that they originated in explosions from the planets, especially from the major planets Saturn and Jupiter or their moons. By comparing the observed luminosity of the periodic comets on their subsequent returns, he found it failing and their masses rapidly diminishing by loss of matter to the space through which they travel; the head of the comet emits tails on each passage close to the sun and then dissipates the matter of the tails without recovery. Thus Vshekhsviatsky concluded that comets of short duration originated in the solar system, were not captured from outside of that system—a point to which the majority of astronomers still adhere—and that they came into existence by explosion from Jupiter and Saturn, and to a smaller extent by explosion from the smaller planets, like Venus and Mars.]1962PASP...74..106V

PAGE 107: Halley's comet, for example, could not exist as a comet for more than 120 revolutions.

120 x 75 = 9000 years

Comet Halley may have been in its current orbit for as little as 3,000 years ( ).

Striking similarities between comet Arend-Roland and comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas:

The great comet of 1882 also had an anti-tail (of course many comets have anti-tails, however we are searching for such objects in the periods 1953-1956 and 1880-1885):

In December 1811, there were TWO comets in the Aquila constellation: C/1811 F1 and C/1811 F1 Aquila (see the material which had been presented earlier on this page). A meteor from one of these two comets collided with the New Madrid fault on December 16 causing the largest earthquake ever recorded (10+ on the Richter scale, it was strongly felt even in Boston); then in the month of February 1812, the island of California realigned itself with the continent (the massive Ventura earthquake).

Comet C/1811 F1 Aquila became comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, and comet C/1811 F1 became comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas (Arend-Roland).

In FET, the stars/comets orbit above the flat surface of the Earth, where the height of the section of a sphere (the second dome) is some 50 kilometers and its diameter is 2x6,363.63 km.

The star of Jacob is Mars-Nibiru, but the phenomenon starts with Ares' sister, Eris and also involves the activation of Orion's Belt (especially Alnilam).

October 12, 2024 - magnitude -5 (visible during daylight) for comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-Atlas)

+70 days, we reach the winter solstice December 21, 2024

Stars Sirrah (Harris) and Alamak (Kamala) in the Andromeda constellation dating: ~March 29, 2025 (when Saturn enters the Pisces constellation and we have the solar eclipse).

« Last Edit: September 29, 2024, 05:09:53 AM by sandokhan »