Advanced Flat Earth Theory

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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #600 on: March 29, 2019, 03:46:43 PM »

Few mathematicians who study the zeta function remember or have knowledge of the fact that D.H. Lehmer proved the existence of an infinite number of Lehmer pairs:

Lehmer, D. H. On the roots of the Riemann zeta-function. Acta Math. 95 (1956), 291--298

H.M. Edwards acknowledges this proof in his treatise on the zeta function (Riemann's Zeta Function, section 8.3, pg 179):

The Riemann hypothesis means that the de Bruijn-Newman constant is zero.

The existence of infinitely many Lehmer pairs proves that the de Bruijn-Newman constant Λ is 0.

An infinite sequence of such Lehmer pairs is given by the formula:

(636.3 x 3n - 16.9 x n)2π/ln2

(n = 1,2,3...)

n = 1



n = 2



n = 3



n = 4



n = 5



n = 6



n = 7



It can be checked even at much greater heights on the critical line:

However, what is still needed is an understanding of the nature of the strong Lehmer pairs, how they relate to the two counterpropagating zeta functions.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #601 on: March 30, 2019, 01:20:58 AM »


Friday, January 5, 1951: Wilhelm Reich M.D. puts one milligram of pure radium inside a 20 layer Orgone Energy Accumulator. For five hours the radium remains inside the life energy charging device. During the next seven days the process is repeated for one hour per day; the one milligram of pure radium is placed inside the 20 layer Orgone Accumulator. On Friday, January 12, the radium was removed from the Orgone charging device after only one half hour and the experiment was stopped

It was on the last day of the experiment that the most dramatic effect occurred. The observers were outside the student’s laboratory where the metal lined Orgone Room housing the powerful 20 layer Orgone Energy Accumulator was located. While one experimental milligram of pure radium served as a control and was kept far away in an unused building on Reich’s 280 acre farm; the other milligram of pure radium was placed inside the life energy charging device.

The “normal” background count of “radioactivity” at Reich’s laboratory in Western Maine where a dozen people lived and worked was 30 – 50 counts per minute measured on the big 4096 Tracerlab Autoscaler. The background of radioactivity within an Orgone Accumulator measured with a portable SU-5 Tracerlab Survey Meter, type 6C5, was 40 – 70 cpm. In other words, with no nuclear material present, the concentration of Life Energy within a charging device caused the Geiger Counter to give a higher reading; about 40 % higher.

Once the Oranur Experiment had started; once the concentrated Life Energy had been exposed to the radioactive nuclear material – the background count at Reich’s laboratory climbed to approx. 80 cpm and would not immediately subside even when the nuclear material was removed from the Orgone Accumulator.

The radioactivity of a one milligram unit of radium had been calibrated at 16,000 cpm (8.3 Roentgens per hour). This was done in New York City, away from the highly charged atmosphere of Reich’s setup near Rangeley, Maine. The two units of Radium arrived on Jan. 5, 1951 and immediately they were measured unshielded at one centimeter distance and gave a reading of 254,760 cpm in the highly charged atmosphere near the various Orgone Accumulators. One milligram unit was secured as a control and not exposed further to the charging effect of the Orgone devices. The other milligram was placed inside the 20 layer Orgone Accumulator in the metal lined Orgone Room in the student’s laboratory. While the radium was within the charging device, accurate measurement was not possible because the instrument, the SU-5 Survey Meter would either race right off the scale or go completely dead. Away from the active experiment, the instrument resumed normal operation.

The fateful Friday, January 12 – again the milligram of pure radium is placed inside the Life Energy device and again the observers feel the amplified radiation effects: severe nausea, loss of equilibrium, pressure in the forehead, sensations of fainting, severe headache, hot and cold flashes, severe belching: all these symptoms were observed and experienced by the one dozen or so physicians and technicians present during the 5 month course of the experiment. Additionally each observer was affected by a recurrence of any old or dormant injury or disease condition varying according to each individual’s weakest spot. It was as if the effect of the reaction of the concentrated Life Energy to the nuclear irritant was to attack each living organism in its weakest area.

The last time that the radium was placed inside the 20 layer Accumulator was to prove so dramatic that for fear of possible consequences, the experiment was stopped. The observers (Wilhelm Reich, Dr. Simon Tropp & others) were standing outside in the cold afternoon of January 12. They could see through the large picture windows the atmosphere inside the student’s lab become clouded within minutes after they had placed the unshielded milligram of radium inside the Life Energy charger. The clouded atmosphere was starting to move visibly and was shining blue and purple 1 The men became quite ill from nausea, loss of balance, cramps in the stomach – all this from one milligram of radium over 300 feet distant. Never before had symptoms of radiation sickness been so strong or had they been felt at such a great distance from the physical setup of the experiment.

The experiment was stopped in that the radioactive material was no longer placed inside the Life Energy charging device. The effects from the experiment continued and they intensified. It was quite unbearable to be near any Orgone Accumulator on the premises. It was as if the Oranur effect had spread and affected all of the Life Energy charging devices located at Reich’s extensive laboratory comprising two large and several smaller buildings. All of the Orgone devices exhibited exorbitantly high Geiger counter readings and produced symptoms of radiation sickness in nearby observers. A large batch of 30 experimental mice died from exposure to this Orgone Anti-Nuclear effect even though the mice were never physically close to arty nuclear material. Thorough autopsies on the mice revealed a leukemia-like blood picture.

The reaction seemed to be self-sustaining and was spreading. In response to the severity of the Oranur effect, all of the Orgone Accumulators were physically dismantled and their component parts were separated. The metal lined Orgone Room was dismantled. This measure of turning off the Orgone Accumulators (there is no switch to an Orgone device); this dismantling of the Orgone devices seemed to reduce the background counts of radioactivity from their levels of 80 cpm and above. It was noticed that reassembling even one Orgone charging device would immediately cause the background radiation measurements to approximately double. The experimental radium was secured within its 1/2” lead shield and placed inside a 4” steel and concrete safe located in a small wooden building some distance from the main laboratory.

What had been learned from this experiment? Basically, the presence of a stong concentration of Orgone Energy seems to amplify and magnify the radiation from a nuclear source. The New York Times reported on February 3, 1951 of an Atomic Energy Commission announcement of an increase in background radiation comprising an area of 600 miles in radius with its approximate center located Northern New England. It is likely that Reich’s Oranur Experiment with one milligram of radium had affected an area of 1,130,900 square miles.

References for the New York Times article:

Wilson, Colin. The Quest for Wilhelm Reich. Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday. 1981. p. 210

What Reich accomplished is to activate the dextrorotatory subquark waves (telluric currents) which greatly increased their density inside the ether box, thereby causing the 1 mg of radium to become a target for these terrestrial gravitational waves. In order to access the laevorotatory waves, the orgone, one needs to use double torsion, cymatics or a high electrical field (Biefeld-Brown effect). (part I)

« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 01:25:35 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #602 on: April 01, 2019, 08:27:31 AM »

A Gravitational Aharonov-Bohm Effect, and Its Connection to Parametric Oscillators and Gravitational Radiation

A connection is made between the gravitational, vector Aharonov-Bohm effect and the principle of local gauge invariance for nonrelativistic quantum matter interacting with weak gravitational fields. We find that the threshold for parametric oscillation for EM microwave generation is much lower for the separated configuration than the unseparated one, which then leads to an observable dynamical Casimir effect.

Casimir-Aharonov-Bohm effect in the cosmic string background


Dr. Giovanni Modanese

PhD, Theoretical Physics, University of Pisa
Post-doctoral research at MIT
Post-doctoral research at the Max Planck Institute

Author of papers published in the best journals in the world:

Modanese, G., Ultra-light and strong: The massless harmonic oscillator and its singular path integral (2017) International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, 14 (1), art. no. 1750010
Modanese, G., Oscillating dipole with fractional quantum source in Aharonov-Bohm electrodynamics (2017) Results in Physics, 7, pp. 480-481.
G. Modanese, Electromagnetic coupling of strongly non-local quantum mechanics, Physica B 524C (2017) pp. 81-84
Modanese, G., Generalized Maxwell equations and charge conservation censorship (2017) Modern Physics Letters B, 31 (6), art. no. 1750052

The reality of vacuum fluctuations is demonstrated by the Casimir effect in quantum
electrodynamics, yet vacuum forces are usually very small, and the principles of
thermodynamics limit the use of the Casimir effect for energy extraction from the vacuum [20].

The vacuum fluctuations that appear in our model, however, are of a novel kind, are peculiar of gravity and act on a far larger scale. This is why we think they can lead to macroscopic effect when coupled to macroscopic quantum objects like superconductors.

Podkletnov Effect

One of the best experimental physicists of the 20th century and beyond, Dr. Eugene Podkletnov, performed a series of celebrated experiments which prove the existence of the Casimir force extended for 200 KILOMETERS.

Dr. Podkletnov published his paper in the highest rated journal of physics, Physica C.

"In 1995, the Max Planck Institute of Physics did a follow up study, and was able to confirm the results."

"Dr. Podkletnov also describes his “force beam generator” experiment in detail, and provides insights into improvements that he’s made over the last decade to increase the force produced by this experimental gravity-beam. The force beam is generated by passing a high-voltage discharge from a Marx-generator through a YBCO emitter suspended in a magnetic field, and Podkletnov has described it as being powerful enough to knock over objects in the lab, as well as capable of being tuned by even punch holes in solid materials.

Podkletnov maintains that a laboratory installation in Russia has already demonstrated the 4in (10cm) wide beam’s ability to repel objects a kilometre away and that it exhibits negligible power loss at distances of up to 200km."

Global Tesla-Casimir-Aharonov-Bohm effect (three consecutive messages)



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #603 on: April 06, 2019, 04:30:38 AM »

π/ln2 is the sacred cubit of the Lehmer pairs.

1400/22 is the sacred cubit distance for regular zeta function zeros.

Infinite sequence formula for all Lehmer pairs:

{n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + π/ln2}/2 =  π/ln2 x (4n + 1)/2

{n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + π/ln2 + (n + 1) ⋅ 2π/ln2 }/2 =  π/ln2 x (4n + 3)/2

There are several choices for the optimum interval which can be used for the global subdivision algorithm to find the strong Lehmer pairs:

2π/ln2 x 10 = 90.6472...

2π/ln2 x 15 = 135.9708...

2π/ln2 x 75/2 = 75π/ln2 = 2.5 x 135.9708... = 339.9270106...

2π/ln2 x 100sc =  576.84583...

The best version is 75π/ln2 = 2.5 x 135.9708... = 339.9270106...

The subdivision proportions are as follows:

534 sc = 339.9270106...
160 sc = 101.81818...
135.9708 x sc = 86.52687538...
106.8 sc = 67.985402...
53.4 sc = 33.9927...

1018.1818 = 4 x 254.545454... = 16 x 63.636363...

For the 100sc interval the subdivision proportions were:




List of strong Lehmer pairs: (pg 64-88)

The first such values are: 415.018809755 and 415.455214996, 7005.062866175 and 7005.100564674, 17143.786536184 and 17143.821843505, 23153.514967223 and 23153.574227077...

All of the zeros of the zeta function are generated by the five elements subdivision algorithm, therefore the location of all of the Lehmer pairs (including the strong Lehmer pairs) must be related to the subdivision values, but on a larger scale.

The same global algorithm successfully employed before to find the zeta zeros on a 100 sc interval, will be used again, featuring the two counterpropagating zeta functions.


33992.701 - 10181.818 = 23810.883


23810.883 - 7132.0626 = 16678.82



10181.818 + 7132.0626 = 17313.8806
10181.818 + 6060.952 = 16242.77

23810.883 - 6060.952 = 17749.931
23810.883 - 7132.0626 = 16678.82

7132.0626 - 6060.952 = 1071.1106


16242.77 + 320.83 = 16563.6

17749.931 - 320.83 = 17429.1

1071.1106 - 320.83 = 750.281


17429.1 - 224.73 = 17204.37

16563.6 + 224.73 = 16788.33

That is, upper and lower bounds are being obtained for the Lehmer pair located at 17143.786...

We also have a lower bound estimate for the Lehmer pair located at 7005.1..., 6798.54, and an upper bound for the Lehmer pair located at 23153.5..., 23810.883.

The Lehmer phenomenon, a pair of zeros which are extremely close, is related to the close proximity of some of the values of the two subdivisions of the 63.6363... segment.

In the same way, strong Lehmer pairs are related to the close proximity of some of the values of the two subdivisions of the 10n x 339.927106... segment. The same algorithm can be applied for the 339927.106... segment or for the 33992710.6... segment, however the calculations involving the two subdivision fractals will be more involved since now we have to obtain many more significant digits.



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #604 on: April 06, 2019, 10:06:20 AM »

This is the conventional representation of the lines of force of a magnet:

However, the precise experimental work performed by Howard Johnson (SPINTRONICS) has revealed that the lines of force of a magnet look like this:

That is, the most important feature and aspect of a magnet is its CENTER.

The geographical center of the flat earth map:

It is well known that both poles of magnetic field of the earth exhibit multiple observable and measurable phenomena, which are well documented.

Yet, the center of this magnetic field, which is more important than either of the poles, cannot be detected by any of the scientific equipment used to identify the effects of magnetism.

The heliocentrists cannot state that the center of the magnetic field is located inside  (is generated from) the core of a spherical Earth.

The results published by the SPINTRONICS team prove clearly that there are two flows of magnetic monopoles: South-Center-North AND North-Center-South.

The modern study of the magnetic field/electromagnetism ONLY includes the South to North flow.

Yet, there are TWO continuous streams of different particles.

Whittaker proved that the potential consists of pairs of bidirectional longitudinal scalar waves, and that the same equation governs both gravity and magnetism.

The spherical orbiting Earth has a STATIC gravitational field and a ROTATING magnetic field.

But in reality BOTH have to be rotating.

Modern science assumes that the gravitational field and the magnetic field of the Earth represent two different physical phenomena: one is stationary ( the gravitational field does not rotate along with the supposed rotation of the Earth), the other one (the magnetic field) is rotating with the Earth around its own axis.

In reality BOTH the gravitational and the magnetic streams travel in double torsion fashion, as proven by Whittaker mathematically, and shown to be true experimentally in the Spintronics, The Secret World of Magnets book.

One (the gravitational field) cannot be stationary, while the other (the magnetic field) rotates at a certain rate: the bidirectional waves which comprise this lattice would be decoupled in an instant.


« Last Edit: April 06, 2019, 10:48:30 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #605 on: April 12, 2019, 01:05:19 AM »

"The black hole has no foundation in theory whatsoever. Neither Newton's theory nor Einstein's theory predict it. In fact, both theories preclude it, contrary to what the orthodox relativists claim.

The so-called "Schwarzschild" solution is not due to Karl Schwarzschild at all. The experts have either not read Schwarzschild's 1916 memoir or have otherwise ignored it."

"The so-called "Schwarzschild" solution is due to David Hilbert, itself a corruption of a solution first derived by Johannes Droste in May 1916, whose paper has also been buried or ignored at the convenience of the experts. It appears that the experts have not read Hilbert either."

"Hilbert's mistake spawned the black hole and the community of theoretical physicists continues to elaborate on this falsehood, with a hostile shouting down of any and all voices challenging them. Schwarzschild's solution has no black hole, and neither does Droste's solution. Schwarzschild's paper is a piece of flawless mathematical physics. And while you're at it you might as well go here to get a copy of Marcel Brillouin's 1923 paper, in English, in which he gives another valid solution and also simply and dramatically demonstrates that the black hole is nonsense. Brillouin's paper has also been ignored."

"It is also commonly held by experts, for example, Hawking and Ellis, Misner, Thorne and Wheeler, S. Chandrasekhar, that the Michell-Laplace dark body is a kind of black hole, or an anticipation of the black hole, and that black holes can be members of binary systems and that black holes can collide. These claims are patently false. A copy of G. C. McVittie's conclusive arguments which invalidate these ridiculous claims."

Here are some important original papers that deal with the Black Hole and the Big Bang. They prove that these theories are not consistent with General Relativity and have no basis in theory whatsoever.

Another masterful 1916 paper by Karl Schwarzschild, also suppressed by the relativistists.

Johannes Droste's 1916 paper (published 1917) in which he derives for the first time the metric obtained later and corrupted by David Hilbert, erroneously attributed to Schwarzschild by the experts. There is no black hole. (translation from German)

Hermann Weyl's 1917 paper in which he obtains Droste's solution by another method.

A paper by Leonard S. Abrams which demonstrates the invalidity of the Hilbert solution and the black hole.

Another paper by Abrams demonstrating the invalidity of the Reissner-Nordstrom black hole.

Yet another interesting paper by Abrams in which he also demonstrates the invalidity of the Lake-Roeder black hole (but his arguments are incomplete).

A very nice paper by T. Levi-Civita in 1917, one of the inventors of Tensor Calculus, showing that Einstein's pseudo-tensor is nonsense because it leads to the requirement for a first-order, intrinsic, differential invariant, which, as is well known to the pure mathematicians, does not exist! This too has been ignored by the relativists.

An interesting treatment by Hermann Weyl (1944) demonstrating that the standard linearization of Einstein's equations is inadmissible because it leads to the requirement of a tensor, which, except for the trivial case of being zero, does not otherwise exist! Another important paper ignored by the orthodox physicists.

In this article it has been claimed by the astronomers Stefan Gillessen, Reinhard Genzel, and Frank Eisenhaur of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, in Germany, that there is a black hole at Sagittarius A*.

I wrote to the trio of astronomers, challenging them on their claim for a black hole.

On Certain Conceptual Anomalies in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

Concerning Fundamental Mathematical and Physical Defects in the General Theory of

Fundamental Errors in the General Theory of Relativity

Stephen J. Crothers

"A telescope by definition is an optical device. It's for seeing things as they are seen optically with the visible light spectrum. A microscope is an inverted telescope.
A radio telescope is a misnomer. There are no optics and nothing can be seen without inferring radio wave forms into an image. By using the noise from 100^100 radio waveform recordings from 10's of spread out locations, the focus of the noise becomes so strong, that almost anything can be 'imaged' from it. An X, or a Y, or a Z, or a O.

Since the filtering algorithms were designed to filter out a hole, because the simulations were based on this assumption, that a hole is there, then eventually as they operate on the noise, they will create a hole. But in reality, there is no such thing.

The one aspect that is rather suspect about the mainstream models of black holes is that their mass estimates of the objects ares based on luminosity in X-rays without respect to the amount of electrical current present in the environment. That's undoubtedly causing the mainstream to overestimate the amount of mass that is present in such objects. " (black holes, fact or fiction?)



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #606 on: April 16, 2019, 07:10:24 AM »

Venus Disarms Mars, Rubens, 1610

In the official chronology of history, Rubens painted "Venus Disarms Mars" around 1610 AD; the painting features CANNONS, which means that Rubens knew that the "ancient" Greeks had cannons and guns. The artwork was created before the rewriting of history by J. Scaliger.

In the new radical chronology of history, the artwork was created around 1780-1790 AD.

L’âge d’or de la peinture hollandaise et flamande avec Rembrandt et Rubens est ŕ situer autour de 1770.

The so-called Golden Age of Flemish and Dutch art was around 1770 - not a century earlier.

"Gunpowder is a mix of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate which was (and is) used in various thermal weapons, including but not limited to the fire lance, the cannon, the hand cannon, and the gun.

There’s a rather high probability that the Greco-Romans invented gunpowder and the cannon (i.e., Greek Fire) as well. In all likelihood, guns and gunpowder were developed on the Island of Rhodes by its inhabitants known as the Telchines who were known as excellent metallurgists and metal workers skilled in brass and iron. The Telchines are alleged to have produced the first chemical weapon when they created a mixture of Stygian water and sulfur which subsequently killed both animals and plants.

Biblical Gunpowder

The Bible includes 14 references to brimstone  (i.e., sulfur), a vital ingredient of gunpowder (i.e., Greek Fire). Consequently, a majority of these verses contain cannon-like attributes such as smoke, fire and hailstones.

Greek Fire

The chemical compound Sulfur was known for its use in ancient Greece as well as in “Greek Fire”, an allegedly liquid oil-like fire weapon (i.e., a flamethrower) which was routinely used by the early Greeks in war. In short, the substance known as Greek Fire appears to be an allegorical reference for the Greco-Roman Empire’s top secret weapon which consisted of both gunpowder and cannon. According to modern historical accounts, “Greek Fire recipes continued to be developed over the centuries, and by the High Middle Ages was much more sophisticated than the early versions.

In other words, gunpowder was behind Greek Fire all along. Considering that warring ships were subject to various forms of weather, fluctuating waves and winds, and rapid changes in distance and sea level, the very notion of a highly projectable and highly flammable liquid-like substance which was not subjectable to blowback makes the current definition of Greek Fire theoretically impossible. Because Greek ships were made of wood, cloth and rope, they would have suffered terribly from Greek Fire as it was unpredictable, unstable, and unquenchable, ultimately making its use in maritime battle highly risky and highly unlikely. Based on its given name of “Greek Fire”, it can be deduced that it was in fact invented by the Greco-Roman Empire. Consequently, Greek Fire was also known as "Roman Fire" and was admittedly used by the Roman Empire to great effect in naval battles. This notion of the Roman cannon is reflected in the term “Roman Candle”, a thermal weapon which repeatedly ejects exploding shells.

Greek Fire Cannons

If Greek Fire was in fact a liquid oil-like substance that was projected out through the use of a tubular projector (i.e., a “siphōn") by man-made air pressure as historically alleged, there would be no “loud roar that accompanied its discharge”. The modern term for this loud roar is known as “cannon fire”, as a large blast of fire is projected out of the mouth of a cannon when fired. A cannon-like description is even found in the historical records of the 13th-century when "Greek Fire" was reportedly used by the Saracens against the Crusaders. The account, which is found in the Memoirs of the John, Lord of Joinville, Seneschal of Champagne during the Seventh Crusade, clearly states that “... the tail of fire that trailed behind it was as big as a great spear; and it made such a noise as it came, that it sounded like the thunder of heaven”. It looked like a dragon flying through the air. Such a bright light did it cast, that one could see all over the camp as though it were day, by reason of the great mass of fire, and the brilliance of the light that it shed.” What was witnessed by the Lord of Joinville in respect to Greek Fire bears all the earmarks of a cannon, including the tail of fire, the spear like projection, the thunderous boom, and of course the bright light which was shed once the cannonball exploded. In other words, if it looks like a canon, acts like a cannon, and sounds like a cannon, it’s probably a cannon."

David Chase Taylor

The great wall of China was built very recently: (glorious Chinese history is a fake section) (not so ancient china 1) (not so ancient china 2) (not so ancient china 3)

« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 01:04:13 AM by sandokhan »



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #607 on: April 17, 2019, 01:01:10 AM »

The magnetic center of the flat earth is located right next to the Garden of Eden.

Constantinople = Troy = biblical Jerusalem = Babylon:

Christ was crucified near an important sea/strait/river:

Gladiators with helmets which feature mobile visors, a XVth century invention (official chronology of history):

Abbildung 11: Italienische oder pompejanische Renaissance:
Tizian: Liegende Kurtisane (unten) und liegende Mänade aus
Pompeji (oben)
Abbildung der Mänade aus: Pietro Giovanni Guzzo: Pompei, Ercolano, Stabiae, Oplontis;
Napoli 2003, 75

Figure 11: Italian Renaissance and Pompeian:
Titian: Horizontal courtesan (below) and from lying maenad
Pompeii (top)
Figure out the maenad: Pietro Giovanni Guzzo: Pompei, Ercolano, Stabia, Oplontis;
Napoli 2003, 75

The well-known painting by Titian copied perfectly at Pompeii...

As Titian did not have at his disposal a space-time machine to take him back to the year 79 AD, we can only infer that the authors of both paintings/frescoes were contemporaries, perhaps separated only by a few decades in time.

"The use of Renaissance artists of identical details, same colors decisions, motives, general composition plans, the presence in the Pompeian frescoes of the things that emerged in the 15 to 17 century, the presence in Pompeian paintings of genre painting, which is found only in the epoch of the Renaissance, and the presence of some Christian motifs on some frescoes and mosaics suggest that Pompeian frescoes and the works of artists of the Renaissance come from the same people who have lived in the epoch. "Vitas Narvidas," Pompeian Frescoes and the Renaissance: a comparison, "Electronic Almanac" Art & Fact 1 (5), 2007."

History: Science or Fiction? Chronology 1, A. Fomenko

Page 20: Trojan war at Constantinople and the founding of Rome

Page 41: Jerusalem as a medieval city with a crescent on one of the towers

Pages 42-44: The location of Troy and Babylon

Page 43: Babylon as a medieval city with a crescent on one of the towers

Page 51: Albrecht Durer engraving (Lot fleeing with his daughters) which features a volcanic eruption which destroyed the Biblical cities; obviously the Bible was written only after Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed by the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in the second half of the 18th century

Page 55: Siege of Troy and the foundation of Paris, simultaneous chronological events

« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 01:03:07 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #608 on: April 19, 2019, 12:46:42 AM »

One of the best works signed A.T. Fomenko.

"Let us begin with the actual legend of the Trojan War and its history. Who was the first to have told this tale? Where and how did it happen? The Scaligerian version tells us the following about the origins of the Iliad and the Odyssey. It is presumed nowadays that the fall of Troy (at the end of the Trojan War, which had lasted for several years) took place in 1225 B.C. ([72], page 243). Homer was the author whose text had allegedly been the first to reach us (see figs. 2.34 and 2.35). However, a closer acquaintance with the Scaligerian version of how Homer’s poems came into being leaves one somewhat confused. couldn’t have written anything on his own – at best, he could have dictated something. The version used to prove his “authorship” of the poems is as follows.

He wrote two gigantic poems. They occupy seven hundred pages of the modern 1967 edition ([180]), no less, the font being rather small. The poet is supposed to have memorized both of them, and started singing the poems to his audience. He must have been at it for many years, since the poems had not been recorded anywhere in his lifetime! We are surprised to learn that “both the Iliad and the Odyssey had first been written down [a few centuries after Homer’s death – A. F.] by a special commission created for this purpose by Pisistratus, the tyrant of Athens who had reigned in 560-527 B.C.” ([180], page 711).

Thus, both of these titanesque poems, adding up to 700 pages of a contemporary book, are supposed to have been recorded for the first time 670 years after the Trojan War. This takes place more than half a millennium later, and also several centuries after Homer’s death. All of the above spawns confusion galore. How could the words sung with such great inspiration have reached the commission of Pisistratus through many centuries in order to get written down for the first time? We’re talking about two immense epic poems. Chanting them aloud by heart must take many hours.
One should also take good care not to make any mistakes. The allegedly veracious
picture of the events that we’re fed can be outlined as follows.

How does one memorize seven hundred pages of Homer’s poems for a lifetime?

The poet chanted his two poems before all kinds of audience many a time. The listeners eventually managed to memorize them. Then the poet died; however, his compatriots remained, and they had learnt the entire volume of these 700 pages by heart and verbatim. These people had carried on with the oral tradition, telling the poems to a new audience. They eventually perished as well, yet their “oral tradition”, as historians are so very keen to call it, continued and became inherited by their children. This is supposed to have lasted for several hundred years. Towns fell and empires collapsed; still the descendants of Homer’s first listeners would keep on chanting two gigantic poems by heart.

Just try to memorize as little as the first hundred pages of the Iliad merely by listening
to them chanted so as to keep them in memory for about two decades. Failing that, try to learn them by heart reading the actual text of the book – something Homer’s descendants didn’t have. You aren’t likely to succeed. Bear in mind that there are seven times more than a hundred pages in the book. We shall be told that “the ancients had a better memory”, which is highly unlikely – the contrary is more probable, since there weren’t any libraries at the time, nor anything resembling a unified educational system.
Let us return to the Scaligerian version of history for the meantime. Pisistratus the tyrant finally hears the magnificent chant which was apparently crooned by the court
singer for several days on end and gives orders to get the poems recorded in writing for
the very first time. This must have taken several singers, since one finds it hard to
imagine that “oral tradition” had only reached one singer in the epoch of Pisistratus. In
this case, their versions of Homer’s poems must have differed from each other
considerably. Or are we being coerced into thinking that all the singers had known the
same version of the text?

This is what Scaligerian history tells us about the fate of Homer’s poems – all of this
with a straight face. We deem it to be extremely unlikely.

Let us trace the further fate of “Homer’s poems recorded in writing”. They are
presumed to have been widely known as late as the III century B.C. ([180], page 711).
Still, there are no copies of either the Iliad or the Odyssey that could be dated to this
period. His poems had allegedly remained lost for many centuries up until the
Renaissance. And yet Homer had been popular enough for his poems to be chanted
aloud in many towns and villages of Greece for many centuries before they got recorded. However, no texts of Homer are seen, let alone read, by anyone in the Middle
 Ages. Homer’s songs have ceased to ring; the location of the unique and priceless copy
of his poems remains unknown.

This is what historians tell us: “In mediaeval Europe Homer’s texts were only known from the quotations and references given by Aristotle and a number of Latin authors; the poetic glory of Homer had been completely outshone by Virgil. It wasn’t until the late XIV – early XV century that… the Italian humanists had made a closer acquaintance of Homer. In the XV century many of them occupied themselves with translating Homer into Latin… in 1448 the first printed Greek copy of Homer was published in Florence.
Many partial Italian translations of Homer’s texts were made in the XVI century.
However, the first complete translation of the Iliad came out as late as 1723 and is
credited to the poet Antonio Maria Salvini” ([180], pages 711-712).

Where could Homer’s dusty text have been stored for nearly two thousand years? If
we are to cast aside the highly implausible theories of oral/vocal/choral tradition that
had allegedly kept Homer’s poems alive for many centuries, it has to be admitted that in
reality both of Homer’s poems had only surfaced as late as the end of the XIV century
A.D. ([881], Volume 2, pages 97-98. There are no veracious accounts of their existence
dating back earlier than the XIV century. Therefore, we can put forth the hypothesis that
they were written around that epoch, possibly in the XIII-XIV century of the new era.
The myth about Homer singing them by a fire in the Copper Age Greece of the VIII
or even XIII century B.C. is nothing but a fancy of Scaligerite historians that originated
in the XVI-XVII century A.D."

Constantinople (Troy/Babylon) was the first great city to be built, after the flood (1730 - 1740 AD); all of the other known cities, Paris, London, Rome, Jerusalem were constructed several decades later in time.

The siege of Troy occurred after the crucifixion/resurrection of Christ on mount Beykoz (outside the walls of Constantinople) and it was led by the descendants of Pelasg and Japhet (the first born son of Noah was called Pelasg and not Shem).

The Iliad and Odyssey could only have been written after the invention of the printing press (~1730 AD).

The aqueduct of the city was used to enter Troy: aqua/equa, aquae-ductio/equae-ductio. “Aqueduct keeper” and “groom” (or “stableman”) are also very similar, as well as “aqualiculus”, which translates as “stomach”, “abdomen”, “belly” etc. Therefore, the aqueduct (water duct) transformed into a horse in the perception of later foreign authors, who had confused one vowel for another. Hence the numerous legends about “a gigantic grey object resembling a horse” a. k. a. the Trojan horse.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 10:08:51 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #609 on: April 24, 2019, 01:45:39 AM »

Professor Arnold Sommerfeld, one of the top rated theoretical physicists of all time, nominated for the Nobel prize 84 times, doctoral supervisor for many Nobel prize winners in physics and chemistry (Heisenberg and Pauli were his students).,+Lectures+on+Theoretical+Physics+sommerfeld&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwizxZCwnejhAhVxlIsKHSEdCz4Q6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=Electrodynamics%2C%20Lectures%20on%20Theoretical%20Physics%20sommerfeld&f=false

Electrodynamics: Lectures on Theoretical Physics, Volume 3

“We must form the time derivative of the first Eq. (1). We will here imagine the surface Δσ to remain fixed, which obviously applies to media at rest, to which we shall confine ourselves initially.” (chapter 4, page 18)

The common representation of Maxwell’s equations is valid only for static systems.

However, in the same treatise on electrodynamics, Professor Sommerfeld also states:

“The path taken by Einstein in 1905 in the discovery of the special theory of relativity was steep and difficult. It led through the analysis of the concepts of time and space and some ingenious imaginary experiments. The path that we shall take is wide and effortless. It proceeds from the universal validity of the Maxwell equations and the tremendous accumulation of experimental material on which they are based. It ends almost inadvertently at the Lorentz transformation and all its relativistic consequences.” (chapter 26, page 212)

A discrepancy between the two above mentioned quotes: The first quote states that Maxwell’s equations are limited to static systems, while the second quote assumes that these equations are universally valid, i.e.: they apply also to dynamic systems.

Einstein, 1905:

"The principle of the constancy of the velocity of light is of course contained in Maxwell's equations”

What Einstein is telling the other physicists is that the principle of the constancy of the speed of light is based SOLELY on the Heaviside-Lorentz equations (modified Maxwell equations): a different set of equations will lead of course to a DEEPER understanding of the entire phenomenon.

Here are the Heaviside-Lorentz equations:

Here are the ORIGINAL MAXWELL EQUATIONS: (also includes the appendix called Maxwell's Minor Errors discussing the wrong minus sign in equation D)

Equations [A], [ B ], [D], [E], [F], and [H], would not normally appear in a modern day set of Maxwell’s equations. A modern textbook would combine equation [A] with equation [C] as per equation (112) in part III of the 1861 paper, and the combination would be referred to as the Maxwell’s displacement current equation. In a modern day textbook, the addition of Maxwell’s displacement current to equation [C] would not be explained in terms of total electric current as per Maxwell’s 1861 derivation, but rather in terms of adding on an extra term to Ampčre’s circuital law, in order to retain the solenoidal nature of electric current in a capacitor circuit. Modern day displacement current is divorced from its dielectric origins, and it is explained as a time varying quantity that possesses some of the characteristics of electric current, but that is not actually a real current. Modern day sets of Maxwell’s equations therefore only contain three of the original set, with two of these having been amalgamated into one. Added to these two originals in modern textbooks, are Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, and the equation stating that the divergence of B is always zero.

Equation D: E = vXB − ∂Α/dt +gradψ

"To make matters worse, modern physicists link Maxwell’s equations to Einstein’s theories of relativity on the very basis of not realizing that equation (1) is one of Maxwell’s equations. Einstein’s entire basis for postulating the constancy of the speed of light lay with the misinformed view that Maxwell’s equations do not contain a convective term. It is in this respect in particular that Maxwell’s contribution to electromagnetism has been totally distorted."

"If the Lorentz force had still been included as one of Maxwell’s equations, they could have been written in total time derivative format (see Appendix A in ‘The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field’) and Einstein would not have been able to make this claim. A total time derivative electromagnetic wave equation would allow the electromagnetic wave speed to alter from the perspective of a moving observer.
" (Appendix A and page 3)

E = vXB and Maxwell’s Fourth Equation

Dr. F.D. Tombe

When Oliver Heaviside and JW Gibbs reformatted Maxwell’s equations in 1884, they put them into partial time derivative format. Instead of using the Lorentz force, Heaviside and Gibbs chose to use a partial time derivative version of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction, and in doing so they lost the convective vXB component of the Lorentz force.

The convective component could be reintroduced to Heaviside’s versions of Maxwell’s equations by a simple Galilean transformation. (page 3) (page 4-5, 11)

M. Eisenman also derived the original dynamical Maxwell equations and showed that they are invariant under Galilean transformations:

Chapter 1 deals with the common formulation of Maxwell's equations, pointing out that they are valid for static cases only.

The question now is what happens when the radiator does move with respect to the reference coordinate system, say at the speed u in the positive x direction. We would expect (at least I would) that the electromagnetic wave in the positive x direction will propagate at the speed of c+u while the wave propagating at the opposite direction will do so at the speed of c-u. This obviously means that the speed of propagating electromagnetic waves is not constant.

Here comes in the assumption (or belief, if you want to call it so) that the common formulation of Maxwell's equations is universal, i.e.: they apply to non static problems as well. Now, if you substitute the two waves of the last paragraph (moving at different speeds than the nominal speed of light) the differential equation would not equate. We know why. The reason is the assumption of the universality of the common formulation of Maxwell's equations that forces all electromagnetic waves to propagate at the nominal speed c. I believe that this is the origin of the relativists' claim that the speed of light c is constant in all moving inertial frames (not the Michelson-Morley experiment) , and this discrepancy led to the Lorentz and Minkowski transformations and to Einstein's theory of relativity.

In chapter 2 I add the two missing terms to Maxwell's equations (due to the motion of the radiator with respect to the reference coordinate system).

And lo and behold - the solution is just what we would expect by common sense: an electromagnetic wave in the positive x direction propagating at the speed of c+u and a wave propagating at the opposite direction at the speed of c-u.

This means that velocity vectors are additive, and hence we go back to the Galilean transformation. (dynamical Maxwell equations)

Einstein's TGR also introduced another flawed concept: that the local space-time is always flat. TGR is a SUBSET of the original MAXWELL SET OF EQUATIONS.

E.T. Whittaker proved in 1903 and 1904 the following statement:

"When a very strong force such as the electromagnetic force is used for the agent of curvature, the local spacetime may be curved, even though the local region of interest is not near a large collection of mass."

Only the original set of J.C Maxwell's equations can describe the Sagnac effect and the Aharonov-Bohm effect which require a higher topology in order to be properly explained. (three consecutive messages)

Maxwell's original set of equations written in quarternion form:



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #610 on: April 30, 2019, 04:08:44 AM »

”Number theory is not pure Mathematics. It is the Physics of the world of Numbers.”

The mass of each and every boson is generated by the Riemann zeta function. Each and every subquark, quark, meson, baryon and proton vibrates in resonance with the distribution of the zeros of the zeta function.

Therefore, to understand the hidden template of the zeta zeros is true quantum physics.

One of the recent attempts to understand the distribution of the zeros of the zeta function:

"It is evident that all odd  or  even (whole number) values of k produce an excess of nines=1 and therefore cannot generate a zeta function zero. Further, it is true that all zeros occur from the fractional values of the k’s; when an unscheduled “Excess of Nines =1” occurs, so does a “Lehmer event”. The plotted data briefly passes through an excess of nines =1, wavers, then becomes fractional again, crosses the real axis and produces a zero. These events are cyclic, happening many times along the path to infinity."

The zeros of the factor are distributed as follows: an infinite number of complex simple zeros at where n is a nonzero integer. Whenever a zero of the zeta function produces an "unscheduled" excess of nines=1 phenomenon, then the Lehmer event will be generated as well.

However, the author of the paper does not offer any precise equations which can explain the location of the strong Lehmer pairs (the constant 1016 is simply 254 x 4 = 1016, 63.5 x 4 = 254).

7005.0629 and 7005.10056, zeta zeros 6709 and 6710

2π/ln2 x 1 = 9.064720284
2π/ln2 x 2 = 18.129440568
2π/ln2 x 3 = 27.194160852
2π/ln2 x 4 = 36.258881136
2π/ln2 x 5 = 45.32360142
2π/ln2 x 6 = 54.388321704
2π/ln2 x 7 = 63.453041988
2π/ln2 x 8 = 72.517762272
2π/ln2 x 9 = 81.582482556
2π/ln2 x 10 = 90.64720284
2π/ln2 x 11 = 99.711923124
2π/ln2 x 12 = 108.776643408
2π/ln2 x 13 = 117.841363692
2π/ln2 x 14 = 126.906083976
2π/ln2 x 15 = 135.97080426
2π/ln2 x 16 = 145.035524544

(an addition of 1 to the decimal part after the multiplication by 16)

772 x 2π/ln2 = 6997.964

773 x 2π/ln2 = 7007.0288

17143.786 and 17143.8218, zeta zeros 18858 and 18859

1891 x 2π/ln2 = 17141.386

1892 x 2π/ln2 = 17150.45

1885 x 2π/ln2 = 17086.9977
1886 x 2π/ln2 = 17096.062

Therefore, a more in-depth analysis is needed to uncover the hidden symmetries at work in the Lehmer pairs event.

16 x 28 = 448

448 x 2π/ln2 = 4060.99469

448 + 16 = 464

464 x 2π/ln2 = 4206.0302

16 x 55 = 880

880 x 2π/ln2 = 7976.954

896 x 2π/ln2 = 8121.989

912 x 2π/ln2 = 8264.025

1808 x 2π/ln2 = 16389.014

1888 x 2π/ln2 = 17114.192

2254 x 2π/ln2 = 20450.0089

Multiplying 2π/ln2 by 32, 64, 96..., by 64, 128, 192..., by 48, 96, 144..., does not produce the produce the needed results.

However, if we multiply the constant 2π/ln2 by 192:

768 x 2π/ln2 = 6961.705

910 x 2π/ln2 = 8702.131

If we multiply the constant 2π/ln2 by 128:

1792 x 2π/ln2 = 16243.9787

1920 x 2π/ln2 = 17404.263

Now, we can see that a strong Lehmer pair will be located between 6961.705 and 8702.131, and between 16243.9787 and 17404.263.

In much the same way, multiplying by 32000, we get:

160000 x 2π/ln2 = 1430355.245

640000 x 2π/ln2 = 5801420.982

672000 x 2π/ln2 = 6091492.031

One or more strong Lehmer pairs must be located between 5801420.982 and 6091492.031.

Strong Lehmer pairs 7954022502373.43289015387 and 7954022502373.43289494012.

640000000000 x 2π/ln2 = 5801420981538.8081

960000000000 x 2π/ln2 = 8702131472308.212

A strong Lehmer pair (or more) must be located between 5801420981538.8081 and 8702131472308.212: 5907264585921.69036356 and 5907264585921.6903535, and 7954022502373.43289015387 and 7954022502373.43289494012.

Now, all we need is an accurate criterion by which to locate these strong Lehmer pairs.

Rotate a model of the Gizeh pyramid clockwise by 90 degrees.

To the right, we have another Gizeh pyramid (the shadow of the first pyramid), which is rotated anticlockwise by 90 degrees, the two pyramid frustums will be facing each other.

Total distance from one subterranean chamber to the other: 534 units.

In the center we have the two apexes of the pyramids forming a merkabah geometrical figure.

Two sothic triangles embed each of the two apexes: the height of the triangle will measure exactly 14.134725 units (the value of the first zero of Riemann's zeta function).

Two other sothic triangles will embed the top portion of the frustums of the two pyramids, again the height of these triangles will measure 14.134725 units.

The distance separating the two sets of triangles, located to the left of the center of the merkabah, will measure exactly 63.6363... units (the sacred cubit distance).

In the same manner the distance separating the two sets of triangles located to the right of the center of the merkabah will also measure 63.6363... units.

75 x π/ln2 = 339.9270107

534.171sc = 339.9270107

534 = (2 x 174.53 - two pyramids measured from the subterranean chamber to the top) + (4 x 14.134725) + (2 x 63.636363)

174.53 = 3.36 + 30 + 27.2 + 16.17 + 29.2 + 63.63636 + 5.24

27.2 distance to the queen chamber roof

27.2 + 16.17 = 43.37 distance to the bottom of the king chamber floor

33.36 height of the subterranean chamber

33.36 = 3.36 + 10.542 + 19.458

75 x π/ln2 = 339.9270107

2000 x π/ln2 = 9064.720284 = 26.666666 x 339.9270107

4000 x π/ln2 = 18129.44057 = 53.333333 x 339.9270107

Other multipliers are: 80, 106.66666, 136.1 (or 135.9708), 160, 213.33333...

7005.0629 and 7005.10056

2000 x π/ln2 = 9064.720284

9064.720284 = 26.666666 x 339.9270107 = 26.66666sc x 534

26.66666sc = 16.968

534 = 174.53 + 14.134725 + 63.636363 + 14.134725 + 14.134725 + 63.636363 + 14.134725 + 174.53

9064.720284 = 16.968 x (174.53 + 14.134725 + 63.636363 + 14.134725 + 14.134725 + 63.636363 + 14.134725 + 174.53)


2961.425 (174.53 x 16.968)
4281.044 (174.53 x 16.968 + 14.134725 x 16.968 + 63.636363 x 16.968)
4760.72 (4281.044 + 2 x 14.134725 x 16.968)
5840.5 (4760.72 + 63.636363 x 16.968)
6080.34 (5840.5 + 14.134725 x 16.968)
7249.03 (6080.34 + 5.24 x 16.968 + 63.636363 x 16.968)

6169.2511 (6080.34 + 5.24 x 16.968)
6974.53 (6169.2511 + 47.459 x 16.968)   
(63.63636 - 16.1773 = 47.459)
7087.0647 (6974.53 + 6.6319 x 16.968)
(16.1773 - 9.5454 = 6.6319)

7009.3 (7087.0647 - 1.68632 x 16.968 - 1.2576 x 16.968 - 0.93895 x 16.968 - 0.7 x 16.968)

2.74985 - 0.7 = 2.04985


0.20498 x 16.968 = 3.4781

7009.3 - 3.4781 = 7005.822

7009.3 - 0.10249 x 16.968 = 7007.56


(subdivisions for the first zeta function, 534 - 160 - 136.1 - 53.4 - 26.7)


(subdivisions for the second zeta function, 9064.72028 - 906.472 = 8158.248)

7251.776 - 6757.386 = 494.39



6757.386 + 148.317 + 103.822 = 7009.525

17143.786 and 17143.8218

4000 x π/ln2 = 18129.44057

14499.77 (174.53 x 33.94 + 4 x 14.134725 x 33.94 + 2 x 63.636363 x 33.94 + 5.24 x 33.94 + 63.6363 x 33.94)

15490.82 (14499.77 + 29.2 x 33.94)

16962.8 (15490.82 + 43.37 x 33.94)

17140.64 (16962.8 + 5.24 x 33.94)

1891 x 2π/ln2 = 17141.386

400 x π/ln2 = 1812.944


400 x π/ln2 = 534 x 3.394

16908.85 (16316.496 + 174.53 x 3.394)

16.956.824 (16908.85 + 14.134725 x 3.394)

17172.8 (16908.85 + 63.6363 x 3.394)

40 x π/ln2 = 534 x 0.3394


1900 x 2π/ln2 = 17222.968

17100.685 (17041.45 + 174.53 x .3394)

17127.081 (17100.685 + 14.134725 x 0.3394 + 63.6363 x 0.3394)

17131.88 (17127.081 + 14.134725 x 0.3394)

1890 x 2π/ln2 = 17132.321

17158.676 (17131.88 + 14.134725 x 0.3394 + 63.636363 x 0.3394)

1893 x 2π/ln2 = 17159.51

« Last Edit: April 30, 2019, 04:36:19 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #611 on: May 01, 2019, 10:38:53 AM »

A tremendous geological/astronomical upheaval occurred during the 18th century (new radical chronology of history). (part I) (part II) (part III) (part IV) (extinction of the mammoths)

Before the occurrence of this cosmic tribulation, California was depicted as an island on over 250 maps prior to 1760 AD.

After 1760 AD, California is illustrated as a peninsula on maps:

The Vermian Sea:

Johannes Vingboons map, 1650

Virtually all modern historians simply state that these maps are in error; however, all of these 250 maps portray North America accurately.

Even the proponents of the new chronology of history are faced with a dilemma, and also declare that these maps were drawn erroneously. However, they are baffled when they examine the revealing details of these maps, which cannot be denied.

Other researchers have said that these maps belong to an ancient advanced civilization which had the scientific tools at its disposal to create them. Yet, these maps obviously were in common use during the first decades of the 18th century and they do not feature anything out of the ordinary which would not belong to that time period (cartography, geography).

In order to explain the monumental discrepancy featured on these maps (California being depicted as an island), historians in the 19th century invented the legend of Eusebio Kino (the priest who walked from New Mexico to California in 1705 AD). However, as has been precisely proven, there was no Gregorian calendar reform in 1582 AD:

Before 1760, the largest country in the world was Tartary (Russian Golden Horde), as illustrated on many maps from that period:

Tartary also included Alaska, most of western Canada and most of the western and central areas of the United States of America.

Before the great upheaval, Siberia had a subtropical climate; after the cosmic cataclysm, Siberia was covered by ice, and the Golden Horde could no longer defend/protect its territories (this is the reason why a large portion of the territory depicting North America is shown as no man's land, since before 1760 AD the Golden Horde would not permit any European explorer to make maps/detailed surveys of their region).

The upheaval was caused by the planets Venus and Typhon (Mercury). (Venus argon 36 and argon 40 age) (Venus carbon dioxide age) (Venus neon/krypton age) (Venus and Earth spin resonance) (the interval of assured reliability for Newton's equations of gravitational motion is at most three hundred years)

« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 12:29:13 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #612 on: May 02, 2019, 02:59:16 AM »

Glen McLaughlin, California as an Island Collection, 708 items

G. McLaughlin published 249 of these maps in "The Mapping of California As An Island: An Illustrated Checklist ". The entire collection includes over 750 maps.

So, unless there was a colossal stone skipping project (either at the end of the 18th century, or at the beginning of the 19th century) using either ball lightning technology or massive labor for the necessary land mass, historians are going to have to accept the undeniable fact that before 1760 AD California was indeed an island, and that a tremendous geological upheaval pushed the Pacific coast eastward about 200 miles during the same time period.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 05:37:43 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #613 on: May 03, 2019, 01:55:22 AM »

I hold it to be certain and proven that the whole Kingdom of California discovered on this voyage, is the largest island known or which has been discovered up to the present day, and that it is separated from the provinces of New Mexico by the Mediterranean Sea of California, which some call "Mar de Cortes"

Antonio de la Ascension, assistant cosmographer for Vizcaino's voyage

Wagner, Spanish Voyages

An intriguing analysis of Johannes Vingboons' map (1650 AD).

"The Grand Canyon does not appear on any maps of California as an island that I have found, and is certainly not on the map used for this study, the Vingboons map of 1651. In fact, on the Vingboons map, two rivers cross the location of the Grand Canyon.

An even greater problem is that the map also had to predate the uplift of the Nevada-Utah-Wyoming area that followed the end of the latest continental drift event in North America.

The routes of rivers changed. The Rio Grande, shown on the Vingboons map as the Rio de Norte, which used to flow into the Gulf of California, was forced to flow to the Gulf of Mexico. The map places a geologically recent date on continental uplift, the uplift having happened after the map was made, putting it within the historical presence of humans on earth.

In the following series of articles, I analyze the Johannes Vingboons "California as an Island" map area by area. I show that the makers of the original map possessed a detailed knowledge of the geography of western North America. Correlation of features on the map to actual locations demonstrates that the map is very accurate.

The coast of Mexico south of Hermosillo is portrayed close to how it looks today, but with some significant changes due to either an increasing land elevation or a decreasing ocean level (or both) of as much as a few hundred feet. the mountain range on the west side of the Rio del Norte turns out to very accurately map the Wasatch mountains, after one shifts them north three degrees to the correct latitude.

On the sides of the map are latitude marks in degrees. We will find that Vingboons' latitude scale must be shifted in varying amounts because his source maps were in sections pieced together and some sections were not properly placed. But within each area the map is exceptionally accurate, far more accurate than a Spanish explorer in the 1500s could produce.

Besides the obvious fact that California is separated from the mainland, there are a number of other things to note: the Rio Del Norte running prominently south from the lake in Wyoming empties well south of where the Colorado River meets the gulf today, and so is not the Colorado. As we shall see, the path of the central part of the Rio Del Norte matches exactly to the path of the northern part of the Rio Grande, which is also called Rio Del Norte, oddly enough. Also note there is no Grand Canyon or Sierra Nevada range. In fact there are two rivers running through where the Grand Canyon is located. The lack of the Grand Canyon indicates this map was made before the end of the ice age, before the Great Basin area (Utah and Nevada) glaciers broke through their ice dam and carved the canyon in a very short time.

Following the river valley up from Hermosillo we find ourselves following a transverse river valley, cutting through the mountain ranges at right angles. This river valley is now home to the Rio Sonora. This is the path Coronado took on his campaign of conquest in 1540, (The Coronado Expedition to Tierra Nueva, Richard Flint, page 77) Why didn't Coronado mention a river flowing all the way from Hermosillo to the Rockies? And if this river is just a creation of Vingboons or someone else of that time period, how is it that it lines up so well with the delta at Hermosillo and traces the path of the Rio Grande through the Rockies?

Notice where the river intersects the present day Rio Grande just south of "Truth or Consequences", New Mexico (northwest of El Paso). From this point north, the alignment between the Rio del Norte and the Rio Grande is undeniable. We can follow the river up into the large ellipse of the San Luis Valley in southern Colorado, where the Rio Grande turns west. We have a map of the northern part of the Rio Grande long before this area was explored by cartographers equipped to make such a map. Where did this information come from?

Looking at the entire path of the river, if the Spanish, or other post-Columbus explorers provided the information for Vingboons, why didn't they show the modern path of the Rio Grande, emptying into the Gulf of Mexico? And if they didn't provide the information, then who did? And when? How long ago did the Rockies empty into the Gulf of California?

The Rio del Norte originates from a large lake and drains a large part of the country into the Gulf of California, so we would assume it to be a major river. We would expect to find some evidence of a river delta if we went down the coast of the Gulf looking for it. And indeed, we find at Hermosillo more than we expected. (It was necessary to rotate this part of the Vingboons map by six degrees counterclockwise to align the Vingboons map with the terrain view from Google Earth.)

Hermosillo lies at the top of a delta that extends nearly fifty miles along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The delta is comparable in size to the delta of the Mississippi or the Colorado. There is not another delta like it on the Gulf of California coast. The entire delta is being farmed, due to its good quality alluvial soil.

This delta was not formed by the present day Sonora River, because I don't believe that the Sonora River drains nearly a large enough area to produce such a delta. The Mississippi river drains a huge area and has no larger of a delta.

Vingboons' coastline of the river at Hermosillo matches up well with the modern banks of the channel in which Hermosillo lies. The bends in the Sonora river match with Vingboons' river also. This information could have been obtained from the Spanish, although, as I have mentioned elsewhere, they would not have given it to him, and they probably didn't have it, as they no details of inland geography show up on any maps of this area that I have found.

Finally, it is obvious that the Vingboons coastline is quite a ways inland of today's coastline. The current elevation of the Vingboons coastline shows that the ocean would have had to have been about 300 feet higher along the delta. The removal of water from the ocean by the current polar ice caps might be have caused this, placing Vingboons's source map before the ice age. Or an upward movement of the tectonic plates could have lifted this entire area as it did all of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. The Great Basin area of Nevada-Utah-Colorado was uplifted by over 7000 feet, so 300 feet here would not be too hard. The "Gulf of California eastern shore" page looks at the Vingboons coastline south of Hermosillo. We find that it also can be aligned with a line well inland of the present coast corresponding an ocean level about 300 feet higher.

Looking on the map to the west of the Rio del Norte, we find a mountain range that, when overlaid on the Wasatch mountains of Utah, fits beautifully. Note the alignment of both the Snake River Valley, and the Great Salt Lake. Note the ends of the range on the map line up exactly with the actual north and south extents of the range. The extension of the mountain range to the west lines up with Matterhorn Peak in the Humbolt National Forest, northwest of the Great Salt Lake.

To line up the map's mountain peaks with the actual latitudes of the Wasatch mountains, it was necessary to shift the map image about three degrees north from Vingboon's coordinates. This need for a shift occurs in other areas of the map and is evidence that Vingboon's source map was made from smaller maps pieced together. It is also evidence that Vingboons was not using maps or observations from contemporary sources, or they would have reported the correct latitude.

What then was the source of information when the first California as an Island map was published in the 1620s, or Vingboon's information in 1650? This area was not explored by western people until the following century, and even then the information was not made public until the 1800s:

"Several expeditions,including those of Father Eusebio Kino, José de Urrútia and Nicolás de Lafora, and Father Silvestre Vélez de Escalante, had explored large parts of the southwest. However, the geography of this region remained virtually unknown outside the Spanish empire, since the maps and accounts of Spanish exploration remained in manuscript and were not published. Not until the beginning of the nineteenth century, when the noted German geographer Alexander von Humboldt visited Mexico City and was given access to the Spanish archives, did this information become more widely available."

Obviously a very good map of the Wasatch range was made by someone well before 1620.

Try as one may, and I have, one cannot align the Rocky Mountain range on Vingboons map with our Rocky mountains. There is just no mountain range to the southeast of the Rockies that sticks out into northern Texas and Oklahoma. Having worked the problem over for hours, I finally sat back to try to look at the problem from a different direction. That's when pieces suddenly came together: There is a ridge at the southern end of the great plateau that runs across northern Arizona and New Mexico. I had not found a corresponding mountain range on Vingboons map, but had put the problem aside. Now I noticed that the west end of this ridge curves down and then runs east. Hmmm... the south end of Vingboon's Rockies curves down and then east. Could it be? Let's try taking the southern half of Vingboons' "Rockies" and shifting them west into Arizona.

One could not ask for a better fit. We have to raise the section about one degree north, but we have had to do that to other parts of the map already. The person who put together Vingboons' source map simply got a piece in the wrong place. How were they to know? They had never been there. The original mapmakers who had divided up their main map into smaller detailed sections had chosen to split it at a logical break in the mountains at Arizona's northern border.

The eastern shore of the Gulf of California is detailed, on Vingboon's map, with rivers that start in the mountains and run straight southwest to the ocean. Apparently the Spanish names of the rivers were available to Vingboons, because he includes them on his map. As usual, Vingboons seems to be using the Spanish explorer's latitudes of the rivers and towns to place labels on the map.

We can use the rivers as landmarks to make sure we are in the right place. However, the ocean level has lowered or the land has risen several hundred feet since Vingboons' source maps were made, with the result that Vingboons' shoreline is shown well inland of where it is today. It was frustrating trying to match the old map to the new until I understood this.

As reference points, Rio del Norte is lined up with Hermosillo, and the fork in the forked river in the lower left is lined up with the fork in Vingboon's forked river. Shifting the Vingboons map the usual one degree south for this area, we arrive at this view.

The coastline between Hermosillo and Guaymas runs along a north to south ridgeline.  The coastline turns in to run up into the valley just east of Guaymas, then back south to go around a small hill, then back up the next valley and so on. The match is excellent, it's just that Vingboons' coast matches where the coastline would be if the ocean level were about 300 feet higher. How did he do this from Spanish exploration records? Why would he do this from Spanish exploration record? Obviously he would have no reason to. When was the ocean 300 feet higher? Before the polar caps formed, in the days that Hapgood shows us the mountains under the Antarctica ice cap were mapped, before the ice age, and before the Atlantic Ocean floor cooled and sank.

This exercise can be continued south down the coast but from here we will proceed north toward the most interesting part of the map, the four islands.

When we try to follow the coastline south from the Phoenix area, we suddenly discover a big problem: the mouth of the Rio del Norte at Hermosillo is in the wrong place. I eventually discovered that there are three degrees of latitude missing somewhere between these two points. I believe the gap should be placed just south of Phoenix as I have shown on the map here. The coastline I have marked in green is the section that needs to be lowered. I have shown it in red at the bottom of the map where it should be.

But what do we do about the missing three degrees? I don't think it is a coincidence that the amount of shift, three degrees, is the difference between the existing north end of the Gulf of California, and the location of the north end of the Gulf found on some maps from the 1500s. I also don't think it is a coincidence that the location of the top of the gap at the latitude of Phoenix corresponds to the latitude of the north end of the Salton Sea. Polk has a map (page 150) by Domingo del Castillo made in 1541 that shows the top of the Gulf of California at 33.5 degrees latitude. That is the latitude of the north end of the present day Salton Sea. Looking at elevations of this area on Google Earth, it looks like the land needs to be only about 40 feet lower for the Gulf to encroach all the way to the Salton Sea. Check into the USGS map of earthquakes in California and you will find that the fault on the west side of the Imperial Valley is one of the most active in the country. A forty foot change in elevation over time is not out of the question. If Vingboons, or whoever put the maps together, had conflicting maps of this area showing a three degree difference in the location of the north end of the gulf, it could have been the cause of his arranging the maps with the Wasatch mountains three degrees too far south, and the other related errors.

Now we will venture north from the Gulf of California into what will be the most fascinating areas of the map: the channel separating the island of California from the continent. The locations of the four islands in Vingboons' passage prompted this entire study. My stumbling on their locations was as much divine guidance as perseverance. Once one figures out some reference points, the process of identifying ancient map features within the modern mountain terrain is much easier.

This is a very busy section of Vingboons' map. Let's start with an easy to see reference point, and one of the jewels of the map, the northern island, which I have dubbed Island A. I was happy to find exactly what I was looking for, but I didn't expect such a good fit. For reference, at the southern end of the island is George BM peak. The mountain range extending north from George BM forms the east side of the island. A prominent peak whose name I have yet to find marks the northern tip. The west side of the island is formed by the next range to the west. The valley between the two ranges causes the characteristic dent in the north end of the island.

Other features line up well with the modern landscape. The lake, Lago de Ora, lines up with with the valley containing Lund, Nevada, just southwest of Ely. The second from north island, which I have dubbed island B, lines up with with Burnt Mountain, near the nuclear testing facility. In general identifying exact features on the western shore of the passage is difficult, but here at least, the Weepah Hills, west of Tonapah look like a good fit with the bulge in the coastline. The entire inland passage has suffered a huge upheaval of thousands of feet, so getting even a general fit is gratifying. As has been the case for most of the map, alignment for this section required shifting Vingboon's map about one degree north. The Vingboons map was also rotated two degrees clockwise.

On the coastline between Island B and Lago de Ora (the lake east of island A) is a point of land that matches well with Stairstep Mountain in Humboldt National Forest.

Island C, third from the north, matches very nicely with Mt. Charleston, just west of Las Vegas, NV. Just east of Las Vegas is a point of land that corresponds to Muddy Mountains on the west side of Lake Mead. The north branch of the lake follows what Vingboons labels Rio de Anguch, which drains what is now Nevada desert.

Island D lies at the southern tip of Nevada, and has no distinguishing mountain, so I suppose it was just a flat sort of island that blends in with the terrain now.

Just east of island D is a point of land that matches up with Hualapai Mountain, just southeast of Kingman, AZ. And just off the tip is an island that matches up with a little bump of land that has no name on Google Earth or Google maps, but it is a good match all the same. This point of land is the west side of an inlet that Vingboons names R. del Thicon or Thiron (I have trouble with some of Vingboons letters). This river may have gotten its name from the Rio del Tizon that Hernando de Alarcon sailed up to sometime shortly after 1538 (Polk, page 146) which was probably the Colorado before it enters the Grand Canyon. This river extends north through the pass at the Finger Canyons of Zion National park, just northeast of St. George, UT to the Salt Lake area where it drains an area that is now landlocked. There will be a better view of this in "The North End of the Passage" section. This river also passes right through the middle of the Grand Canyon. This presents a problem, for either the mapmakers missed the Grand Canyon, which is hard to believe, or it wasn't there yet. And if it wasn't there yet, then, as I mentioned earlier, this map predates the end of the ice age, for it was the breaking of the ice dam at the end of the ice age that drained the great lake to the north east and carved the Grand Canyon. To add to the mystery, the other river branching off the inlet, R. de Coral, also crosses the Grand Canyon, giving us a second instance of the same problem."

Donald Mark Kennedy



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #614 on: May 03, 2019, 01:58:09 AM »

"Now let's look at the eastern side of the north end of the inland passage. I have shown the entire east coast from Phoenix at the south end to Boise at the north in order to show that the map scale is consistent throughout the entire east coast of the passage. The islands line up correctly, as does Phoenix at the south end of this map. The background map is from Marble with Mercator projection, which gives very good alignment with Vingboons all the way up the east coast.

The north end of Vingboons' eastern coastline fits nicely into the valley that Boise, Idaho rests in. The little bit of coastline north of Boise follows the base of the mountains. The bump in the coastline just southwest of Boise wraps nicely around the Owyhee mountains in the southwest corner of Idaho. Vingboons' unnamed river northeast of the north most island runs northeast up the valley toward Elko, Nevada. Today a river runs down this valley through Elko. To the north of Boise the Vingboons map trails off into nothingness. However, some other maps of the time, such as the Sanson map of 1657, show a rectangular peninsula pointing west from the end of Vingboons' coastline. I have so far avoided branching off into other maps because this project was so large by itself, but here I will just point out this one feature. The name of the peninsula on the Sanson map is Agubela de Cato. It points generally northwest on Sanson's and most all other maps of the era, but it points more southwest in the Louis Hennepin map of 1697 (or 1698 depending on your source). I think that it matches up well enough with the rectangular plateau northwest of Boise to be more than a coincidence. You can see the plateau in the very upper left corner of the above image.

This section has been rewritten extensively as I now better understand what the map is telling us about the changes to the Pacific coastline over time. Since the map was made, the Pacific coast has been pushed eastward about 200 miles. The area that was pushed eastward extends from Point Concepcion at the south end to the top of the island at the north. This section of the coastline bears no relation to today's coastline.

The oceans were about 300 feet higher at the time the map was made. As the ocean level dropped, the lower levels of the mountains north of this flat coastline were exposed, with Willamette Valley between the two ranges. A great deal of variations in other California as an island maps can be accounted for by changing ocean level during the ice age, as the ocean water was transferred to the land in the form of the great glaciers, and as the Atlantic Ocean floor gradually dropped after the flood. Equally important would have been the uplift of the western states caused by rising magma under Yellowstone.

The salt lakes east of the northeast corner are evidence that there was a lot of salt water left there after the ocean receeded.

South on the Pacific side from the flat island top, we find the section from the top of the map to Point Concepcion that extends 200 miles farther out into the Pacific than it does today. Because the geography of the coastline is so different from the present day, the Vingboons map of the central coast of California offers no points of alignment with modern landmarks. Vingboons adorned this section of the coast with many names of features that could not have had any resemblance to what the early explorers saw, but gave the ancient features the names given by the Spanish to the modern features found by the Spanish at each latitude.

What caused this 200 mile eastward movement of the coastline? While changing ocean level played a small part in the shape of the coast, the biggest cause was plate movement of the Pacific seafloor. Two significant rifts extend across the Pacific, starting at the Hawaiian Islands chain and meeting the continent near Eureka and Point Conception. These rifts do not stop at the Pacific coastline. The northern rift continues to the Atlantic Ocean at New York, and the southern rift continues to the active earthquake zone at the coast of North Carolina. These rifts gradually buckled the continent from east to west, starting during the Flood with the Appalachians. The Rockies were pushed up next, after the flood, then the Wasatch range and the folded ridges of Nevada. Finally, later, after the Flood, and after the Vingboons map was made, the Sierra Nevada and California Coastal ranges were pushed up. The formation of these last two ranges pushed the coastline of the map east by over 200 miles to where it is today.

The latitude of the southern tip of Baja lines up exactly with the true latitude. This is reasonable given that most of the Spanish activity in the area was inside the Gulf of California, so it was a well known feature. The shape of Vingboons' map, however doesn't really look like Baja California as we know it. Interestingly, though, it does look quite a bit like the Baja continental shelf. For the Spanish to map the continental shelf and send that information back to Europe for Vingboons to put it on his map obviously would never have happened. But due to changing ocean levels the ancient mapmakers saw a much different coastline than we see today. That the Vingboons coastline follows the continental shelf implies that in this area, since the ocean level was higher by 300 feet, the peninsula was even more than 300 feet higher and has since sunk considerably. There may be a geologic connection to the continental shelf off Southern California sinking a couple thousand feet."

Donald Mark Kennedy

« Last Edit: May 03, 2019, 01:59:40 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #615 on: May 04, 2019, 01:15:37 AM »

Map of North America (1719 AD), Herman Moll (England's foremost cartographer of his day, geographer to the King)

“California is undoubtedly an island. Why, I have had in my office mariners who have sailed round it.”

Herman Moll, 1711 AD

Map of California, 1705 AD, Nicholas de Fer (the most well-known mapmaker of France of his day)



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #616 on: May 10, 2019, 12:39:52 AM »

The Gizeh pyramid was constructed some 350 years ago, the ultimate proof: (four consecutive messages: the use of the arctangent series at Gizeh)

In the new radical chronology of history, the Great Flood occurred some 310 years ago, while the extinction of the mammoth took place some 250 years ago.

In modern times the ivory market of the world still found its main source of supply in the tundras of northeast Siberia. In 1799 the frozen bodies of mammoths were found in these tundras. The corpses were well preserved, and the sledge dogs ate the flesh unharmed. "The flesh is fibrous and marbled with fat" and "looks as fresh as well frozen beef."

Observation of D.F. Hertz in B. Digby, The Mammoth (1926), pg. 9

According to the official chronology of history, the end of the Ice Age could have occurred no earlier than 3500 years ago. It is obvious that the dogs ate unharmed the fibrous flesh (marbled with fat) of the mammoths only because the end of the Ice Age took place a few decades earlier; there is no way that the mammoths' flesh would have been perfectly preserved over a time period of 3500 years.

The siege of Troy (Constantinople) must have happened either simultaneously with the end of the Ice Age, or just a little earlier (not more than 25 years): the authors of the Iliad describe clearly a cosmic/planetary conflagration.

'These excerpts from the Iliad show that some cosmic drama was projected upon the fields of Troy. The commentators were aware that originally Ares was not merely the god of war, and that this quality is a deduced and secondary one. The Greek Ares is the Latin planet Mars; it is so stated in classic literature a multitude of times. In the so-called Homeric poems, too, it is said that Ares is a planet. The Homeric hymn to Ares reads:
"Most mighty Ares ... chieftain of valor, revolving thy fiery circle in ether among the seven wandering stars [planets], where thy flaming steeds ever uplift thee above the third chariot." '

The Odyssey of Homer with the Hymns, 1878, (transl. A. Buckley), p. 399. The translation by H. Evelyn-White (Hesiod volume in the Loeb Classical Library) is: "Who whirl your fiery sphere among the planets in their sevenfold courses through the ether wherein your blazing steeds ever bear you above the third firmament of heaven."
Allen, Holliday, and Sikes: The Homeric Hymns (1936), p. 385, regard the hymn to Ares as post-Homeric.

"We find in Lucian a statement which corroborates the interpretation of the cosmic drama in the Iliad. This author of the second century of the present era writes in his work On Astrology this most significant and most neglected commentary on the Homeric epics:

"All that he [Homer] hath said of Venus and of Mars his passion, is also manifestly composed from no other source than this science [astrology]. Indeed, it is the conjuncture of Venus and Mars that creates the poetry of Homer."

Lucian is unaware that Athene is the goddess of the planet Venus, and yet he knows the real meaning of the cosmic plot of the Homeric epic, which shows that the sources of his instruction in astrology were cognizant of the facts of the celestial drama."

Lucian: Astrology (transl. A. M. Harmon, 1936), Sec. 22.
In the same sentence Lucian identifies Venus with Aphrodite of the Iliad.

All literary works attributed to the Greeks and Romans were invented during the Renaissance (1730 - 1770 AD).

The scientists of the West will not accept the 800 maps which clearly feature California as an island or the maps which depict the largest country in the world (18th century), Tartary. The island of California became a peninsula, and at the same time the subtropical climate of Tartary turned suddenly to a polar weather pattern.

Yet, politically and scientifically, the world is held hostage by two documents which were published exactly in the same century: the Constitution and the Principia (second edition, 1713). If 800 maps which were created and developed within the same century, using accepted scientific principles, cannot be trusted, then certainly a document which can be described from a philosophical/legal/political point of view as weak, should be discarded as well. If the 800 maps are to be simply forgotten and to be put aside, then certainly a simple opinion published by Newton (he had no proofs whatsoever for this statements regarding terrestrial gravity) should be disposed of as well, and start anew. Or even better, scientists should accept the validity of the 800 maps which feature California as an island, and get rid of the two documents which should be replaced with much better versions.

« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 12:43:11 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #617 on: May 11, 2019, 07:36:09 AM »

"What, then, has exterminated so many species and whole genera? The mind, at first, is irresistibly hurried into the belief of some great catastrophe; but thus, to destroy animals, both large and small, in Southern Patagonia in Brazil, on the Cordillera of Peru, in North America up to Behring's Straits, we must shake the entire framework of the globe."

C. Darwin, Journal of Researches into the Natural History and Geology of Countries Visited During the Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle Round the World, (London, 1834), pp. 169-170

"It is conceivable that other impact events have occurred within or near historical times. I have occasionally mused that one or two such events may be recorded vaguely in our cultural memory, perhaps meandering and evolving through generations of myth and legend, ending up as religious stories of miraculous events. We have no evidence one way or the other; but it is at least conceivable."

E. H. Levy, "Early impacts: Earth emergent from its cosmic environment," Hazards Due to Comets and Asteroids, Tom Gehrels ed., (Tucson, Ariz., 1994), p. 6
( E. H. Levy, the co-discoverer of Comet Shoemaker-Levy)

"Some fossils look rather fresh. Part of a camel skull found near Fillmore, Utah, is a prime example.
Back in 1928, while exploring near Meadow Hot Springs, a pair of high school students found an unusual skull at the back of a lava tube. The braincase and piece of jaw didn’t seem to be from a cow, horse, or other familiar animal, and so it eventually came to the attention of University of Utah professor A.L. Mathews. Mathews, in turn, sent the news along to famed paleontologist Alfred Sherwood Romer at the University of Chicago. And what Romer saw in that skull dramatically affected what experts thought of as the timeline of Ice Age life.

Romer quickly identified the skull as that of a camel. But what species? The fact that the skull still looked relatively fresh suggested that the animal had died in the relatively recent past.

There was a possibility that the camel might have been one of the dromedaries that were introduced to the western United States as pack animals during the mid- and late-19th century. But the anatomy was all wrong. The skull, Romer concluded, must have come from an extinct North American species that paleontologists knew as Camelops and had previously been found in places like the La Brea asphalt seeps in Los Angeles, California."

". . . discovery in Utah of the unfossilized skull of an extinct camel, with a bit of dried flesh still clinging to the bone. The relatively fresh condition of the specimen argues that its one-time possessor died only a few centuries or millennia ago; present ideas hold that this particular sort of camel did become extinct a half-million years ago. If this camel really died so long ago, the bone should have been largely or wholly replaced by stone, and there should have been no flesh on it all."

Science Newsletter, Vol. 14, (1928), p. 81

At long last, mainstream science has to acknowledge that the cataclysmic event which put an end to the last Ice Age must have occurred at most only a few centuries ago.

"We are indebted to Dr. Clark Friend for informing us that reindeer which fall nowadays down crevasses in the Greenland ice are subsequently found to be in an unpleasantly putrefied condition. The situation is that, no matter how cold the air temperature surrounding the carcass of the reindeer, the body heat of the dead animal is sufficient to promote bacterial decomposition of the interior.

Yet in spite of the greater body weight of the Siberian mammoths, and of the consequent greater heat capacity of the mammoth, putrefaction did not take place within them. This is certain proof that the mammoths were robbed of their body heat at an extremely rapid rate, much quicker than conduction in [present day temperatures of] cold air will give."

Sir Fred Hoyle

Elizabeth J. Butler, Fred Hoyle, "On the Effect of a Sudden Change in the Albedo of the Earth," Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 60, (1979), p. 505: see also, Sir Fred Hoyle, Ice: The Ultimate Human Catastrophe, (New York, 1981), p. 160

What is required is extremely cold temperatures to freeze dry an animal. Jody Dillow pointed out:

"An analysis is presented by the temperature drop necessary at the time of its death to leave the mammoth in the state of preservation in which it was found. By using thermodynamic models of the mammoth, it is demonstrated that the animal must have frozen to death in mid-summer by being suddenly overcome by an outside temperature below -150̊F."

Jody Dillow, "The Catastrophic Deep-Freeze of the Beresovka Mammoth," Creation Research Science Quarterly, Vol. 14, (1977), p. 5

However, more recent studies have found that the necessary temperature must have been at least -300F.

But this is almost the temperature of outer space.

"The farther north we penetrate, in greater abundance are found vestiges of elephants, tortoises, crocodiles, and other beasts and reptiles of a tropical climate. These are found in greatest abundance along the banks of rivers flowing from the north, seeming to prove that there is, somewhere beyond the frozen belt not yet penetrated by man, a warm country, with climate and productions similar to those of the tropics. Along the borders of Siberia, the remains of tropical animals are so commonly found as to constitute a considerable source of commerce. In Asiatic Russia there is not a single stream or river on the banks or in the bed of which are not found bones of elephants, or other animals equally strange to that climate. In 1799, a fisherman of Ton-goose, named Schumachoff, discovered a tremendous elephant--perfect as when thousands of years before, death had arrested its breath--encased in a huge block of ice, clear as crystal. This man, like his neighbors, was accustomed, at the end of the fishing season, to employ his time in hunting for elephant tusks along the banks of the Lena River, for the sake of the bounty offered by the government; and while so employed, in the ardor of his pursuit, he passed several miles beyond his companions when suddenly there appeared before his wondering eyes the miraculous sight above alluded to.

For several successive seasons from the time when he first discovered it, did Schumachoff make stealthy journeys to his crystallized monster, never finding courage sufficient to approach it closely, but simply standing at a distance, once more to feast his eyes on the wonder, and to carry away in his thick head enough of terror to guarantee him a nightmare for a whole month of nights. At last he found the imprisoned carcass stranded on a convenient sand-bank, and boldly attacked it, broke the glittering casing, and roughly despoiling the great beast of its splendid tusks, hurried home and sold them for fifty roubles, leaving the well preserved bulk of elephant meat, yet juicy and without taint, to be devoured by wolves and bears or hacked to bits by natives as food for their dogs."

J. W. Bud, "The World's Wonders"

"For some time the flesh of this animal was cut off for dog-meat by people around, and bears, wolves, gluttons, and foxes, fed upon it till the skeleton was nearly cleared of its flesh. About three-fourths of the skin, which was of a reddish-gray color, and covered with reddish wool and black hairs about eight inches long, was saved, and such was its weight, that it required ten men to remove it; the bones of the head, with the tusks, weighed four hundred and sixteen pounds. The skeleton was taken to St. Petersburg, where it may still be seen in the Museum of Natural History. The animal must have been twice the ordinary size of the existing elephant, and it must have weighed at least twenty-thousand pounds."

Dr. H. D. Northrop, "Earth, Sky, and Sea"

"A young Russian engineer, named Benkendorf, in the employ of his government, ascended the Indigirka in a steamer in 1846. The season was unusually warm for Siberia, and the country was flooded with water. The stream, which was greatly swollen, cut new channels in many places, melting the ice and frozen soil. In one of these newly cut channels he discovered a mammoth in an upright position, where it had been overwhelmed, probably thousands of years before. As its head and trunk rose and fell with the surging waters he discovered that it was still fastened in the ice and frozen soil by its hind feet. The monster was secured by throwing ropes and chains over its tusks and head, and after its hind feet were released it was safely landed by the aid of more than fifty men and horses. It proved to be of gigantic size, and the whole body was in a fine state of preservation. In its stomach was found the food that had formed its last repast, which consisted of young shoots of the fir and pine, also young fir cones. On the shoulders and along the back grew stiff hairs about a foot long. The hair was dark brown and coarsely rooted. Under the outer hairs there appeared everywhere a soft, warm and thick wool of a fallow brown color."

"Many of the animals, as the mammoth, rhinoceros, etc., remain undecayed. Even the capillary blood vessels still retain their contents, showing that there was not the slightest decomposition or breaking down of the tissues, but the catastrophe which overwhelmed them was sudden." (the best work on the extinction of the mammoths, by Charles Ginenthal)

« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 07:39:50 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #618 on: May 12, 2019, 04:30:35 AM »

In the theory of ordinary differential equations, singular perturbations problems are characterized by dynamics operating on multiple scales. It involves finding several different approximate solutions, each of which is valid for part of the range of the independent variable, and then combining these different solutions together to give a single approximate solution that is valid for the whole range of values of the independent variable.

Lehmer pairs and large gaps are the “singular” points/intervals of the distribution of the zeta zeros.

The França-LeClair points first approximation is valid for regular zeta zeros: for both Lehmer pairs and zeta zeros located next to large gaps, a better method/evaluation is needed.

França-LeClair points:

2πe ⋅ eW[(n - 11/8)/e]

11/8 = 1.375

1.375 is a sacred cubit average of 1.361 and 1.4134725.

1.375 - 1.361 = 0.014

1.4134725 - 1.375 = 0.0384725

0.0384725/0.014 = 2.748 = 0.3638963 = 1 - sc

Mathematica software for the Lambert W function:

The exact formula, ϑ(tn) + limδ→0+ arg ζ(1/2 + δ + itn) = (n - 3/2)π, necessitates the use of higher transcendental functions and complex evaluations of the S(t) term: it is much faster than the Riemann-Siegel asymptotic formula (or any other method involving sums), but it does not reveal the hidden pattern of the distribution of the zeta zeros.

"Riemann's insight followed his discovery of a mathematical looking-glass through which he could gaze at the primes. Alice's world was turned upside down when she stepped through her looking-glass. In contrast, in the strange mathematical world beyond Riemann's glass, the chaos of the primes seemed to be transformed into an ordered pattern as strong as any mathematician could hope for. He conjectured that this order would be maintained however far one stared into the never-ending world beyond the glass. His prediction of an inner harmony on the far side of the mirror would explain why outwardly the primes look so chaotic. The metamorphosis provided by Riemann's mirror, where chaos turns to order, is one which most mathematicians find almost miraculous. The challenge that Riemann left the mathematical world was to prove that the order he thought he could discern was really there."

M. du Sautoy, The Music of the Primes

However, as we have seen already, there is another hidden harmonic structure of the zeta zeros themselves, involving a precise subdivision of the sacred cubit distance according to the following proportions, 26.7, 53.4, 80, 136.1 and 534. It is this fractal algorithm which generates the zeta zeros, which in turn approximate the precise location of the prime numbers. (five consecutive messages)

1.375 = 30.3374/100 x π/ln2

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.375)/e]

n = 1000


z1000 = 1419.422481

30/100 x π/ln2
32/100 x π/ln2
34/100 x π/ln2
36/100 x π/ln2
33/100 x π/ln2 = 1.495679

2 x 16.18034 = 32.36068

1.618034 = phi

32.36068/100 x π/ln2 = 1.4667

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.4667)/e]

n = 1000

n = 3


The value 1.4667 is very well suited to find at least one of the values of the four main subdivision points obtained from the five elements partition of the 63.636363... interval, using the two counterpropagating zeta functions, (in addition to providing superb estimates of the regular zeta zeros).

However, for Lehmer pairs and zeta zeros located next to a large gap, we need much better estimates.

The best approximations for the consecutive values of  Lehmer pairs, and large gaps are: 1.2727, 0.906472 , 0.72738, and 1.153667 and 1.068, respectively.

1.2727 = 0.6363 x 2
0.906472 = 2π/ln2
286.1 si = 7.2738 (where 286.1 = 450 sacred cubits)
1.153667 = 25.454/100 x π/ln2
26.7 x 4 = 53.4 x 2 = 106.8

The consecutive zeta zeros, with vertical spacing less than the average (L = 2n/ln(T/2n) is the average spacing formula), are located in accordance with this precise formula (these include the Lehmer pairs and strong Lehmer pairs):

T =~ {n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + π/ln2}/2 = π/ln2 x (4n + 1)/2

T =~ {n ⋅ 2π/ln2 + π/ln2 + (n + 1) ⋅ 2π/ln2 }/2 = π/ln2 x (4n + 3)/2

Large gaps formula:

32 + 25 x n

16 + 25 x n

8 + 24 x n

17143.786 and 17143.8218, zeta zeros 18859 and 18860

2πe ⋅ eW[(18859 – 1.375)/e] = 17143.335
2πe ⋅ eW[(18860 – 1.375)/e] = 17144.13

2πe ⋅ eW[(18859 – 1.2727)/e] = 17143.4167
2πe ⋅ eW[(18860 – 1.2727)/e] = 17144.211

2πe ⋅ eW[(18859 – 0.906472)/e] = 17143.7075

2πe ⋅ eW[(18859 – 0.72738)/e] = 17143. 84978

7005.0629 and 7005.10056, zeta zeros 6709 and 6710

2πe ⋅ eW[(6709 – 1.375)/e] = 7004.95034
2πe ⋅ eW[(6710 – 1.375)/e] = 7005.846

2πe ⋅ eW[(6709 – 1.2727)/e] = 7005.042
2πe ⋅ eW[(6710 – 1.2727)/e] = 7005.937


2πe ⋅ eW[(8 – 1.375)/e] = 43.994
2πe ⋅ eW[(9 – 1.375)/e] = 47.16513

2πe ⋅ eW[(9 – 1.068)/e] = 48.117

2πe ⋅ eW[(9 – 1.153667)/e] = 47.8525

411.972267804 (zeta zero 210)

2πe ⋅ eW[(210 – 1.375)/e] = 411.85
2πe ⋅ eW[(212 – 1.375)/e] = 414.851
2πe ⋅ eW[(213 – 1.375)/e] = 416.35
2πe ⋅ eW[(214 – 1.375)/e] = 417.84

2πe ⋅ eW[(212 – 1.2727)/e] = 415.0053

2πe ⋅ eW[(212 – 0.960472)/e] = 415.5543

2πe ⋅ eW[(214 – 1.153667)/e] = 418.18

2πe ⋅ eW[(214 – 1.068)/e] = 418.308


zeta zeros: 15202440116027338092.8183149 and 15202440116027338092.8183868








zeta zero: 1034741742903.35376










zeta zero: 10854395965.14210









zeta zero (located next to a large gap): 23152.3326







n=26577 and n= 26578

zeta zeros: 23153.51496 and 23153.57423






Figure 2 shows the argument of ζ'(s)/ζ(s), interpreted as a color, in a region which includes Lehmer’s example. The Riemann zeros 1/2 + iγ6709 and 1/2 + iγ6710 are now poles, while in between we see a zero of ζ'(s) at 0.50062354 + 7005.08185555i, very close to the critical line, even on the scale of this close pair of Riemann zeros.

Computation of the zeros of the first derivative of the zeta function: (Cauchy integral evaluation)

Lehmer pairs: first approximations using 1.2727, 0.906472 and 0.72738 in the following formulas. The zeros of ζ'(s) next to/closest to these values are then calculated: the zero closest to the ˝ line is located right between the Lehmer pair figures, whose value is very well approximated by one of these formulas. The value of the zero of ζ'(s) will be used as a fixed upper bound for both zeta functions approximations.Then, we use the approximation just obtained as a first value for the first zeta function subdivision point; the first value for the second zeta function subdivision point is generated as follows: from the value of the zero of ζ'(s) we substract the figure of the first approximation (using either 1.2727, 0.906472 or 0.72738), then we add this quantity to the zero of ζ'(s) to obtain an approximate value for the consecutive zeta zero which forms the respective Lehmer pair.

Regular zeta zeros/approximation to one of the four main subdivision points formula:

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.4667)/e]

Lehmer pairs global formula:

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.2727)/e]

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 0.906472)/e]

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 0.72738)/e]

Zeta zeros located next to large gaps formula:

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.068)/e]

2πe ⋅ eW[(n – 1.153667)/e]

« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 12:28:06 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #619 on: June 05, 2019, 08:14:36 AM »

"On May 26, 2019, the New York Times published a story about five US Navy pilots reporting UFO sightings in 2014 and 2015 off the coast of Florida. The story cites their descriptions of unknown craft that could fly at hypersonic speeds and hover over the ocean. Their reports were handed off to the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerial Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

The five Navy pilots were interviewed by the New York Times reporters about the UFO sightings that occurred while they were conducting training maneuvers off the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt before deployment to the Middle East. The Times reporters said that due to the 2014 and 2015 sightings, that the Navy upgraded its classified guidance for how pilots are to report UFOs, which now are officially referred to as Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP).

In the Times story, the pilots made clear that no known piloted aircraft could perform the UFO’s complex aerial maneuvers:

What was strange, the pilots said, was that the video showed objects accelerating to hypersonic speed, making sudden stops and instantaneous turns — something beyond the physical limits of a human crew."

However, these instantaneous turns and sudden stops, at hypersonic speeds, mean that the Earth is stationary.

As I have said from the very start, UFOs use either the implosion of the atom/mercury gyro technology or the Biefeld-Brown effect to create a ball lightning shield around them.

The UFO will be shielded from terrestrial gravity.

Given the supposed 29 km/s orbital speed of the Earth, a UFO would disappear instantly from view.

"Over the past few years, observers have watched the craft perform acrobatic maneuvers of an astonishing nature. Apparently most of the saucers do not depend on any propulsion familiar to our science. The lack of any known propulsion system capable of such effects has led many persons to speculate that the owners of the saucers have been able to master the physics of gravitation. The propulsion system used must in some way apply what is popularly called anti-gravity.

But a further, though closely related, enigma is the typical saucer motion. For not only has gravity been conquered, but inertia seems to have been conquered also.

Many reports - some of them apparently authentic - tell of UFOs suddenly appearing in the sky from nowhere and then disappearing, seemingly in an instant. The saucers must be capable of truly extraordinary acceleration. Typical of saucer reports, as they appear in the local presses throughout the world, is the object seen cruising along at a few hundred miles per hour and then, suddenly, seen to dash away at what must be thousands of miles per hour.

In addition to these extraordinary linear accelerations the saucers seem to outwit inertia in other respects. At very high speeds they appear to make perfect right right angle turns and even reversals of direction, without disastrous results to their structure or their crew.

Still another good trick they seem able to move through the atmosphere at rates of speed and at levels of air density which clearly are incompatible with any publicly known technology. As an object moves through the air the friction of the molecules striking its surface causes the material to heat. In our very fast jet interceptors cooling systems are necessary. We all know how meteors entering the earth's atmosphere, and nose cones of missiles re-entering the earth's atmosphere, heat to such a point that in many cases they disintegrate or burn up completely. Yet moving at comparable speeds in a denser atmosphere and do not seem to show these effects.

At stake, in all these maneuvers, is our understanding of the stubborn laws of inertia which govern our world. Newton first formulated these clearly in his double principle that an object at rest tends to remain at rest unless a force is applied, and if a force is applied it tends to take motion in the direction of the applied force and proportionally to it. These Newtonian laws of inertia still are the basis of much of our scientific world view. But combining them with the known molecular binding forces of matter, which are equally fixed in the order of nature - at least so we think - makes the saucer's behavior very difficult to explain.

When the flying saucers accelerate from 0 speed to many thousands of miles an hour in a few seconds, why isn't their internal machinery torn apart and any crew members squashed?

Anyone who has taken a curve at too high a speed knows the persistent tendency of his vehicle to continue along the original line of motion against the force of his tires and steering mechanism.

Similarly when a flying saucer makes a sudden turn, traveling many thousand miles an hour, why don't the molecules or crystals of its metallic structure literally tear apart - from the great strain imposed by the laws of inertia?

And finally, as the saucers rush through the atmosphere why don't the molecules of the atmosphere, striking against the saucer cause heat through friction and eventually burn the object up?

If the saucers are real solid vehicles we must revise our ideas of nature in one of two respects. Either we must conclude that our knowledge of the rules which hold atoms and molecules together is incomplete, or we must revolutionize our concept of inertia. If both alternatives were beyond the reach of modern science there would be no reason to prefer one over the other.

But how, you ask, does this help us explain how flying saucers fly? If the owners of the saucers have been able to devise a revolutionary means of anti-gravity, say an electro-magnetic screen which they put around their craft, this will mean that as the earth's gravity is overcome the gravity-inertia of all the rest of the universe will be overcome also. If the gravitons or ultra particles or fields which account for the gravitation of the earth are screened out the gravitational effect of the rest of the universe will be screened out also. Thus the saucers, with their anti-gravity screen, will be able to fly above the earth and they will be able to ignore the laws of inertia. They will be literally floating in a little cup or envelope where neither gravity nor inertia play any role.

This explains how the saucers can accelerate from zero to thousands of miles an hour and decelerate at the same rate, how they can engage in the dramatic maneuvers reported. Once a force, of whatever kind, impels them in a direction different from their line of movement, there is no tendency for their atoms and molecules to continue moving in their former direction, Thus, there is no strain upon the structure of the ship and the molecular binding forces of its material are not torn apart. Again, its occupants, if they can live in such an inertialess world, are not crushed in the slightest or even disturbed by the gyrations of the superstructure around them. Presumably they could sit quietly reading a book without knowing that their craft actually was doing the most remarkable acrobatics.

The concept of a gravity-inertia screen may also explain why the saucers do not burn up as they speed through the atmosphere. Consider a molecule or atom of gas as bumping along against other atoms in the atmosphere, subject to the laws of inertia as everything else is, but not causing very much damage or disturbance because it has little mass; a saucer rushes by and the molecule finds itself within the gravity-inertia screen. Suddenly this little air molecule is entirely free: It no longer carries kinetic punch; it can bump into anything without causing the slightest friction. In other words, it enters the screen like a bullet and strikes the saucer like a feather.

However, as the saucer rushes on, this molecule of air pops out the back of the screen in a very agitated state. It is now again in the inertial world and starts bumping into other highly agitated molecules. Its tiny little punch is magnified as a result of the friction which was not possible and this causes a release of energy - the luminosity seen about the saucers, especially at night."



  • Flat Earth Sultan
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  • 7267
Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #620 on: June 10, 2019, 06:07:06 AM »

Biefeld-Brown effect in mineral oil

Since the time of the first test the apparatus and the methods used have been greatly improved and simplified. Cellular "gravitators" have taken the place of the large balls of lead. Rotating frames supporting two and four gravitators have made possible acceleration measurements. Molecular gravitators made of solid blocks of massive dielectric have given still greater efficiency. Rotors and pendulums operating under oil have eliminated atmospheric considerations as to pressure, temperature and humidity.

The disturbing effects of ionization, electron emission and pure electro-statics have likewise been carefully analyzed and eliminated. Finally after many years of tedious work and with refinement of methods we succeeded in observing the gravitational variations produced by the moon and sun and much smaller variations produced by the different planets.

Let us take, for example, the case of a gravitator totally immersed in oil but suspended so as to act as a pendulum and swing along the line of its elements.

When the direct current with high voltage (75-300 kilovolts) is applied the gravitator swings up the arc until its propulsive force balances the force of the earth's gravity resolved to that point, then it stops, but it does not remain there. The pendulum then gradually returns to the vertical or starting position even while the potential is maintained. The pendulum swings only to one side of the vertical. Less than five seconds is required for the test pendulum to reach the maximum amplitude of the swing but from thirty to eighty seconds are required for it to return to zero.

(T.T. Brown, How I Control Gravitation)

Experiment performed at the JLNaudin Labs, it includes the video of the test:

"This experiment confirms that the Biefeld-Brown Effect works in different medium than air such as mineral oil."

Presentation made at the International Academy of Astronautics on the Biefeld-Brown effect, by Dr. Takaaki Musha (Honda R&D Institute):
« Last Edit: June 10, 2019, 06:12:14 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #621 on: June 11, 2019, 06:06:15 AM »

From the very start, Einstein's TGR was shown to be incomplete.

A very nice paper by T. Levi-Civita in 1917, one of the inventors of Tensor Calculus, showing that Einstein's pseudo-tensor is nonsense because it leads to the requirement for a first-order, intrinsic, differential invariant, which, as is well known to the pure mathematicians, does not exist! This too has been ignored by the relativists.

H. Weyl added a new vector field, which is actually the potential of electrovacuum.

And the electrovacuum is actually the ether:

With the addition of the Weyl vector potential theory, the formula for the Biefeld-Brown effect can now be derived:

Weyl electrovacuum solutions and gauge invariance
Dr. B.V. Ivanov

On the gravitational field induced by static electromagnetic sources
Dr. B.V Ivanov

Another derivation by Dr. Takaaki Musha from the Honda R&D Institute.

Is empty spacetime a physical thing?

A formidable account of the errors committed by H. Minkowski in deriving a flawed concept of space-time by having ignored B. Riemann's original comments:

"Einstein and others have already interpreted, or better yet misinterpreted, the notion of space-time curvature as an internally closed three-dimensional space coupled to a fourth dimension of time, as is the case if curvature is intrinsic to the space-time continuum. This interpretation does not ‘necessarily’ represent the true physical situation, but rather a Machian positivistic interpretation of one possibility. There are no changes in the mathematics or the physics if the curvature in Einstein’s theory is interpreted as extrinsic within a higher embedding dimension. In other words, they either did not take Riemann’s statement that seriously or they did not understand what he meant by it.

Einstein adopted the geometrical structure of a double polar Riemannian sphere to model gravity as four-dimensional space-time curvature, but it is really space alone that is curved in the higher dimension. However, Einstein’s positivistic leanings got the better of him when he interpreted the curvature as an intrinsic property of the four-dimensional space-time continuum. On the other hand, the Riemannian geometry that he used was only a metrical or extension-geometry and could not directly account for the individual points in space or the physics that depends on the geometry of the individual dimensionless points."

Unified field theories and Einstein (word search Weyl)

Dr. Terence W. Barrett

(Maxwell's original equations, Einstein's omissions and errors, G potential from E/M, scalar electromagnetics) (Kaluza-Klein theory/particle, Kozyrev theories of time and gravity, three consecutive messages)
« Last Edit: June 11, 2019, 06:07:55 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #622 on: June 13, 2019, 01:50:51 AM »

The formula for the maximum weight loss of a capacitor subjected to the Biefeld-Brown effect requires even higher mathematical physics than Weyl fields electrovacuum solutions.

The electrodynamic Hamiltonian of a particle in ZPF (zero point energy field/ether) was obtained for the first time in 1994, and was published in the Physical Review A:

Inertia as a zero-point-field Lorentz force
Bernhard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, and H. E. Puthoff
Phys. Rev. A 49, 678

Once this equation is obtained, the formula for the maximum weight loss of a capacitor subjected to the Biefeld-Brown effect can now be derived:

There will be daily/seasonal variations of the ZPF due to the variability of the ether drift at each latitude (results obtained by Dayton Miller, Maurice Allais and Townsend Brown).

Advances in the Proposed Electromagnetic Zero-Point Field Theory of Inertia
Bernhard Haisch, Alfonso Rueda, and H. E. Puthoff

gBiefeld-Brown formula

FBiefeld-Brown formula

This is the reason why the experiments performed by R.L. Talley, J. Campbell and BlazeLabs in vacuum were not conclusive, since they either used a voltage which was too low, or a material whose dielectric constant was too low.

Once the correct voltage and the electrically insulating material with a high dielectric constant are used, the Biefeld-Brown effect can be registered in vacuum:


Then the dielectric constant can be 10^8.

Applying high voltage to supercapacitors (with solid dielectrics):

« Last Edit: June 13, 2019, 01:53:33 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #623 on: June 15, 2019, 07:29:39 AM »

The Biefeld-Brown tests performed in vacuum necessitate the application of a higher voltage than that utilized in the experiments carried out in ambient air.

This is because the value of G, which is a quantum function and a vacuum repulsion reaction, will be modified by the addition of the ether field which will encompass the capacitor to form an invisible ball lightning sphere around it.

That is, the following formulas hold true in ambient air/mineral oil; in vacuum, G becomes a variable:

In vacuum, √G < 2.58 x 10-4.

Here is the correct quantum formula for G:

G = 1/δzptp2

δzp = ether/zero point field mass-density equivalent

tp = Planck time

The proof uses a formula derived by B. Haisch and A. Rueda in 2000:

Ether density increases = less gravity = lower G constant

This is the main reason why the scientists who carried out the Biefeld-Brown effect in ambient air (Campbell, Talley, Blazelabs) found out that for the same voltage they recorded no torsion in full vacuum. Only T.T. Brown understood this concept, as it was spelled out in his Structure Of Space article.

The gravitational "constant" becomes a variable in the presence of a strong ether field.

Exploratory Research on the Phenomenon of the Movement of High Voltage Capacitors
D.R. Buehler

On the Anomalous Weight Losses of High Voltage Symmetrical Capacitors
E.B. Porcelli and V.S. Filho

Test of Nasa patent for thrust using a two dimensional asymmetrical capacitor module

Electrostatic pendulum experiment (Biefeld-Brown experiments in vacuum) (annex 4.3 describes the positive results obtained in vacuum (vide) using plexiglass and 80 Kv)

Page 100 (pg 11 of the pdf document)

Essais sous vide (vacuum tests)

Le systčme commence ŕ entrer ŕ rotation vers 80 Kv et en forcant la tension l'on peut parvenir a des rotations de l'ordre de 1 tour/seconde.

The system begins to rotate at 80 Kv and by forcing the tension one can achieve rotations of the order of 1 turn/second.

Essais sous vide (vacuum tests)

On obtient des rotations entretenues a des vitesses de l'ordre des 1 tour/seconde.

We obtain rotations maintained at speeds of the order of 1 turn/second.

The fact that G cannot be a constant was proven by Roland Eotvos (Eotvos gravitational effect).

In view of the results published by Roland Eotvos, Dr. E. Fischbach (Purdue University) has proposed the following modification to the law of universal gravitation:

« Last Edit: June 18, 2019, 05:05:54 AM by sandokhan »



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  • 7267
Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #624 on: June 17, 2019, 02:07:38 AM »

The new approach, published in Physical Review Letters today, uses rapidly fluctuating acoustic vortices, which are similar to tornadoes of sound, made of a twister-like structure with loud sound surrounding a silent core.

The Bristol researchers discovered that the rate of rotation can be finely controlled by rapidly changing the twisting direction of the vortices, this stabilises the tractor beam. They were then able to increase the size of the silent core allowing it to hold larger objects. Working with ultrasonic waves at a pitch of 40kHz, a similar pitch to that which only bats can hear, the researchers held a two-centimetre polystyrene sphere in the tractor beam. This sphere measures over two acoustic wavelengths in size and is the largest yet trapped in a tractor beam. The research suggests that, in the future much larger objects could be levitated in this way.

Acoustic Virtual Vortices with Tunable Orbital Angular Momentum for Trapping of Mie
Particles. Physical Review Letters, 120(4)
Marzo, A., Caleap, M., & Drinkwater, B. W.

We demonstrate stable trapping inside acoustic vortices by generating sequences of short-pulsed vortices of equal helicity but opposite chirality. This produces a “virtual vortex” with an orbital angular momentum that can be tuned independently of the trapping force. We use this method to adjust the rotational speed of particles inside a vortex beam and, for the first time, create three-dimensional acoustics traps for particles of wavelength order (i.e., Mie particles).

Additionally, a virtual vortex of large aperture (i.e., high helicity) is shown to steadily trap particles with diameters larger than the wavelength—a result which surpasses the classical Rayleigh scattering limit that has previously restricted stable acoustic particle trapping.

Bruce Drinkwater, Professor of Ultrasonics, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol (calculations for power required to levitate a Mini-Cooper, some 100W/kg)

The use of double torsion vortices has permitted, for the first time, the levitation of small objects (spheres) whose diameter is larger than the wavelength. Up until now, only particles whose radius was less than the wavelength could be levitated, the theoretical derivation having been obtained using the Gor'kov approximation. (table of contents)

Nonlinear Acoustics
Mark F. Hamilton and David T. Blackstock

The authors of the paper, published in the Physical Review Letters, must understand that it is these double torsion vortices which create an invisible ball lightning sphere around the object itself; thus, the gravitational "constant" becomes a variable, since the density of ether has increased.

They must also infer that the Tibetan monks who levitated a four-ton block of stone were positioned at a distance of 63.5 meters away from the polished slab of rock with a bowl like cavity in the centre.

That is, they produced NO ACOUSTIC RADIATION PRESSURE on the stone at all (only 0.04 watts were created, not enough to lift a sheet of paper).

Therefore, there exists a more advanced field of nonlinear acoustics in which very heavy objects can be levitated without actually using acoustic radiation pressure.

The frequencies used by the monks activated not only the Lehmer pairs of the bosons of the atoms themselves, but also the extra bosons observed in the Occult Chemistry:

The seven bubbles no longer fit exactly under one another, as it were, if one looks along or through the wire endwise; in 100 "spirillae of the lowest order" there ought to be just 700 bubbles; so there are in the seven thinner, coloured wires, but in the three thicker wires there are 704. So the increase is at present 1 in 175. And the same curious little increase holds good in the relation of the different orders of spirillae, In the thinner wires exactly 7 spirillae of one order make 1 of the next higher order, so that 700 "b"s make exactly 100 "a"s and so on; but in the thicker wires 704 "b"s go to 100 '"a"s. and the same curious proportion all through.

The extra bosons (bubbles of light) form a latent lateral octave which can be activated through double torsion, a high electrical field, or sound, so that the antigravitational effect can be put to use.

Matter has a sound aspect, and when a vibration is caused it generates an acoustical wave which travels through the air working with it concurrently and resulting in oscillations of particles in the air and this causes the intermolecular space of the air to rise in vibrations and causes the atoms to eventually work into the first state of the ether.

Acoustic levitation of an object larger than the acoustic wavelength
Andrade, Marco A. B.; Okina, Fabio T. A.; Bernassau, Anne; Adamowski, Julio

Acoustical and optical radiation pressures and the development of single beam acoustical tweezers
Jean-Louis Thomas, Régis Marchiano, Diego Baresch

The acoustic radiation force: a gravitation-like field
Pierre-Yves Gires, Jerome Duplat, Aurelien Drezet & Cedric Poulain

Acoustical boundary hologram for macroscopic rigid-body levitation
Seki Inoue, Shinichi Mogami, Tomohiro Ichiyama, Akihito Noda, Yasutoshi Makino, and Hiroyuki Shinoda (implosion of the atom)

Tibetan Singing Bowls
Denis Terwagne and John W.M. Bush

The Dynamics of Tibetan Singing Bowls
Octávio Inácio & Luís L. Henrique

Theory of Acoustic Levitation
Victor D. Lupi

Acoustic levitation
S. Hrka

Active Touch Perception
Produced by Airborne Ultrasonic Haptic Hologram
Seki Inoue, Yasutoshi Makino and Hiroyuki Shinoda

« Last Edit: June 17, 2019, 09:26:53 PM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #625 on: June 27, 2019, 01:47:13 AM »

“Wider expanses and greater depths are now exposed to the searching eye of knowledge, regions of which we had not even a presentiment. It has brought us much nearer to grasping the plan that underlies all physical happening”

H. Weyl

“And now I want to ask you something more: They tell me that you and Einstein are the only two real sure-enough high-brows and the only ones who can really understand each other. I won’t ask you if this is straight stuff for I know you are too modest to admit it. But I want to know this -- Do you ever run across a fellow that even you can’t understand?”

“Yes,” says he.

“This will make a great reading for the boys down at the office,” says I. “Do you mind releasing to me who he is?”

“Weyl,” says he.

(an interview that Paul Dirac gave in America back in April, 1929)

“Later the quantum-theory introduced the Schrodinger-Dirac potential ψ of the electron-positron field; it carried with it an experimentally based principle of gauge-invariance which guaranteed the conservation of charge, and connected the ψ with the electromagnetic potentials Aµ in the same way that my speculative theory had connected the gravitational potentials gµν with the Aµ, and measured the Aµ in known atomic, rather than unknown cosmological units."

H. Weyl, Selecta, 1955

The connection between Whittaker and Weyl expansions (sections 2.10 and 4):

The relations established for the Weyl non-Abelian gauge field and the Cartan torsion make it possible to consider, from a new point of view, the problem of physical interpretation of the torsion in the framework of the gauge principle.

Weyl’s theory of gauge invariance implies the conservation of electric charge in much the same way as general coordinate invariance leads to the conservation of energy and momentum.

Weyl’s gauge theory explained by C.N. Yang in a historical context:

C.N. Yang explains that Einstein’s original objection was not valid. The leading idea of Weyl’s theory is that the fundamental laws of physics should be invariant under position-dependent scale transformations. Weyl, in his original theory, postulated local-scale symmetry. That is, he postulated that one could change the size of objects independently at every point in space-time—and still get the same behaviour! To make that outrageous idea viable, he had to introduce a ‘gauge’ connection field. The gauge connection field tells us how much we must adjust our scale of length, or re-gauge our rulers, as we move from one point to another. Weyl made the remarkable discovery, that this gauge connection field, in order to do its job of implementing local-scale symmetry, must satisfy the Maxwell equations. Dazzled by that apparent miracle, Weyl proposed to identify his ideal mathematical connection field with the real physical electromagnetic field. In the new theory, the local symmetry transformations are no longer space-time dependent changes in the scale of length of space–time, but rather rotations in the new dimension, whose coordinate is dual to electric charge. (Note that multiplication by a phase faithfully implements rotations of a circle.) After that modification gauge symmetry leads to a satisfactory theory of electromagnetism.

Hermann Weyl in 1918 first conceived the idea that electrodynamics might be unified with gravitation by analyzing a “twisting” of vectors under parallel transport to measure the geometric curvature of a gauge space. While gravitation operates via the curvature of a physical, noncompact configuration space ℜ4 first pioneered by Minkowski based on Einstein’s 1905 development of Lorentz invariance into Special Relativity, Weyl’s theory operates along the circle of an abstract phase space using a non-observable local phase expixθ(x) for Abelian theory.

The connection between the vector potential theory of J.C. Maxwell and H Weyl’s gauge theory explained by C.N. Yang:

It was Weyl who emphasized the role of gauge invariance as a symmetry principle from which electromagnetism can be derived. It took several decades until the importance of this symmetry principle — in its generalized form to non-Abelian gauge groups developed by Yang, Mills, and others — became also fruitful for a description of the weak and strong interactions. The mathematics of the non-Abelian generalization of Weyl’s 1929 paper would have been an easy task for a mathematician of his rank, but at the time there was no motivation for this from the physics side.

Invariance under scale transformations was thus the pivoting point of Weyl’s theory. This led Weyl to field equations that cannot be transformedinto Einstein’s equations in the limit φi(x) = 0.

It is highly improbable that Einstein’s equations for the gravitational field are strictly valid. First and foremost, it is improbable because the gravitational constant is out of place among other natural constants, so that the gravitational radii of the charge and the mass of the electron have values of quite different orders of magnitude than, for example, the radius of the electron itself (they are smaller than the latter—the first by 1020 and the second by 1040). (Weyl, Gravitation und Elekrizität, 1918, p. 476)

Weyl’s new geometry was much richer than the Riemannian geometry in both its mathematical and philosophical content. Mathematically, the new geometry introduced new quantities into space that had no analogy in other geometries. Philosophically, these new quantities, unaccounted for by Riemannian geometry and thus unaccounted for in General Relativity, were used by Weyl to represent electromagnetic phenomena. Every point in space, represented by a vector having both magnitude and direction, could be displaced to another point in the same space yielding electromagnetism. When only the direction of the vector was taken into account, ignoring the vector’s magnitude, there remained a parallel displacement of the kind described by Levi-Civita, which accounted for gravity. The difference with Weyl’s geometry lay in the fact that it was no longer necessary for a vector’s magnitude or length to remain constant while being displaced between points in space.

Table of contents of Weyl's seminal paper (1929):

“ Introduction. Relationship of General Relativity to the quantum-theoretical field equations of the spinning electron: mass, gauge-invariance, distant-parallelism. Expected modifications of the Dirac theory. -I. Two-component theory: the wave function ψ has only two components. -§1. Connection between the transformation of the ψ and the transformation of a normal tetrad in four-dimensional space. Asymmetry of past and future, of left and right. -§2. In General Relativity the metric at a given point is determined by a normal tetrad. Components of vectors relative to the tetrad and coordinates. Covariant differentiation of ψ. -§3. Generally invariant form of the Dirac action, characteristic for the wave-field of matter. -§4. The differential conservation law of energy and momentum and the symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor as a consequence of the double-invariance (1) with respect to coordinate transformations (2) with respect to rotation of the tetrad. Momentum and moment of momentum for matter. -§5. Einstein’s classical theory of gravitation in the new analytic formulation. Gravitational energy. -§6. The electromagnetic field. From the arbitrariness of the gauge-factor in ψ appears the necessity of introducing the electromagnetic potential. Gauge invariance and charge conservation. The space-integral of charge. The introduction of mass. Discussion and rejection of another possibility in which electromagnetism appears, not as an accompanying phenomenon of matter, but of gravitation.”

Subquark lattice theory (epola: electron/positron lattice):

The “lattice” is a actually the network of dynamic subquark waves (both laevorotatory and dextrorotatory) which propagate in double torsion fashion:

Dynamic vacuum, Dirac sea, conformal Weyl gravity:

It is known that the metric component g44 acts like a gravitational potential used in Newtonian mechanics. For a static system (where gravity and electromagnetism balance each other out), it is almost expected that there should be a functional relationship between the gravitational potential and the electric potential φ. Weyl’s classical paper in 1917 examined a static electric field in curved spacetime with axial symmetry. He found that, if there exists a functional relationship between g44 and, φ it must be in the form of:

g44 (φ)= φ2 + C1φ + C0

Any field with this relation is known as a Weyl-type field.

Weyl's derivation of the electrogravitational equations for static systems (Biefeld-Brown effect):

For similar reasons also Hermann Weyl, in the 1919 German edition of his treatise on relativity Raum–Zeit–Materie suggested that, because the coefficients  of  the  fundamental  metrical  tensor  determine  which  world-points  interact  with  another  or  constitute  a  Wirkungszusammenhang,  the  term  “gravitational  field”  should  be  replaced  by  “ether.”

In  Einstein’s  opinion,  Newton’s  real  and  active  space  should  be  called  the  ether  of  mechanics. We  are  going  to  call  this  physical  reality,  which  enters  into  Newton’s  law of motion alongside the observable ponderable bodies, the, “ether of mechanics.” Having  introduced  the  new  concept  of  ether  in  1916,  Einstein  admitted the reality of physical space. He had thus come a long way away from  the  epistemological  views  of  Mach  and  other  positivists  who  considered space (especially “absolute space”) to be a metaphysical addition that  should  be  removed  from  physics.

It  does  remain  allowed,  as  before,  to  imagine  a  space  filling  medium  and  to  assume  the  electromagnetic  fields  (and  matter  as  well)  are  its  states. A. Einstein, Morgan Manuscript, section 13

Kozyrev time theory:

Minkowski spacetime does not apply to a homogeneously accelerating medium

These indicate that the Minkowski metric—the starting ‘edict’ of many general relativity textbooks—should not be adopted as an absolute principle in either special or general relativity theory.

Minkowski space-time: a glorious non-entity

In Minkowski space-time, the spatio-temporal coordinates of different observers are related by Lorentz transformations rather than Galilean transformations. Any laws for systems in Minkowski spacetime must accordingly be Lorentz invariant.

Albert Einstein’s New Ether And His General Relativity

Planck's second quantum theorem and zero point energy:

Quantum mechanics assumes that beyond the Planck length scale (parabindu particle) there is another universe: (one dimensional Teichmuller space)

Kaluza-Weyl spaces:

Derivation of the Maxwell’s Equations Based on a Continuum Mechanical Model of Vacuum

Shipov-Einstein torsion equations:

On spinor representations in Weyl gauge theory:

« Last Edit: August 21, 2020, 01:43:34 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #626 on: July 04, 2019, 08:05:59 AM »

F = -τ2δ2V1V2/R2

where V1 and V2 are the ether volumes forced out by masses М1 and М2, accordingly, R is the distance between the masses, δ = µ0 = 1.25664⋅10-6, m kg⋅s-2а-2, τ is some factor of proportionality reflecting the uncertainty of the volume Vi value in a general case and the distinction of the ether density δ from the density of physical bodies. F is an electrogravitational formula.

The mass M1 that forces out the volume V1 of the ether medium creates the ether pressure gradient at the distance R. In its turn the mass M2 that is at a distance of R from the mass M1 forces out the ether volume V2. The pressure gradient from the mass M1 falls off at the place of M2 location proportionally to 1/(R)2. The same fall occurs from the mass M2 at the place of M1 location.

“This implies an important conclusion: bodies of different volumes that are in the same gradient medium acquire the same acceleration.

Note that if we keep watch on the fall of bodies of different masses and volumes in the Earth’s gravitation field under conditions when the effect of the air resistance is minimized (or excluded), the bodies acquire the same acceleration. Galileo was the first to establish this fact. The most vivid experiment corroborating the fact of equal acceleration for bodies of different masses is a fall of a lead pellet and bird feather in the deaerated glass tube. Imagine we start dividing one of the falling bodies into some parts and watching on the fall of these parts in the vacuum. Quite apparently, both large and small parts will fall down with the same acceleration in the Earth’s gravitation field. If we continue this division down to atoms we can obtain the same result. Hence it follows that the gravitation field is applied to every element that has a mass and constitutes a physical body. This field will equally accelerate large and small bodies only if it is gradient and acts on every elementary particle of the bodies. But a gradient gravitation field can act on bodies if there is a medium in which the bodies are immersed. Such a medium is the ether medium. The ether medium has a gradient effect not on the outer sheath of a body (a bird feather or lead pellet), but directly on the nuclei and electrons constituting the bodies. That is why bodies of different densities acquire equal acceleration.

Equal acceleration of the bodies of different volumes and masses in the gravitation field also indicates such an interesting fact that it does not matter what external volume the body has and what its density is. Only the ether medium volume that is forced out by the total amount of elementary particles (atomic nuclei, electrons etc.) matters. If gravitation forces acted on the outer sheath of the bodies then the bodies of a lower density would accelerate in the gravitation field faster than those of a higher density.

The examples discussed above allow clarifying the action mechanism of the gravitation force of physical bodies on each other. Newton was the first to presume that there is a certain relation between the gravitation mechanism and Archimedean principle. The medium exerting pressure on a gravitating body is the ether.”

As a matter of fact, Newton was pressed from all sides to provide an explanation for terrestrial gravity, that is why the second edition of the Principia, in the official chronology of history, includes the essay on the CAUSE of gravity.

“In attractions, I briefly demonstrate the thing after this manner. Suppose an obstacle is interposed to hinder the meeting of any two bodies A, B, attracting one the other: then if either body, as A, is more attracted towards the other body B, than that other body B is towards the first body A, the obstacle will be more strongly urged by the pressure of the body A than by the pressure of the body B, and therefore will not remain in equilibrium: but the stronger pressure will prevail, and will make the system of the two bodies, together with the obstacle, to move directly towards the parts on which B lies; and in free spaces, to go forwards in infinitum with a motion continually accelerated; which is absurd and contrary to the first law.”

the obstacle will be more strongly urged by the pressure of the body A

Newton's clear description again:

the obstacle will be more strongly urged by the pressure of the body A than by the pressure of the body B, and therefore will not remain in equilibrium: but the stronger pressure will prevail


On The Gravitational Force
Dr. F. Gorbatsevich

The Ether And The Universe
Dr. F. Gorbatsevich

Density of Ethereal Medium
Dr. F. Gorbatsevich

Euler Pressure Gravity (I. Newton letter to R. Boyle)

4. When two bodies moving towards one another come near together, I suppose the aether between them to grow rarer than before, and the spaces of its graduated rarity to extend further from the superficies of the bodies towards one another; and this, by reason that the aether cannot move and play up and down so freely in the strait passage between the bodies, as it could before they came so near together.

5. Now, from the fourth supposition it follows, that when two bodies approaching one another come so near together as to make the aether between them begin to rarefy, they will begin to have a reluctance from being brought nearer together, and an endeavour to recede from one another; which reluctance and endeavour will increase as they come nearer together, because thereby they cause the interjacent aether to rarefy more and more. But at length, when they come so near together that the excess of pressure of the external aether which surrounds the bodies, above that of the rarefied aether, which is between them, is so great as to overcome the reluctance which the bodies have from being brought together; then will that excess of pressure drive them with violence together, and make them adhere strongly to one another, as was said in the second supposition.

By contrast, here is the Newtonian gravitational force equation:

F = -GM1M2/R2

As we have seen earlier, the gravitational constant G is actually a quantum function:

G = 1/δzptp2

δzp = ether/zero point field mass-density equivalent

tp = Planck time

When and where did things start to go wrong?

Newton, or whoever wrote the Principia (new radical chronology of history), assumed that the Earth is rotating around its own axis and at the same time is orbiting the Sun. Then, without any proof of this hypothesis, he proceeded to modify the gravitational force equation:

F = GMM2/R2, where now M = mass of the Earth

That is, he assumed that the same equation will now apply to describe the gravitational interaction of the Earth with an object on its surface. But this is very wrong, since there was no proof whatsoever that the Earth is rotating around its axis, thus being a sphere.

Then, he further used the same gravitational equation, with Mi designating the masses of planets, stars.

That is why nothing works out properly in the heliocentrical system of the universe:

Now comes the most important consequence.

The Einstein field equations, the weak-field approximation, are flat earth equations.

From Newton’s Universal Gravitation to
Einstein’s Geometric Theory of Gravity

In this paper Einstein’s gravitational field equation is obtained from a step-by-step generalization of Newtonian gravitation. We first show that Newton’s law of universal gravitation leads directly to Poisson’s equation that relates the Laplacian of the gravitational potential to the mass density. Then we use the principle of stationary proper time under nonrelativistic assumptions and compare it with the classical Lagrangian of a particle in a gravitational potential. We find a linear relationship between the 00-component of the metric tensor and the Newtonian gravitational potential.

Einstein aether gravity:

Ether/zero point energy Navier-Stokes and Schrodinger equations:

« Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 08:37:30 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #627 on: August 06, 2019, 02:43:44 AM »

In 1918, H. Weyl introduced the physical concept of gauge at points within an affinely connected space corresponding to a non-Riemannian geometry to unify electromagnetism and gravitation. The Riemannian metric was used to explain gravity, while the new non-Riemannian geometries in the points of space were used to express the electromagnetic field.

Einstein immediately objected and argued that certain vectors can be treated as clocks marking the histories of atoms, whose spectral lines never change with time. Pauli used a different kind of a counterargument to Weyl's theory: the discovery of an “absolute length” in the Dirac theory of the electron (its “Compton wave length”).

However, Weyl responded to both objections. (the best work on Weyl's response to Einstein's objections) (Nobel prize winner C.N. Yang explains that Einstein's objection was not valid)

Weyl even addressed the Compton wavelength argument in 1949:

Weyl relativity: A novel approach to Weyl’s ideas

Weyl did not press the matter further and was thus prevented from investigating additionally the unification of gravitation and electromagnetism in a single unified field theory.

The next attempt at UFT was the Reissner-Nordstrom metric:

Weyl already included the Reissner-Nordstrom metric in his transverse gravitational concept:

He even introduced the concept of the gravitational potential in his transverse gravity equations:

The concept of the gravitational potential was introduced by O. Heaviside:

The Einstein unified field theory completed
A direct challenge to the basic assumptions, theories and direction of modern and post-modern physics

Dr. James Beichler (pages 21 24 26 28 29 30 33 34 38 42 43 44* 45 48* 51 52* 53 68* 70 72* 73** 77-78 84*)

Einstein's TGR addresses ONLY the F=mg component of Newton's equation, and NOT the gravitational potential.

Finishing Einstein Point by Point: The unification of quantum and relativity

Dr. James Beichler
"For his part, Einstein envisioned the four dimensional space-time continuum of our world as a unified field out of which both gravity and electromagnetism emerged. He further hoped that the quantum would emerge as an over-restriction of field conditions. His worldview was that of a purely three dimensional brain logical external world. He seemed unable to completely break loose from his positivistic semi-Newtonian beliefs and perspective. However, from the perspective of the non-Newtonian fourth spatial dimension (or a five-dimensional space-time), the four dimensional expanse of space is filled with a single field of potential that is the precursor to everything that exists in three dimensional space – gravity, electricity, magnetism, matter, quantum, life, mind and even consciousness. These physical ‘things’ are just different aspects of field interactions (single field density patterns or complexes) modified by the physical constants that describe the physical nature of the single field."

G. 't Hooft discovered that "by using light rays alone, one cannot detect the scalar component of the energy-momentum tensor":

In 1978, the highest form of unification theory of gravitation and electromagnetism was achieved; however, the paper was published in an obscure scientific journal in the USSR and did not receive the attention of the scientific community:

Yu. N. Obukhov, V. G. Krechet, V. N. Ponomarev, Gravitaciya i teoriya otnositelnosti
[Gravitation and theory of relativity, in Russian], 14-15 (1978), 121–127

In 1982, a modified version of the theory was presented:

In a classic treatise, the theory was published again in 2017:

Gauge Approach and Quantization Methods in Gravity Theory (see pg. 74)

These results were further improved by N. V. Kharuk, S. A. Paston and A. A. Sheykin:

Classical electromagnetic potential as a part of gravitational connection: ideas and history

Description of gravity in the model with independent nonsymmetric connection

Modifying the theory of gravity by changing independent

Using Weyl's concept of transverse gravity, the concepts of dark matter/dark flow (dark energy = dark flow) can be described in the UFT:

The Scalar Einstein-aether theory

Extended Horava gravity and Einstein-aether theory

Scalar torsion and a new symmetry of general relativity

Weyl Teleparallel theory

There are two further questions that need to be addressed:

1. Can gravitation and electromagnetism be described by a single kind of particle (gravitons and photons with different directions of spin)?

2. Is there actually a bounded dynamic solution to Einstein's TGR?

« Last Edit: August 07, 2019, 08:58:52 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #628 on: August 08, 2019, 12:57:54 AM »

“When Dr. Heinrich Hertz undertook his experiments from 1887 to 1889 his object was to demonstrate a theory postulating a medium filling all space, called the ether, which was structureless, of inconceivable tenuity and yet solid and possessed of rigidity incomparably greater than that of the hardest steel.  He obtained certain results and the whole world acclaimed them as an experimental verification of that cherished theory.  But in reality what he observed tended to prove just its fallacy.

“I had maintained for many years before that such a medium as supposed could not exist, and that we must rather accept the view that all space is filled with a gaseous substance.  On repeating the Hertz experiments with much improved and very powerful apparatus, I satisfied myself that what he had observed was nothing else but effects of longitudinal waves in a gaseous medium, that is to say, waves, propagated by alternate compression and expansion.  He had observed waves in the ether much of the nature of sound waves in the air.

“Up to 1896, however, I did not succeed in obtaining a positive experimental proof of the existence of such a medium.  But in that year I brought out a new form of vacuum tube capable of being charged to any desired potential, and operated it with effective pressures of about 4,000,000 volts.  I produced cathodic and other rays of transcending intensity.  The effects, according to my view, were due to minute particles of matter carrying enormous electrical charges, which, for want of a better name, I designated as matter not further decomposable.  Subsequently those particles were called electrons.

“One of the first striking observations made with my tubes was that a purplish glow for several feet around the end of the tube was formed, and I readily ascertained that it was due to the escape of the charges of the particles as soon as they passed out into the air; for it was only in a nearly perfect vacuum that these charges could be confined to them.  The coronal discharge proved that there must be a medium besides air in the space, composed of particles immeasurably smaller than those of air, as otherwise such a discharge would not be possible.  On further investigation I found that this gas was so light that a volume equal to that of the earth would weigh only about one-twentieth of a pound.

"The velocity of any sound wave depends on a certain ratio between elasticity and density, and for this ether or universal gas the ratio is 800,000,000,000 times greater than for air.  This means that the velocity of the sound waves propagated through the ether is about 300,000 times greater than that of the sound waves in air, which travel at approximately 1,085 feet a second.  Consequently the speed in ether is 900,000 x 1,085 feet, or 186,000 miles, and that is the speed of light.

"As the waves of this kind are all the more penetrative the shorter they are, I have for years urged the wireless experts to use such waves in order to get good results, but it took a long time before they settled upon this practice.

"Although the world is still skeptical as to the feasibility of my undertaking, I note that some advanced experts, at least, share my views, and I hope that before long wireless power transmission will be as common as transmission by wires.”

Nikola Tesla

“Nikola Tesla Tells of New Radio Theories.” New York Herald Tribune, September 22, 1929.

“It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum.

Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo”

Robert B. Laughlin, Nobel Laureate in Physics, Stanford University

"Physical knowledge has advanced much since 1905, notably by the arrival of quantum mechanics, and the situation [about the scientific plausibility of Aether] has again changed. If one examines the question in the light of present-day knowledge, one finds that the Aether is no longer ruled out by relativity, and good reasons can now be advanced for postulating an Aether ... We have now the velocity at all points of space-time, playing a fundamental part in electrodynamics. It is natural to regard it as the velocity of some real physical thing. Thus with the new theory of electrodynamics [vacuum filled with virtual particles] we are rather forced to have an Aether"

Paul Dirac

In the original, authentic version theory presented by J.C. Maxwell in the form of quarternion numbers, in addition to the transversal-vectorial Hertzian waves described by the vector part of the quarternion, the existence of the scalar waves (electromagnetic potential) was established described by the scalar part of the quaternion.

The metric of Einstein's TGR captures ONLY  the vectorial part of the gravitational force, while the gravitational potential remains untapped.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 01:00:19 AM by sandokhan »



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Re: Advanced Flat Earth Theory
« Reply #629 on: August 10, 2019, 01:44:36 AM »

"Dr. J.D. Franson calculated that, treating light as a quantum object, the change in a photon's velocity depends not on the strength of the gravitational field, but on the gravitational potential itself. However, this leads to a violation of Einstein's equivalence principle – that gravity and acceleration are indistinguishable – because, in a gravitational field, the gravitational potential is created along with mass, whereas in a frame of reference accelerating in free fall, it is not."

Apparent correction to the speed of light in a gravitational potential
J D Franson

"Later the quantum-theory introduced the Schrodinger-Dirac potential ψ of the electron-positron field; it carried with it an experimentally-based principle of gauge-invariance which guaranteed the conservation of charge, and connected the ψ with the electromagnetic potentials Aµ in the same way that my speculative theory had connected the gravitational potentials gµν with the Aµ, and measured the Aµ in known atomic, rather than unknown cosmological units."

Hermann Weyl

Conformally flat spacetimes and Weyl frames

We discuss the concepts of Weyl and Riemann frames in the context of metric theories of gravity and state the fact that they are completely equivalent as far as geodesic motion is concerned. We apply this result to conformally flat spacetimes and show that a new picture arises when a Riemannian spacetime is taken by means of geometrical gauge transformations into a Minkowskian flat spacetime. We find out that in the Weyl frame gravity is described by a scalar field. We give some examples of how conformally flat spacetime configurations look when viewed from the standpoint of a Weyl frame. We show that in the non-relativistic and weak field regime the Weyl scalar field may be identified with the Newtonian gravitational potential.

"Einstein thought that his theory is valid to calculate the remaining perihelion of Mercury. However, A. Gullstrand, the chairman (1922-1929) of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physics, pointed out that Einstein's calculation cannot be derived from the approach of a many-body problem. The perihelion of Mercury is actually a many-body problem, but Einstein had not shown that his calculation could be derived from such a step. Hence, it is also questionable whether the Einstein equation has a bounded dynamic solution."

The fact that a charged capacitor can exhibit a repulsive force is absent from the current four-dimensional theory.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2019, 01:52:32 AM by sandokhan »