cdenley, your explanations are standard freshman physics stuff...your trying to insinuate your way around here won't work...not with me...i'm sure that you could dazzle us with brilliance, instead of baffling us with bs...
Do you understand what we are discussing here? There is no curvature between Sandy Hook Beach and Coney Island, no ascending slope, no midpoint visual obstacle...none matter what word games you try to play with me... am glad you brought up the Novaya Zemlya is closely related to the mistakes made by Rowbotham in those chapters describing the Solar orbit above the order to understand the real cause (not a 400 km mirage), please read: IS the correct Solar orbit; as it should be included in that wikipedia like reference flat earth book being prepared right now...the explanation offered by Rowbotham, there, is wrong...
Here are shots of the effect: for this, , it was taken at the Beamer Falls Conservation Area, I have included 3 photographs showing the altitude and the location, don't try stuff like that order to see that view, you must ascend to 200 meters, right such geographical reference point at the Conservation curvature whatsoever in the picture...try again...
Please read again, for you information:
A spherically shaped star/planet would have been impossible to attain from the start. (the complete demonstration that a supernova could not have produced any kind of rotating gaseous nebula)
Now, a gaseous nebula approaching the form of a disk involves several things. Because of the rotating motion of the whole nebula, a centrifugal force was in action, and we are told that parts of matter more on the periphery broke up into rings. Matter must have been concentrated in just a tiny sector of those rings, given the distance (the diameter) of the rings themselves (in our case, about 150 million kilometers).
Given the fact that there is no such thing as an attractive kind of gravitation (the complete demonstration here: and ), to get from a disk to a sphere, a tangential force of compression which would produce circumferential shortening/radial shrinkage (on the equatorial plane) would have been needed. To get from a disk (transversal cross section in the shape of an ellipse, with the eccentricity very close to unity, about 0.9995) to a sphere (eccentricity of about 0.314), given the centrifugal force of rotation, would have been impossible.
A rotating nebula could not produce satellites revolving in two directions (moons of Uranus, three of the satellites of Jupiter, 1 of Saturn, and one of Neptune). Venus rotates retrogradely, completely unexplained by modern science.
Being smaller than the Earth, the moon completed earlier the process of cooling and shrinkage and a has a lighter specific weight than the Earth. The moon was produced, it is assumed, from the superificial layers of the earth's body; this assumption means that the origin of the moon was not simultaneous with that of the earth; that is, the earth had to undergo a process of leveling (cooling) before the moon parted from the earth. Therefore, we are told that a stupendous collision took place between a heavenly body and the earth, but this collision MUST HAVE TAKEN PLACE AFTER THE EARTH COOLED DOWN, that is 3.9 billion years ago (4.6 billion years - gaseous nebula, 4.5 billion years - incandescent conglomerate of matter and elements). Such a collision would have melted completely the surface of the earth; this in sharp contrast with the facts we are told: 3.85 billion years ago, DNA appeared out of nowhere. Also, in the official storyline, this collision would have been responsible for the 23.5 degree tilt, but such a collision would have disrupted completely any axial rotation, not to mention the orbital motion.
Faint young sun paradox: of a spherically shaped sun: Earth, clouds trajectories/restoring forces paradox: do not need to resort to photographs to prove the Earth is flat...the correct explanation for gravity will take care of things...since it cannot be attractive, we only have two choices left: rotational or pressure type gravity. A pressure gravity can only work on a flat surface, otherwise the force required to keep the 1000 billion trillion liters of water in place would crush everything else...use your intellect...the complete demonstration that there is no such thing as attractive gravitation here: and, you are a well intended young man...please come back here on this site five years from now...