*Satellite TV
*GPS systems, which use satellites.
*Satellite radio.
*The fact that anybody can see satellites, when away from the city lights on a clear night. (Satellites look and move VERY different from airplanes or “shooting stars”)
*Zero G footage (in space), made by NASA, lasting longer than 25 seconds (the maximum time zero G can be sustained by NASA’s “Vomit Comet”).
Why go with NASA? Why not go with footage from the Matrix or some other special effects gurus?
*They round appearance of all the planets, which can bee seen by any amateur with a decent telescope. And by “round,” I do not merely mean that they look like circular discs. I mean that features, such as the craters of the moon, are distorted looking near the “edge” as the curve away from view.
Perhaps they are round. What's the point?
*A very large pendulum will appear to change direction, as the earth rotates under it. (This can be seen in science museums all over the world.)
Ethereal winds rotate due to the sun's orbit across the skies. This also causes different rotations in the different hemidiscs.
*Satellite imagery, showing a curved earth.
Faked by the Conspiracy.
*The fact that maps of the round earth hold true for those piloting / navigating / driving: airplanes, ships, and land vehicles. If the earth is in any way different, from the way it is currently mapped, (such as the idea that it looks like the UN flag), then distances would differ greatly than they do on the map of the round earth, which they don’t. The maps that are built off of a round earth accurately depict the distance, and directions of any two points on earth.
You only believe this to be true. In reality the distances are vastly different than you realise. Also, we have no accurate maps of Flat Earth so you don't have anything to compare it against.
*On the subject of distances on maps, I would encourage you try one of these programs:
NASA’s World Wind and Google’s Google Earth. Both are programs that have the entire spherical earth, mapped, and photographed in 3D. Google Earth even has a measuring tool. How could this work properly if the map was being distorted as part of a conspiracy?
Why wouldn't it work properly? It's a bunch of photos chucked onto a model sphere with vast chunks of poor resolution photos that you could loose a whole town in (I know because you can barely make out the town where my mum lives). They distorted the dimensions so it works. As for the distances: they aren't even accurate - I measured the distances along the roads and compared it with what I got in my car and Google Earth was always out.
*The sheer number of people who work for NASA, the military, airlines, weather services, satellite design and manufacturing, companies that design navigational systems and the companies that support those organizations.
Where was the question in this point? Did you want me to confirm that there are loads of people that work for these organisations?
*The fact that modern warships can fire artillery shells so far, they must account for the curvature of the earth when calculating its trajectory. That is, the shell goes over the horizon. This is also true of missiles.
Conspiracy.*Radio’s having a farther range at night, as the radio waves bounce off of the earth’s curved ionosphere: AM radio stations must cut their transmitting power in the evening, to prevent one station from bleeding over to the next. Ham radio operators can take advantage of this effect, and transmit and receive signals to and from other continents.
They can also do this during the day time!!! Not only that but the number of layers of the ionosphere is less at night time then during the day - which is why you use less power at night than during the day. Don't speak about radios - you don't know jack.
*The sun is always setting and rising at the same time somewhere on earth.
The same is true on Flat Earth.
*Ocean tides and their relation ship to the moon’s orbit around earth. (This is also evidence of gravity.)
Tides a caused by a giant, 2-bladed mixer under all the continents.
*Why the lit half** of the moon is always the one facing the sun. Look at the moon during sunset and see for yourself. During a full moon, the sun will be on the opposite side of the sky from the moon. This is why lunar eclipses only occur during a full moon: that is when the earth is between the sun and moon. The reverse is true of a new moon: the sun is always behind the moon, (so the part we can’t see is the lit half**), and this is the only time a solar eclipses can occur: because the moon is between the earth and sun. When only half of the visible moon** is lit, it is the half facing the sun. How is any of this possible if the earth is flat?
I've witnessed it so it's obviously possible on a flat earth.
**There is no true dark side of the moon. Half the moon is always lit, and which half changes as it orbits around the earth, which it does at the same speed it rotates, so the same side of the moon is always facing us. The moon budges on this side, due to earth’s gravity.
Are you talking about the farside or the darkside? They both exist, the darkside is the dark half of the moon (which changes), the farside is 47% or so of the moon that always faces away from the earth.
*The earth’s round shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse, and the moon’s round shadow on earth during a solar eclipse.
Not caused by the earth.
*Only some parts of the earth can see a solar eclipse, when they do occur. (From space, it looks like a round shadow (the moon’s) being cast onto the earth surface.)
This would be true on the flat earth too.
*The fact that our model of the solar system (including how the earth orbits the sun), so accurately predicts where the moon, planets, and stars will appear in the sky on any given day,(It also predicts lunar and solar eclipses.) while no such model exists for a flat earth universe.
This is just evidence that the Conspirators are extremely clever and keeping themselves hidden should be child's play next to this.
*The seasons, and why they are opposite on the different sides of the equator. (January is Australia’s Summer, but North America's Winter.)
This really is explained in the FAQ. Are you trying to hide your lack of quality with quantity?
*Why the numbers of hours of daylight are longer or shorter (depending on the time of year) the closer one is to the earth’s poles.
Again, see above. It's not the quantity of questions that matter - it's the quality. I'm already getting sick of answering these, I can see why most Flat Earthers haven't bothered. All of them are covered continuously in loads of other threads so why put them all together?
I digress...
*The Northern and Southern hemispheres have different views of the night sky. Ask any astronomer, and they’ll tell you that the southern hemisphere’s view is better.
Stars lights are reflected off of the earth's atmosphere at a certain angle. This generates different stars that can be viewed from the different hemidiscs.
*The relative locations of the North Pole, South Pole, and the equator. (All three can’t even exist simultaneously in a flat earth model.)
They can and do. You say they can't but as with most of your arguments you fail to say
why they can't.
I fucking hope I'm at half way already.
*Compasses: if the magnetic North and South poles were two points on a flat surface, it would be possible to pass one of them, and be facing both poles at the same time. This means one pole would be closer to you than the other and that you, the north pole, and the south pole, could form a straight line. Just can’t happen, as shown by compass needles, because magnetic North and South are never in the same direction.
Magnetism is covered in two other threads. If you wish to discuss the properties of magnetism you can find the links to the threads in... the FAQ!
I swear I'm gonna have arthritis in my wrists by the end of this.
*Any of the round earth arguments here. Many of which you can try for yourself.
I've already been bored half to death by this thread I'm certainly not going to go somewhere else to get bored to death.
Could it be a conspiracy?
What would be the point?
When they're uncovered you can ask them yourself.