I'm not going to have this argument again, I've far more important things to be worrying about. But I will just say that I note you posted that last post on the .net site in a forum for which I for one have no posting rights - somewhat suspicious I should say. As for the photos, they are not "well documented"; just because they are on Flickr doesn't mean that they are all geotagged (which would be done with GPS, and therefore would not be trustworthy any way) and height references given for example. The videos are a joke: not only are they of poor resolution, but the shots most clearly showing waves lapping at the shore are very obviously taken from height.
That's my final word on the subject, I just wanted to point people in the direction of the argument (I refuse to call it a debate given some of the language and tactics you used) previously entered into, to save anyone the bother again, as it would get nowhere.