I can argue the RE theory, but as far as FE theory goes, that is amazingly coherent, the only problem i see with it, is that gravity pulls tward the center of a mass, which is what would create the sphere in the first place, whereas a red blood cell formation would seem to show a force that is spinning instead of static force (that is my own personal opinion as far as the red blood cell formation goes, i cannot refute the theory flat out, becuase i do not presently understand enough physics).
That being said, it seems as though the convection currents in molten rock would work to keep the surface perfetly flat, as it brings the cooler denser rock to the bottom, where it heats up, and goes to the top, which would keep the top flat and even.
Applying the FE theory of gravity, that the earth has always been in constant acceleration, i do not see how that would create a flat disk, if anything, it would create a long spear of earth, as a flat earth would have the most drag from the acceleration, whereas a long cylendrical spear-shape would have almost none, the reason why spears are made like that in the first place