No, my point was why aren't we accelerating with the earth, not because of it.
Who says we are not? Perhaps the effect is so small it can't be felt.
No, I feel a 9.81 meter per second per second acceleration against me. It accelerates me against the ground and makes me heavy... If I jump I am pushed back to the ground.
My point is... why isn't the sun, moon, and stars subject to this force? "Universal Acceleration" is driving them ever onward in the FE model... but is ignoring me. I have to be pushed along by the planet. Why?
Perhaps the dark matter works in a way similar to gravity. As I sit here at my desk, I feel the force of gravity pulling my into the ground. However, the ceiling of my house is also pulling me up to it. I, however, don't notice the effect of the ceiling's gravity since it is so small.
Now dark matter's reaction may be stronger with more massive objects, like the earth and the other planets, then on much less massive objects like people. It is applying a force on our bodies, however, it is so small we can't feel it.