Using the term parasite is as annoying as pro-life people insisting that the foetus is a baby, not a foetus. No woman is going to refer to, or think of, the foetus in her as a parasite, and if she does then she's a bit fucked up and needs an abortion pronto.
True, but that is what it is at that point. Would I tell my sister that she has a parasite in her? No.
"Biology: An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host."
The first definition of the word in the American Heritage Dictionary. A baby contributes nothing to it's host until it is viable.
I support a woman's right to choose. However, I will say this much: anyone who denies that there is a human element to an unborn child or postulates that it is simply a growth on the woman's body does not deserve to hold a position on the matter.
I do not deny there is a human element. Obviously, the being, Parasite, Person, Fetus whatever is human genetically. I don't believe it is a person however. At that point, it is a mass of human genes and cells that have some potential to be human at some point in the future.
By the way... "simply a growth on the woman's body". Anyone that doesn't know that a baby grows
inside a woman doesn't deserve to hold a position on the matter.
I take the position that life begins at viability. According to this: youngest age at which a baby can be supported outside its mother's body is 21 weeks. Therefore, I think what the woman does with the B/P/F/whatever before 20 weeks is a matter for her, her SO and her higher power.