No, the parasite did not ask for their consent to steal their nutrients.
They are not parasites because if they are, then we are too. They have 46 Chromosomes just like any other Homo-Sapien. They are genetically identical to all other Humans. The baby isn't there by choice, he/she was put there by the mother and father. The mothers body is giving nutrition to the fetus.
No, we were.
Homo Sapiens (The word is sapiens, not sapien, and you're meant to use italics when using Latin in an English sentence) never had 46 chromosomes,
Homo sapiens sapiens (us) have 23 pairs, which is how it's supposed to be counted, choice has no bearing on the matter, and no, the parasite is
taking the nutrition directly from the hosts bloodstream, and I'm only going to refer to them as parasites and use parasite terminology just to annoy you now.
No, the parasite did not ask for their consent to steal their nutrients.
They are not parasites because if they are, then we are too. They have 46 Chromosomes just like any other Homo-Sapien. They are genetically identical to all other Humans. The baby isn't there by choice, he/she was put there by the mother and father. The mothers body is giving nutrition to the fetus.
Genetics do not decide whether it is a parasite, situation does. The tape worms in your intestines did not choose to be there either, you put them in your mouth. They are still parasites.
(also, i'm willing to bet there are at least a few things you would consider parasites that have 46 chromosomes.
Don't take definitions from such biased sources, a parasite as defined by Wiktionary (which is just a dictionary, not some evil pro-choice site) is:
# (biology) A (generally undesirable) living organism that exists by stealing the resources needed by another living organism.
and is defined from the Latin
parasitos, one who eats at the table of another.