The Earth is round because

  • 100 Replies
Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #90 on: December 08, 2008, 07:10:12 PM »
Wrong actually, Hampden accused Wallace of cheating and purposely setting up the experiment to give the results of a round earth.  That is why "The Bedford Canal swindle detected & exposed" was written.  He had absolutely no proof of the claim, and was later imprisoned for libel due to his attempts to defame Wallace. 

Nope. After the experiment Hampden and Carpenter walked away claiming that they had won. Pick up Christine Garwood's book.

It didn't end there though:
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 07:16:32 PM by niceguybut »
"The Zetetic Astronomy has come into my hands ... if it be childish, it is clever; if it be mannish, it is unusually foolish."

A Budget of Paradoxes - A. de Morgan (pp 306-310)


Tom Bishop

  • Flat Earth Believer
  • 18025
Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #91 on: December 08, 2008, 11:26:07 PM »
They argued about it for a bit, but nothing that happened afterwards tells us who really won the experiment.

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #92 on: December 09, 2008, 12:18:38 AM »
Wrong actually, Hampden accused Wallace of cheating and purposely setting up the experiment to give the results of a round earth.  That is why "The Bedford Canal swindle detected & exposed" was written.  He had absolutely no proof of the claim, and was later imprisoned for libel due to his attempts to defame Wallace. 

Nope. After the experiment Hampden and Carpenter walked away claiming that they had won. Wallace reported later that Carpenter had actually jumped for joy upon looking into the telescope, cheering 'Beautiful, Beautiful!'

Pick up Christine Garwood's book.
If I walk away form this thread claiming I have won, does that make RET true then?

That's the thing. Just walking away and claiming that you ahve won is not sufficient, anybody can do that. However, it seems (and that they agreed with the results - or why would they have claimed cheating is the results didn't agree with them...).

So if the FEers agreed that the data did not support FET (and made the claim that the REers cheated), but them walked away claiming they had won, then they have violated Zetetic philosophy. They had no evidence that the REers had cheated other than the evidence didn't support FET.

Zetetic philosophy (which Rowbotham subscribed to), says not to make any assumptions, and that you must come to all conclusions based form the evidecne.


Without evidence of cheating, the came to the conclusion that the other side cheated. Violation 1.

The evidence that was available agreed with RET and not FET, yet they kept the conclusion that FET was correct. As this conclusion was not supported by the evidence, Violation 2

Now, FET might still be true that the Earth is Flat, and you can still believe it to be true. But based on the results form this, at the time, the FEers, if they were Zetetics, should have agreed that the evidence said that the Earth was Round. Because the available evidence said that it was.

It is only under the assumption that the Earth is Flat, does the conclusion of Cheating make logical sense. But Zetetic philosophy says that you can not make assumptions. As a Zetetic, Tom, this should be obvious to you (read page 1 of ENaG).
Everyday household experimentation.


Marcus Aurelius

  • 4546
  • My Alts: Tom Bishop, Gayer, theonlydann
Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #93 on: December 09, 2008, 04:25:46 AM »
They argued about it for a bit, but nothing that happened afterwards tells us who really won the experiment.

My question is, why didn't Samuel Rowbatham use a spirit level in his second experiment to ensure that his telescope was exactly level to the ground, and not just a strait line along the flags?  Wallace is absolutely right, Carpenter was disputing his efforts to ensure that he was level with the ground, which is completely ridiculous.

Nothing in Rowbatham's second experiment in ENaG mentions the use of a spirit level.  It's a commonly used device for geometry and surveying.  Rowbatham simply aligned his telescopes with the top of the flags without leveling his telescope, making his results flawed.

So Tom, when you peer reviewed Rowbatham did you catch that one?


Marcus Aurelius

  • 4546
  • My Alts: Tom Bishop, Gayer, theonlydann
Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #94 on: December 09, 2008, 10:43:52 AM »
bump for response.

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #95 on: December 09, 2008, 08:36:24 PM »
You always get derailed when you ask a question FEers do not want to answer so you forget you asked it.

Back there a bit Tom was asked what kind of RE proof would be sufficient since everything is no good.

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #96 on: December 10, 2008, 05:54:13 AM »
Carpenter had actually jumped for joy upon looking into the telescope, cheering 'Beautiful, Beautiful!'

I believe that was because the telescope was set up in such a way that the cross-hair on it didn't line up with the marker on the post or the bridge. Why they felt this suggested a FE was beyond everyone else at the time.


Marcus Aurelius

  • 4546
  • My Alts: Tom Bishop, Gayer, theonlydann
Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #97 on: December 10, 2008, 07:06:23 AM »
Nothing in Rowbatham's second experiment in ENaG mentions the use of a spirit level.  It's a commonly used device for geometry and surveying.  Rowbatham simply aligned his telescope with the top of the flags without leveling his telescope with the ground, making his results flawed.

So Tom, when you peer reviewed Rowbatham did you catch that one?

bump for response.

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #98 on: February 08, 2009, 01:12:52 AM »
Quote from: Perfect Circle date=01:01:02 AM
Which means you did not visit the links, and therefore, are not worthy to debate. Come back when you are ready.

Quote from: Tom Bishop date=01:02:23 AM
I checked again and I still didn't see any contradicting experiments. Care to point one out to me?

You checked all 43 links in less than 1 and a half minutes? Impressive.

This was a real sticker for me.  It kind of proves that Tom Bishop is being dishonest.

Technique to use with Tom Bishop:  Don't let him lead you on.  Just find an absurdity he is doing and run it into the ground until he has nowhere else to go.  Ignore everything that remotely veers off that topic.  I did that with a perspective thread that I did nearly a year ago.  This seems pretty absurd to me.  So, I'd just run this into the ground until he admits that he can't possibly check, thoroughly, 45 links in 81 seconds.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2009, 01:15:57 AM by Ferruccio »

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #99 on: February 08, 2009, 08:15:09 AM »
Measure it to prove its flat then.  Since society generaly accepts that its round, you really have to prove to us its flat.  I have never seen real evidence, only speculation.

It has already been measured and proven through test, trial, and experiment. Read Earth Not a Globe and the other Flat Earth Literature referenced in my signature link.
Why is it that if the ice wall exists, is there a record for the youngest person to visit both poles? Is the 14 year old lying?
I hate myself for coming here

Re: The Earth is round because
« Reply #100 on: February 08, 2009, 01:29:42 PM »
As I said there is a conspiracy, the world is flat. Everyone but about 20-30 people on the planet is in on it..... Argh oh no I spilt the beans, im a gonna.