Again, everything you are quoting is Old Testament. Jesus did not teach any of this. In fact, many of his teachings can be construed as corrections to the OT - casting the first stone and so forth.
Of course, an omnipotent being such as Himself couldn't possibly get it right all in one go. He needs to correct His mistakes once in a while.
God didn't write the OT, or NT. A lot can be lost in translation, and sometimes clarifications are necessary.
So it might all just be nonsensical gibberish? Islam, for one, holds that God needed to introduce his Word to the world in three consecutive stages (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) that improved upon the one before it until it became the "Final Revelation".
Some of the "clarifications" in the New Testament are fairly significant. I hardly think that the Old Testament would be entirely "lost in translation". If that's the case, why even bother keeping it is a part of the Bible and quote from it so consistently?
Also, calling God "him" is sexist. We should call God "It", since it is not human.
The Bible refers to God as "Him". He is both the Father and the Son. It is indeed very sexist. Welcome to religion. Population: six billion tools.