I don't maintain anything like that. That's the obligation of the religious.
I'm not obligated to do anything.
You are if you want to "live a better life".
Better than?
I don't know...they were your words, not mine... 
I used them in a meaningful context, you didn't.
What was the meaningful context? Do as Jesus says? Sounds like an obligation to me.
I don't remember the context, it would involve scrolling up. Fuck that.
The context was that you were saying Allah was great. I can't remember you not remembering that.
You need to invest in a Logitech (TM) mouse that has this separate scrolling function like mine does. I can't believe you would concede this argument just because you don't understand how scroll works.
I just didn't want to. Who's this alleya dude you're talking about anyways?
As Thomas Jefferson said, "I have nothing but contempt for anyone who can spell a word only one way."
Sir, I like the cut of your jib...