Okay, but where are you going to hide hundreds of projector stations around the world? And what of the work crews that built them? Are they payed off, too. Forget it, I can shoot down every theory you can come up with faster than you can think of them.
They have been setting up these stations since the 1940s. They had plenty of time to set them all up before satellites started becoming visible in the night sky, without requiring a great number of people to be involved.
So, where did they get:
Lasers in the 1940s
The computer power to run them to display holographic images
Buddy, you're out of your league.
Not really, dealing with many, not all, of the people like I've found on this is forum is very resourceful of me. I can do quick research, increase my literary skills and be entertained by either hard headed stupidity or people who think, but are wrong, that they're superior to others. Actually, I find it quite refreshing. Eventually, I will get board with it, kind of like a cat toying with a crippled mouse.
If you say so. Also, irony.
I obviously did, do you feel the need to tell me? And, what could be ironic about having a blast on your forum.
Have you found anything concerning the physics of... (LOL)... Bendy Light? Or maybe how a magnetic accelerator (rail gun) can cause a ship to only "appear" to go over the horizon, short of shooting at it with it and making it sink.
Did you search for Electromagnetic Accelerator, or just assume that you knew what I was talking about?
Oh, no, I only "assumed" to know what a magnetic accelerator is, was I right? Yes. Can it be used to make a ship only look like it's going over the horizon short of sinking it. No.
I gave proof of why a ship looks like it does going over a curved horizon, why won't you reciprocate? Are you in doubt too? Or, are you presumptuous to think that if I only look at the pseudoscience I'll be convinced and mend my ways?
Now, about that Bendy Light thing...
I eagerly await your reply here or on my thread. Your choice.
Thanks for letting me choose where to post on a forum that I moderate.
Oh, I would never think of it. But moving my thread around is kind of silly. Was that to show me "who's boss"?
In all actuality, if this forum simply evaporated (does flat earth theory support that?) tonight I would simply find another. Left wing conspiracy websites and forums are "a dime a dozen".