I've been too busy exposing the lie's of your science, outside of holy scriptures I don't read much, GOD needs to keep me ignorant of fiction, science fiction, lol.
Just for future reference "lies" doesn't have an apostrophe. Though perhaps God put it there while you weren't looking. Oh, and God only has one capital letter, unless you're referring to generic gods, in which case no capitalisation is required (look, I spelled capitalisation without a 'z' - shall I be punished?).
That aside, I since that you only read holy scriptures, I presume that you are also fluent in ancient greek, as well as a number of hebrew/aramaic dialects, and latin too, so it's quite easy to see how you could make the mistake with all those extra languages confusing you.
Why does God need to keep you ignorant of science fiction... or of science OR fiction for that matter? Is s/he worried that biblical logic is flawed. But then, given that the "good book" advocates free will, isn't it simply you keeping yourself ignorant? So I guess it's your own faith which is on shaky ground if you're afraid of it crumbling under the weight of a few simply proven principles.
On the topic, however, it is actually very easy to see how a night-time observer can see the crescent moon. Take a couple of soccer balls and a light source and return to us when you've educated yourself.