What do you say to the millions of people who have watched the launches from Cape Kennedy...the rockets that they saw, where did they go, if you can't have orbit with an FE and they didn't go to the moon, where did they go. The Astronauts were gone for the duration of the mission, where did they go? If they could launch the rocket in the first place which they obviously could since there are at least a million eye-witnesses, why wouldn't they be able to land on the moon. Also the first launch was Cold War times, you think the Russians wouldn't have said something if the shuttle had remained in the atmosphere, just flying around, shit, do you know how much fuel it would have used...
So here's the choice, either there are a million Americans who lied about watching a launch, not to mention lied about people dieing in a launch(Challenger), or they really went to space.
Choose one. Can't have both.