Is there a serious "alternative science" forum any

  • 2 Replies
Is there a serious "alternative science" forum any
« on: June 05, 2006, 05:12:30 AM »
Hi there,

after some posts of arguing even I recognized that this forum is more or less a hoax (but at least an entertaining one, for sure...).

Therefore: Does anyone know a forum where true followers of the FE model, intelligent design, etc. offer to have discussions? I strongly identify with the concepts of "real science", therefore I am absolutely interested in some arguing with the ladies or gentlemen that do not share this view. I really want to understand their point, in the hope that this will enrich my own perspective. I strongly doubt that I can learn anything about science from them, but maybe I will learn something about people, which is by far more interesting.
ife is great!

Is there a serious "alternative science" forum any
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2006, 05:18:09 AM »

this has GOT to be a hoax....



  • The Elder Ones
  • 4242
Is there a serious "alternative science" forum any
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2006, 11:29:26 AM »
If what you're really interested in is studying people, I strongly suggest staying here.  Sure, there are the FEers with their unorthodox and often paranoid ideas (off the top of my head I can think of.... three), but what's far more interesting is listening to what REers have to say, what the think science is, what they think proper etiquette is, how they form little teams for mutual emotional support, etc.

In all sincerity, if your post accurately describes your interest, this is a great place for you.  If you are interested in arguing FE vs. RE, there are (more than three) people here who will do it civilly.

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