Trial by Fire

  • 2 Replies
Trial by Fire
« on: May 25, 2006, 08:42:14 PM »
(Original idea for this type of thread, was concieved by "ripht|CoC", of the XgenStudios' Forums)

The topic of this debate is pretty simple: Flat earth vs Round earth.
A hot topic, and clearly done before.

However, the rules of this topic have a slight twist: You have to argue from a position opposite of the your actual viewpoints. Everyone's pretty clear on everyone else's opinion around these parts, so no cheating! Hehe...

Basically, the idea behind this is to break people out of their normal thought patterns, and to challenge their own beliefs. Hopefully your beliefs will end up either strengthened by this or changed entirely.

Shall we?

[end copyness]

Now, as it stands, there are some people who just like to debate on either side of the argument. To those people: Have fun, and just pick a side for the hell of it ;) Feel free to switch sides whenever you want, but don't do it out of desperation.

I'll admit, that with most of the users joined up here, I'm a RE'er.

But, alas, I have not enough information about the FE's points of view about the world, enough to make an informed post.

The only thing I ask is for the next poster to start up a topic, or we can go with the very common one: The speed of light.

(using my highly unresearched information):

Many of you say that if we are moving at 9.8m/s^2, we would he past the speed of light. But the speed of light is relative to us, and therefore, we can never pass the speed of light. While we may be passing the speed of light, relative to other objects, we are not passing the speed of light, relative to ourselves.

(Ok, now I'm going out on a limb here)

Technically, even, we're not moving. Relative to outside space, past the Ice Wall, we are moving at 9.8m/s^2.

(Well? Have fun :) Yeah, I know this is my first post.)
Try not to be -too- much of an idiot. Or I'll rape you verbally.

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Re: Trial by Fire
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2006, 08:57:13 PM »
Due to the fairly low FE membership, many of the RE members adopt this strategy on a semipermanent basis.  I personally feel that this suggestion is with wisdom filled.

Many of you say that if we are moving at 9.8m/s^2, we would he past the speed of light. But the speed of light is relative to us, and therefore, we can never pass the speed of light. While we may be passing the speed of light, relative to other objects, we are not passing the speed of light, relative to ourselves.

(Ok, now I'm going out on a limb here)

A bit of a limb.  FIrstly, 9.8 m/s^2 -- or "1g" in its much-easier-to-write form -- is a rate not of motion but of acceleration.

The big issue is this "we may be passing the speed of light relative to other objects, but not relative to ourselves" thing.  Well, obviously not to ourselves: to ourselves, we are always at rest.  And while yes, there's really nothing stopping us from moving faster than light relative to something else, it's not something we could ever know about.

What's really going on is that our acceleration is constant from our perspective, but decreasing from everybody else's.

I will now hijack this post to point out that in general relativity, objects on the surface of the (round, gravitationally-interacting Earth) are not stationary, but are in fact accelerating upwards at the constant rate of 1g.  So it turns out that FE gravity and RE gravity are -- surprise surprise -- the same thing.

Why did the chicken cross the Möbius strip?

Trial by Fire
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 09:41:04 PM »
Oops, by going out on a limb, I meant the part after that.

Then again, I don't know much about FE theories ;) I'll leave that up to you guys.
Try not to be -too- much of an idiot. Or I'll rape you verbally.

1 out of 9 members on this forum that can spell properly.