I hate the rain too. We had a decent amount of snow, and the lake was frozen solid enough to walk etc on but then it had to go above zero and rain and now the city is just a mud heap I'm hoping to take the ski holiday up in Lappi (one of the good things about this country is everyone pretty much gets a one week off in feb/march for skiing season )
At least you got snow. TN doesn't get enough snow to make a snowman most years. The last time they had enough snow to matter here was in 1995 fer god's sake.
Haha that sucks. We're supposed to get snow tomorrow and the temps are down again to the minus 10 (celcius) area so it should stay, yay.
Go ahead and rub it in....
I hope you get snow rubbed down your back.
@ Sex ass Panda: Nope, Vandy for me.
@ Moonlit: LOL.... I don't blame them. school stopped for 2.5 inches? LOLLOL... We didn't shut down for any amount that I remember.