just to be clear are Fe'ers saying Fe straight paths would give a faster route?
Listen dudes, don't pay attention to these University drop-outs.
At point (A) the airplane reaches cruising altitude and pilot engages trim tabs, the ground below is a given 34,000 ft, upon reaching point (B) 500 miles later the ground below curved underneath around the so-called round Earth and gained altitude. Now the airplane has to reach point (E), therefore altitude adjustment must be implemented or air routes are compromised.
At point (A) were the trim tabs adjusted, but when the airplane reaches point (B) the curvature of the round Earth declined and new adjustment must be implemented because the airplane is no longer at point (A).
Riddle me this!!!!Those pilots would have to make adjustments, and because its hard to see those tail elevators, but you can hear the motor (hydraulics) of the elevators, just like you can hear the motors of the aileron, spoilers and flaps. Either way, which ever way you choose to represent your point whether the aircraft follows the surface of the Earth or the pressure of the air both curve on a round Earth and because the airplane is flying perpendicular from point (A) being of surface or of air, upon reaching point (B) adjustments will have to be made using Hydraulic elevators - noise - nose pitch!!!!!
But the ride of the airplane is always leveled once in cruising altitude, so, this proves to all who have flown that the Earth is Flat, and nobody here on this forum, or on any other monkey forum will prove otherwise....