I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things

  • 45 Replies

Dr Matrix

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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2008, 07:31:47 AM »
How do u think they measured that distance? Did they pace it out? Of course not! They calculated it from maps and GPS data, which assume a round Earth. Also, they would have calculated the length of the route beforehand so they knew how much equipment they would need.

In short, the 100,000 mile figure is based on a RE, so can't be used as proof for FET.

If I was doing that journey I'd certainly pace out the bits I did on land - I mean after a while you run out of things to talk about so you'd have to do something to stop yourself going nuts!
Quote from: Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2008, 08:07:15 AM »
Through all this discussion, I'm still not seeing the REASON for the lie.  Whether the Earth is flat or round makes no difference to people that make money.  I don't buy the 9-11 conspiracies either, but at least they have a motive, and even "proof"

Also, how are there NO pictures of the ice wall?  No pictures of anything even remotely proving the earth is flat.  Hell, people have come up with pictures of Bigfoot and UFOs, even fake, they come up with them.  The world is full of people just looking for conspiracies,.  That WANT to believe in conspiracies.  Some are quite rich.  If FET were true, I would really think SOMEONE would be out there trying to blow the lid off this conspiracy. 

The evidence for RE is SO huge that I'm still surprised there are people that dispute it.


Tom Bishop

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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2008, 08:17:26 AM »
It says right there in the link that the route was over 100,000 miles long. That's four times around the equator of the Round Earth model and four times across the diameter of the FE model. The red line Bin Laden made on his map certainly seems to match up, if not understate the reported distance.

How do u think they measured that distance? Did they pace it out? Of course not! They calculated it from maps and GPS data, which assume a round Earth. Also, they would have calculated the length of the route beforehand so they knew how much equipment they would need.

In short, the 100,000 mile figure is based on a RE, so can't be used as proof for FET.

It doesn't say that the 100,000 figure was "calculated" or "estimated" based on RE maps. It just says that the total journey was 100,000 miles long. That type of journey would take one four times around the RE equator and four times across the diameter of the FE.

How is it possible to travel that distance around an RE in a North-South Circumnavigation? Why does it take four times longer to travel around the world through the poles than it does around the equator?

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2008, 08:37:21 AM »
It doesn't say that the 100,000 figure was "calculated" or "estimated" based on RE maps. It just says that the total journey was 100,000 miles long. That type of journey would take one four times around the RE equator and four times across the diameter of the FE.

Exactly. So when you assume that was the total distance travelled you are in error.

How is it possible to travel that distance around an RE in a North-South Circumnavigation? Why does it take four times longer to travel around the world through the poles than it does around the equator?

They weren't travelling the shortest path possible. You can see from the graphic on the website that they went back and forth a lot. They must have done this even in FET. This adds considerable distance to their route.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2008, 08:47:16 AM »
It says right there in the link that the route was over 100,000 miles long. That's four times around the equator of the Round Earth model and four times across the diameter of the FE model. The red line Bin Laden made on his map certainly seems to match up, if not understate the reported distance.

How do u think they measured that distance? Did they pace it out? Of course not! They calculated it from maps and GPS data, which assume a round Earth. Also, they would have calculated the length of the route beforehand so they knew how much equipment they would need.

In short, the 100,000 mile figure is based on a RE, so can't be used as proof for FET.

It doesn't say that the 100,000 figure was "calculated" or "estimated" based on RE maps. It just says that the total journey was 100,000 miles long. That type of journey would take one four times around the RE equator and four times across the diameter of the FE.

How is it possible to travel that distance around an RE in a North-South Circumnavigation? Why does it take four times longer to travel around the world through the poles than it does around the equator?

Look at their route, it wasn't exactly a straight line.  Their goal was not leave from point a and travel all the way around the world without changing direction to end back at point a.  Their trip takes several twists and turns.  Not to mention they had to travel by foot, snowmobile, boat etc.  They battled elements and what not.  Lets also not forget this was done in 1972.  I'm pretty sure our planes, boats and other modes of transport are more reliable, and faster today.

Also, the Earth isn't a perfect circle, or sphere.  Its more of an prolate ellipsoid, being slightly fatter at the equator and slightly flatter at the poles due to rotation.



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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2008, 08:49:55 AM »
Lets also not forget this was done in 1972.

You obviously haven't read enough of that website to pass judgment on it.
I'm going to side with the white supremacists.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2008, 08:50:10 AM »
Also, the Earth isn't a perfect circle, or sphere.  Its more of an prolate ellipsoid, being slightly fatter at the equator and slightly flatter at the poles due to rotation.

You mean oblate spheroid.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2008, 08:54:04 AM »
Also, the Earth isn't a perfect circle, or sphere.  Its more of an prolate ellipsoid, being slightly fatter at the equator and slightly flatter at the poles due to rotation.

You mean oblate spheroid.

TY, that why I teach history, not geometry :)



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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2008, 09:02:47 AM »
It doesn't say that the 100,000 figure was "calculated" or "estimated" based on RE maps. It just says that the total journey was 100,000 miles long. That type of journey would take one four times around the RE equator and four times across the diameter of the FE.

Exactly. So when you assume that was the total distance travelled you are in error.

How is it possible to travel that distance around an RE in a North-South Circumnavigation? Why does it take four times longer to travel around the world through the poles than it does around the equator?

They weren't travelling the shortest path possible. You can see from the graphic on the website that they went back and forth a lot. They must have done this even in FET. This adds considerable distance to their route.

I realized this too after looking at the path they took. But still - 100,000 miles? I'd like to see that figure broken down for each segment of their journey, but unfortunately that info doesn't seem to be on the site.
Quote from: Professor Gaypenguin
I want an Orion slave woman :(
Okay, I admit it.  The earth isn't flat.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2008, 09:08:15 AM »
I realized this too after looking at the path they took. But still - 100,000 miles? I'd like to see that figure broken down for each segment of their journey, but unfortunately that info doesn't seem to be on the site.

This isn't a brilliant point for discussion because of the absence of proper data, so we have to rely on heuristic arguments.

Arguments like:

Wouldn't they notice their journey was mostly in the Southern hemisphere?
Wouldn't they notice their predictions for distance for each leg of the journey were off?

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2008, 11:43:33 AM »

How do u think they measured that distance? Did they pace it out? Of course not! They calculated it from maps and GPS data, which assume a round Earth. Also, they would have calculated the length of the route beforehand so they knew how much equipment they would need.

In short, the 100,000 mile figure is based on a RE, so can't be used as proof for FET.

I'm not sure, but I don't think there was GPS in 1972

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2008, 12:48:16 PM »

Celestial south and geographic south are not always the same direction on a Flat Earth.

And yet in reality, they are always the same. 

Fail again for the Fucktard Earth Theory. 
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Video proof that the Earth is flat!

Run run, as fast as you can, you can't catch me cos I'm in the lollipop forest and you can't get there!



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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2008, 12:49:33 PM »
And yet in reality, they are always the same.

How do you know? How do you determine where geographic south is?
I'm going to side with the white supremacists.

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2008, 02:24:51 PM »
haha this discussion was fun to watch, Osama you make the worst arguments ever up... you twist alot, and only change facts... is that what you are made of?

Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2008, 02:30:42 PM »
How do you know? How do you determine where geographic south is?

Well, celestial navigation is how it has been done since Amundsen.  No modern, NASA created, US government maintained equipment with that one.


Dr Matrix

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Re: I've read the FAQ, and I still can't find "answers" to some things
« Reply #45 on: September 22, 2008, 02:35:11 PM »
I have to say the 'stellar gears' of FET is pretty weak... I was expecting something a bit better developed.
Quote from: Arthur Schopenhauer
All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.