The thing is atheists don't know what caused the universe to begin, and anything they say is not based on evidence but based on personal opinions only.
Human knowledge is always growing. It is fallacious to attribute anything to the work of a supernatural being because it is not yet understood. Since the beginning of religion, anything not understood was attributed to god, much like the beginning of the universe. People believed eclipses and auros were supernatural. They believed that diseases were divine punishment. God was invented to patch up these holes in knowledge. When cavemen saw fire, they didn't understand combustion. They instead drew pictures of heavenly beings bestowing magic upon Earth. Instances involving the supernatural/magic has been disproven billions of times as the human race learns more and more about itself and surroundings. People know have telescopes and microscopes to see the stars and the bacteria and viruses. God is a patch designed to explain something that currently is unexplainable. It isn't a sound argument to do this because God is unexplained and whether he is real or not he is also a human invention (as proven by the near unanimous appearance of varying deity religions all over the world). To explain something by magic and leave it at that, because God is unquestionable, is horribly unscientific and biased.
- The Big Bang has plentiful evidence, some of which you already mentioned.
- There is no evidence of god.
- I haven't seen any serious and shared atheist arguments stemming from personal opinion.
Because they do not know what was 'before' the universe or big bang, and they have no solid proof for their opinions
Solid proof is impossible. It is impossible to prove what the center of the Earth is made out of. Evidence need not be 100% solid to be reliable. It is only unfair to assert that because it is impossible to have perfect proof, that we attribute answers to religion. It is impossible to prove that there isn't a mutant bunny trapped in the center of the Earth, yet the lack of evidence for one makes me conclude there isn't one.
however if they knew the attributes of Almighty God (or what I call as Allah) they would have realized that Almighty's God existence is a must to a universe so all things in the universe be called exists.
Show this. You are offering conclusions rather than steps for investigation. It is 'proven' that conservation of matter is only applied in some circumstances.
Suppose now there is a table, and I ask you hey can you help me to lift the table, you would say yeah but I need help from that person, then when that person would come he would say yeah but I need help from the person that helped me to come into existence, then when that person would come he would say the same thing again, again and again! why! simply because the attributes of being the first, no one before him and he is not like his creations is not accepted or not understandable to them that's why they keep repeating the same question, who created God
It is unfair to assert that God doesn't need a creator while the known universe does. There are countless math based theories, some of which postulate that the universe always exists. Some say that it expands and contracts (big bang and big crunch) some say membranes of higher dimensional spacetime collided and intersecting created a relatively small pocket of spacetime, (our universe) with its own properties.
we cannot see emotions physically, but we see their product; tears, smile etc. The hormones in our body cause us to get these feelings, however the feelings cannot be physically seen except through their product for example tears, laugh etc... Like that, we see the universe around us, and how it is sustained and controlled for so long doesn't that would immediately for the sane mind would make him believe that this is the product of an All Powerful, Knowing and Wise Creator. This is not my believe but this is what we call Fitra which is in all humans whose Fitra are not corrupted
There is no reason to believe the universe is controlled.
There is no sound argument for making a leap to a creator.
Giving Fitra a name doesn't make it a valid concept. Religions are famous for believing they are correct and asserting that others are backwards, corrupted, mistaken, or evil. This applies to the views of the religion followers and sometimes their traits.