This was forward to me recently, and is hardly as optimistic as then the OP's post.
If Christians Were to Vanish…
Day 1, Sunday Morning:
The athiests wake up (actually it would be closer to noon), but sense that something is wrong. There is no radio and no T.V. on the air. Electrical power is partially already gone. Upon venturing out into the world, they notice almost no traffic, no police, no airplanes… almost total silence. Upon the discovery of realizing these facts, athiests immediately begin to loot all businesses. It’s a free for all. Windows are broken, cars stolen from garages & parking lots, a real big party for the athiests starts. They are living it up, it’s total anarchy. By the afternoon, most valuables in stores & private homes are looted. Gay sex shops & liquor stores are among the first to be emptied out.
Day 1, Evening:
Electrical power is all but gone, phone service is now gone too. There are no communications, hence they have no idea what happened. They turn on the cell phones to start talking loudly and obnoxiously, but the phones don’t work. Some agnotics, the working class, are starting to understand the nightmare that is to come. But no one listens to them; They are non-brights, who have always appreciated life in America.
Already gangs are beginning to rob, rape (and this time it’s athiest women, no pure Christian women here, remember?) and murder at even a higher rate than before. There is no force to stop them. There is no government, no religion, No order. It is a great big free party for the athiests…For now.
During The First Week:
Looting & anarchy continue. Law abiding athiests are already having to defend their houses from looters. But other problems are beginning to appear. There is no fresh milk, no bread, no fresh meats. There is no longer any electricity, therefore alot of food is already spoiled. Fires are wide spread from looting, and hardly anyone knows how to put them out. Fresh water from taps is starting to become undrinkable, if it is still flowing.
By The End Of The First Month:
A massive food shortage begins to appear. Yes canned food can still be found but fresh water, milk, bread & such are non-existent. Gasoline becomes scarce. Also the athiests begin to get bored. No television, internet..etc.
Some hospitals are still running but with almost no trained staff. The death rate begins to increase. So has simple illness, pregnancy, and the like are poorly treated at best. Youths form even more gangs from boredom. Garbage & sanitation services are gone, & now disease from these sources begin to rise. Rats multiply. A few law-abiding athiests try to restore order and resort to shoot on sight policy, using guns they previously they wanted to make illegal. Civil war begins amongst athiest gangs as they battle for territory & vanishing resources.
By The End Of The First Year:
Starvation is rampant. Food becomes the most valuable thing in the New athiest America. Fires are rampant everywhere, especially in the colder states due to lack of heat & electricity. Trees are cut down for firewood, but none are replanted. Athiests don’t think that way, they only live for the moment (”pleasure is all that matters”). Many die from cold. Diseases are also rampant, malnutrition is everywhere. As the birth rate increase (no abortion anymore) most infants born do not survive, as medical care becomes non-existent. A few athiests hoard all the food for themselves by the use of force (just like China today.)
There is no light at night, except from fires. The atheists begin to reorganize by tribes, in small pockets. Gangs rule the city completely. It is hell. Travel is almost impossible, except by walking, riding bikes.Travellers are frequently murdered by gangs.
SPOILERS: IT IS PARTS OF EARTH ALL ALONG! >> This is a true story from the future. Luckily, I’ll be dead when it happens.
By The End Of Five Years:
Nearly 2/3rds of the athiests are now dead. The life span is down to about 40 years, as it is in many athiest countries in Asia today. There are some tribal governments, but no United States as we know it. The money system being gone years ago, is now replaced by a barter system. Crime is still a major problem & there is practically no justice system. Mob rule & vigilante justice prevail. Youths engage in duelling, to prove their manhood. Nomads now roam from destroyed town to town looking for food. Farm animals have all been slaughtered or molested. Medicines are now gone. The U.S. has become like a concentration camp, only worse, for there will be no Christian saviours to free the athiests from oppression.