and I would place myself in this category - don't believe in God because of a lack of evidence for his existence.
Well as I said previously Absence of proof is not proof of absence then why your taking such a risk because of the absence of proof? again there are many signs but I guess you don't care about them but some others only one sign like that it's enough for them to believe that God exists.
I seriously don't know why Atheists are waiting for miracles and not seeing the signs around them, we Muslims and most other people who believe in god understand such signs but sadly there are some Atheists separate science and god as if these two concepts can never be together. I mean look in this universe, The earth with ALL its complexities, its continuous faultless orbit around the sun, the precise alternation of the night & the day, the existence of this VAST solar system; the presence of the sun... how the earth is in such an exact and precise place where it receives such a definitive & 'convenient' amount of sunlight... that if the earth was even one metre back from where it is, all life would simply freeze to death, & if it was even one metre closer to the sun we would instantly shrivel due to the heat, we name these signs...
See the the sun itself and think about it! one of more than 100 Billion stars in the galaxy according! How the outer layers of the Sun exhibit differential rotation: at the equator, how the surface rotates once every 25.4 days... How each second about 700,000,000 tons of hydrogen are converted to about 695,000,000 tons of helium and 5,000,000 tons of energy in the form of gamma rays...etc We call these signs
Try to ask yourself and think about it, give it some thoughts, This earth is just ONE planet in our Solar System and Our Solar System is just One of MANY solar systems... Our GALAXY, The Milky Way, is just ONE of the galaxies. There are ONE HUNDRED MILLION GALAXIES in the universe. They are ALL IN ORDER and they are all PRECISE. They are not COLLIDING with each other. They are not conflicting with one another. They are swimming along in a calculated orbit. Now... how do you explain the origin of this FLAWLESS & PERFECT Universe?
After all the above signs, is it ok for Atheists to take the risk to deny the existence of god without proof!? just because of there is an absence of proof!
"Do they not ponder and meditate upon the Quran or do they keep locks upon their hearts?"
[Quran 47:24]
I know some of you might ask me,
then who created god? Seriously if they knew the definition of god and all of his attributes and names they wouldn't be asking this question. One of the attributes of Allah is that He is Eternal. By definition Eternal is forever with no beginning; therefore the question is absurd. Only temporal/non-eternal beings are created. By logic, everyone agrees with the fact that there was something Eternal which gave life to this universe and its inhabitants. We believe that this Eternal is Everlasting and intelligent Being and we call Him Allah!!!
Some people like Space Cowgirl or fluorescence would say, then why we can't see god!? My answer is as usual, Allah does not to do ungodly things. By definition, He is not like His creation and not within His creation. If we assume that He were to show up, what evidence do you have that you will believe in Him? Present a logical evidence that you will believe in Him if He were to show up!
It is not logical to say: "I will believe in Him because He will be in front of me". The classical arguments presented in the Quran tell us that when miracles were revealed to people in the past, they said it is magic and that's why I quoted several verses before. I also talked about the purpose of this life and it was to worship Allah this life is no more but a test for us. Allah tests us and sends guidance to us -Will we obey Him (by doing good and abstaining from evil) without seeing Him? This is part of our test. If Allah was clearly watching us, while we watched Him - then none of us would even feel inclined to sin out of awe and fear for Him. We know it requires faith to believe in Allah without seeing Him. Yet there are many signs that He has given us which help us in accepting and strengthening in this faith.
In fact qe don't need to see God to believe in Him, and that's why the majority of mankind believes in Him. So if someone was to question why we can't see Him, then we say that we are ABLE to believe in Him without seeing Him, and the majority of mankind believe in Him. We believe this is because He created mankind this way, upon a fitrah [natural disposition] in which we know that a Higher Power exists and controls.
So if this majority are able to then similarly you are able to. Allah KNOWS that we can believe in Him without seeing Him, and that's why He doesn't have to show Himself to us in this life. He sends Messengers' with undeniable signs to show us that they are truly sent from God, informing us of the clear message.Then He will reward the believers and good doers by letting them see His Majesty on the Day of Judgment, and He will punish those who rejected Him, by never letting them see Him, because they rejected His Promise in this life. Now there would be two reasons why someone denies Allah, it's either because he is closed minded, or he has not reflected upon the signs of Almighty Allah. For the former, there is nothing we can do to , for the latter, Allah said in the Quran:
"We will show them Our Signs on the horizon and within themselves until it is clear to them that it is the truth" [Quran 41:53]
Yeah.. we're gonna take your word for that.
You don't have to listen to me, I suggest you to read my God's words, it's far better
Smart man? He's fucking arguing that the christian God doesn't exist by saying Allah exists, thinking that that statement somehow proves his circular retardedness.
It's logical to say: "God doesn't exist because there is no proof", but it's just plain idiotic to say: "the christian god doesn't exist because Allah is the real almighty God".
They're both fucking fairytales.
You're arguing which fairytale is more valid than the other, but what you don't realize is that they're both fucking made up.
So no, not smart at all... you ignorant cur.
So you put such efforts to prove me I am not smart, now that's an honor itself
isnt allah the same as the jew god and the christian god
Yeah Allah is god of All mankind, Muslims, Christians, Jews...etc but dear Panda, you know what's happening, Christians are insulting Allah, Jews are insulting Allah according to their own books. Because in their books which is supposed to be from God, the god is insulting himself! that's why I am saying no guys, these words can never be the words of the Almighty God Allah because Allah can never insult himself.
"Holy is HE and exalted far above what they attribute to HIM" [Quran 6:100]
I'm pretty sure they're not the same, at least westerners don't consider "Allah" to be the Christian God...
That's because they have accepted to worship a god with limits how would they except someone with unlimited powers, a true god! because the moment they do is the moment they should throw their religion and guess what this would never happen till the end of times
The Quran gives the greatest definition of God >>>
"Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him." [Quran 112:1-4]I don't fucking know. He doesn't exist either way.
"And they say, `There is nothing for us but this our present life; we die and we live; and nothing but time destroys us.' But they have no real knowledge of it; they do nothing but conjecture."
However, most of them still think they're right and everyone else is wrong,
Dear Matrix, I totally understand that, but Matrix honestly if I am wrong let him prove me wrong, wither by common sense or by my own book. If for example I want to prove a Christian is wrong, you prove him logically and by his own Book the "Bible" and sadly when we do this they ignore and blindly follow their path. Wallah I swear I am ready to change my RELIGION if you just found 1 simple contradiction or mistake in Quran just find 1 and I am ready to change. However Christians, Jews..etc there are countless proves that it contains contradictions according to their own scholars yet they are blindly following their believe.
Stop me when I start to go wrong, but didn't Muhammed engage in paederasty, something which is plainly not allowed in Christianity? And since both Muhammed and Jesus were killed in Jerusalem, then came back to life and rose to heaven
From where did you read this!? this is the first time I hear of such a thing. Mohammed never died and revived, Mohammed died a normal death he didn't die there and rose to heaven! Mohammed was the last messenger of the same almighty God. Believe me if you did seriously read my previous posts in other topics you would realize how much are misguided.
"And there comes not to them any Sign of the Signs of their Lord, but they turn away from it. So they rejected the truth when it came to them; but soon shall come to them the tidings of that at which they mocked.
"And even if they see every Sign, they would not believe therein, so much so that when they come to thee, disputing with thee, those who disbelieve say, `This is nothing but fables of the ancients.' And they forbid others to believe in it and themselves too they keep away from it. And they ruin none but their ownselves; only they perceive not.""This is a sufficient admonition for mankind that they may benefit by it and that they may be warned thereby, and that they may know that HE is the only One God and that those possessed of understanding may take heed."