So, im thinking, why this constant acceleration of 9.8ms
What happens if the earth gains any additional weight and why is it that all objects in the universe are all accelerating upwards at the same weight?
When i say additional weight i do not mean more poeple being born as this would just be recycling the normal weight of the earth. But general gain from outer space, i.e. meteor impacts, outer space particles colliding with particles coming in the opposite direction would slow us significantly over time.
If the other objects in space exert a gravitational pull on us why do we not accelerate beyond the 9.8ms
-2 depending on seasons due to the sun apparently moving closer and farther away? ANd if the earth is apparently not affected by this gravity how come other parts are such as the water and us, which can all become one with the earth and we would thus be exerting an upwards pressure on the earth.
On the subject of acceleration, why would be accelerating rather than moving at a constant speed?
If we are gaining energy from the sun, how come when we jump we do not exert a downward pressure on the earth, again slowing it down? That is the conservation of momentum for you. The energy we use to exert this downward pressure is not from the earth it is originally from the sun.
Other questions i would like answering are:
- How do you explain the big bang? I presume as the earth is different in some way, you are promoting intelligent design?
- Why is it impossible to see the ice wall with a telescope? If you say the ice wall dissapear on the horizon, why can we not go up in a plane and see the ice wall with a telescope?
- Why is one of your theories based on discworld by terry pratchett. I.e. the idea of the world balancing on a 4/5 elephants balancing on a turtle?
- This may seem an obvious question but why is it impossible to fly over the 150 ft wall of ice?
- How can you explain my personal experience of seeing a shuttle taking off?
- Why is it possible to see the landing rovers on the moon?
- Is the universe cylindrical or is it spherical? for example when an interstellar object cruises past the earth is it gone from sight forever?
- Is the sun not a star? as apaprently all other stars are not spotlights? What about black holes if all stars are spotlights, how are there black holes? or neutron stars or white dwarves or red giants for that matter.
- How can you define hot and cold light? one from the sun and one from the moon?
Presumably you somehow dont believe in electromagnetic radiation of any other form? or that visible light is somehow different form other electromagnetic radiation.
You dont have to answer all of these questions at once btw
Its just some of your theories sound so ridiculous, but feel free to attempt to brainwash me in the 'right' way.
(im sure ill come up with some more possible flaws later on)