A little background. I've moved into a new house a few months ago. This house was built with the most cutting edge technology the 90's had to offer. The previous owners left behind this beauty that appears to have been bought at the same time the house was built.

Not the exact unit but very close. So yeah, I feel like they played a practical joke on me. The thrift store won't even take this. So I finally got around to getting rid of it. Basically it breaks down as follows:
3 cathode ray tubes that weigh about 60 pounds. And a pcb with a high voltage choke to power it.
The cabinet which is all wood that weighs maybe 200 pounds. Whatever glue they used to hold it together is amazing. 25 years later and the glue is stronger than the screws on it.
A 60 inch lenticular lense, the least lethal part of this.
A 40 inch first surface mirror. This was the one part that I almost wanted to keep. First surface mirrors are kind of unusual.
It turns out it all fits into two giant trash cans with the creative use of a Sawzall and a sledge hammer.
Trash day. Wheeled both of these out to the curb. In the process of taking out the recycle bin when I noticed that some guy is already digging through the first two trash cans and picking out parts of this monstrosity that I just threw out.
Did I cross into the fucking Fallout universe!
I asked him what the hell he's doing. He responds, "What does it look like? I'm grabbing this sweet ass surround sound system!" He said it like he was on the Price is Right. Again, not a surrounded sound system. Goodwill will give away TVs better than this. I felt that his tone of voice was rude so I figured letting him dig it out was its own punishment. That 40 inch mirror, that won't fit into a trash can. I had to shatter that into a few dozen shards. This stupid asshole is reaching into a trash can in the dark with razor sharp blades, a still energized high voltage choke and splinters of wood and jagged metal for a TV that I can't give away.
The next morning I noticed that it was all back in the trash can. I assume he decided that the amount of first aid he'd need to extract it probably wasn't worth his time.