OK, I've done some calculations based on the
Chicxulub impact. I've assumed the Earth to be a uniform disk 40 000 km across, 1 000 km thick and having a density of 3 000 kg/m. This gives a total mass of 3.77*10
24 kg. I've used the statistics
here in my calculation.
After this impact, the Earth would be tipping end-over-end with an angular speed of ω = 8.83*10
-13 s
This may not sound fast, but the Earth would be upside-down after
113 000 years. Put another way, the Earth will have completed 287 full rotations since the Chicxulub impact.
Conclusion: We would have fallen off the Earth ages ago. FET fails.
NB: If you disagree with my estimates for mass of the Earth, then feel free to do your own calculations. Angular velocity scales linearly with Earth's mass, so you can take my result and multiply it by the ratio of your mass to my mass.