If even the air was moving at 9.8m/s... This would affect the *weight of things*.
No, it wouldn't. Crack open a physics textbook, read the bit where it tells you that gravity causes acceleration, and, as such, gravity is indistinguishable from acceleration, then come back and appologize. Of course, if you have some insight as to why acceleration affects the weight of things, I'd be grateful to hear it, as would the totality of the academic community I'm sure.
Meh, I appologize for the fact I just woke when I said that :S
What I ment was wouldn't**
What I ment with the randomness of my first point is...
If an object was in mid air, but the Earth is accelerating at the speed of 9.8m/s, everything would fall at the same speed.
Since people have completely discredited Gravitiy(or tired), this "things falling at the same speed" would remain to be true. But this does not work with certian objects, like I said in the examples.
Air resistance is peoples response for a retort. I can see how this works, if things falls faster than the air is traveling there is a resistance.
But since the planet is accelerating upwards, wouldn't it be saying that the object doesn't move but the planet moves to the object, thus objects should fall (or apear to fall) at the same rate.
If there was gravity, things would be pulled the planet yes?
If there was the acceleration theory, things can't be pulled to the planet, but instead the planet keeps things on the ground by moving towards these items.
In saying this, if objects were chucked vertically up or dropped down. For example the anvil. Wind could move this yes? If this acceleration theory is correct now the anvil will not land in the same place.
Since the planet is accelerating round and only keep objects to the floor because it moves towards them, the planet would of moved slightly to the left or right because the way orbit. (or do we orbit? because apparently the sun is smaller than the earth and the sun orbits round us?) We do go round in a circle on the solar system still in the FE theory yes?
Damn... If I could draw this it would be much easier to show...
How would I get an image to show on this? I can't do it through my computer?