Why was a head expoding a reply...? (taht was retoricle, I actually dont care)
though yes, I do know of this, and so will anyone woh has watched "What the Bleep: Down thr Rabbit hole"
I suspect my ealier posts have begun to open people into here with this "New Science" as I like to call it. Though there is not much new about it, in many cases people are just accepting.
Though in saying that, they are only "accepting" because of the awosme experements taht have sparked all sorts of new ideas. You know what I cant wait for... when this stuff will be used to make new tech, I dont know what it would be, but it would be cool, yes.
also, I dont understand the reply to this, how does "measuring" it (and I remind you that in this case it was just observed) change the experement outcome, if now though the fact that thought, at least human thought, has outcomes on electrons?