Ive just dived into this thread. Havent read the whole thing. I dont really think I can give intelligent arguments but one can try..
FE: Its about acceleration. DE accelerates earth. But more than fex stuff on earth, like people. Thats why earth accelerates into us when where in air. When "falling" we actually just decrease our speed upwards thus it feels like falling. Ok that is clear.
So here is my first question. How does DE affect mass differently? I guess that it affects more mass more. Earth is obviously more mass than water, air, schooners and so on. So the power of acceleration must be at largest.. yes where?
Which leads to the second question. How is the underside of earth, kept in place? Why isnt it torn apart downwards? Or maybe it does but slowly? Or made of really strong material at the bottom? Or the bottom is the most dense part, so thats where accelerating force is strongest?
Look ma, no math!