
  • 41 Replies

eric bloedow

« on: June 11, 2008, 12:42:43 PM »
where did you FErs get the INSANE idea that driving people away with insults constitues "winning" the argument? that doesn't "prove" earth is flat, it just proves you are vicious bullies!

just imagine: someone undecided comes here to check out the site. he raises a valid point about one of the (many) flaws in the FE model. and one of you says, "if you think the earth is round you are an asshole"!
congradulations, you have PERMANENTLY lost ANY hope of converting him to your point of view, and have DELIBERATLY made a life-long ENEMY of him!

and by permitting these bullies to get away with this outrageous misbehavior, the mods have made these bullies the unofficial SPOKESMEN for the flat earth society, and have made everyone think that ALL FErs are cyberbullies!

nice work, you FOOLS: you have driven away the VERY people you are SUPPOSED to be trying to CONVINCE!

and to top it off, you call ME a "troll" for telling you to stop the bullies and get back to the RATIONAL discussions this site is SUPPOSED to be FOR?!

just watch...at least one FEr will insult me in THIS very thread, thus DEMONSTRATING exactly how they give ALL FErs a reputation as ARROGANT BULLIES!!

this insulting is half the reason i keep saying i will not come back...
the other reason? the way the FErs ALWAYS dismiss ALL evidence as "faked by the conspiracy".

don't i mean "all evidence to the contrary?" no...i mean the FACT that ALL evidence is 100% against FE and 100% in favor of RE they say is the work of this THEORETICAL "conspiracy" that absolutely no one knows anything about...especially not the FErs who constantly babble about it!

a cartoon comes to mind (yes, i say that a lot): "fox trot", where this supposedly smart kid, Jason, believed that the "X-files" was ALL REAL LIFE EVENTS! that's how absurd this "conspiracy" NONSENCE is!



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2008, 12:48:51 PM »
where did you FErs get the INSANE idea that driving people away with insults constitues "winning" the argument? that doesn't "prove" earth is flat, it just proves you are vicious bullies!

just imagine: someone undecided comes here to check out the site. he raises a valid point about one of the (many) flaws in the FE model. and one of you says, "if you think the earth is round you are an asshole"!
congradulations, you have PERMANENTLY lost ANY hope of converting him to your point of view, and have DELIBERATLY made a life-long ENEMY of him!

and by permitting these bullies to get away with this outrageous misbehavior, the mods have made these bullies the unofficial SPOKESMEN for the flat earth society, and have made everyone think that ALL FErs are cyberbullies!

nice work, you FOOLS: you have driven away the VERY people you are SUPPOSED to be trying to CONVINCE!

and to top it off, you call ME a "troll" for telling you to stop the bullies and get back to the RATIONAL discussions this site is SUPPOSED to be FOR?!

just watch...at least one FEr will insult me in THIS very thread, thus DEMONSTRATING exactly how they give ALL FErs a reputation as ARROGANT BULLIES!!

this insulting is half the reason i keep saying i will not come back...
the other reason? the way the FErs ALWAYS dismiss ALL evidence as "faked by the conspiracy".

don't i mean "all evidence to the contrary?" no...i mean the FACT that ALL evidence is 100% against FE and 100% in favor of RE they say is the work of this THEORETICAL "conspiracy" that absolutely no one knows anything about...especially not the FErs who constantly babble about it!

a cartoon comes to mind (yes, i say that a lot): "fox trot", where this supposedly smart kid, Jason, believed that the "X-files" was ALL REAL LIFE EVENTS! that's how absurd this "conspiracy" NONSENCE is!

When people come wanting a civil educated discussion, I think it has been shown that is what we give them.  When they come spouting lies, making up nonsense, and being generally a nuisance, we treat them accordingly. 

The goal of this site is not to "convert" people.  Its to advance FE discussion and theory.  IMO.

One of your tactics has always been to say people have said things they haven't, said fe theory says things it doesn't, and to generally misrepresent our arguments.  I'd like to believe that this isn't on purpose. 

95% of the people here are round earthers, including most of the mods.  Yet they don't seem to have a problem acting civil, honest, and intelligent and gaining the same back.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 12:52:26 PM by Username »
So long and thanks for all the fish


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2008, 12:57:50 PM »

Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2008, 12:59:36 PM »
The goal of this site is not to "convert" people.  Its to advance FE discussion and theory.  IMO.

And the point of a discussion is to try and get the other person to agree with your point of view.


Dead Kangaroo

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2008, 01:00:42 PM »
where did you FErs get the INSANE idea that driving people away with insults constitues "winning" the argument? that doesn't "prove" earth is flat, it just proves you are vicious bullies!

just imagine: someone undecided comes here to check out the site. he raises a valid point about one of the (many) flaws in the FE model. and one of you says, "if you think the earth is round you are an asshole"!
congradulations, you have PERMANENTLY lost ANY hope of converting him to your point of view, and have DELIBERATLY made a life-long ENEMY of him!

and by permitting these bullies to get away with this outrageous misbehavior, the mods have made these bullies the unofficial SPOKESMEN for the flat earth society, and have made everyone think that ALL FErs are cyberbullies!

nice work, you FOOLS: you have driven away the VERY people you are SUPPOSED to be trying to CONVINCE!

and to top it off, you call ME a "troll" for telling you to stop the bullies and get back to the RATIONAL discussions this site is SUPPOSED to be FOR?!

just watch...at least one FEr will insult me in THIS very thread, thus DEMONSTRATING exactly how they give ALL FErs a reputation as ARROGANT BULLIES!!

this insulting is half the reason i keep saying i will not come back...
the other reason? the way the FErs ALWAYS dismiss ALL evidence as "faked by the conspiracy".

don't i mean "all evidence to the contrary?" no...i mean the FACT that ALL evidence is 100% against FE and 100% in favor of RE they say is the work of this THEORETICAL "conspiracy" that absolutely no one knows anything about...especially not the FErs who constantly babble about it!

a cartoon comes to mind (yes, i say that a lot): "fox trot", where this supposedly smart kid, Jason, believed that the "X-files" was ALL REAL LIFE EVENTS! that's how absurd this "conspiracy" NONSENCE is!
I sense much anger in this one.



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2008, 01:00:52 PM »
The goal of this site is not to "convert" people.  Its to advance FE discussion and theory.  IMO.

And the point of a discussion is to try and get the other person to agree with your point of view.
That is the point of an argument, not a discussion.
So long and thanks for all the fish


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2008, 01:03:29 PM »
Eric, your mum called and said you're to go home and once to take your pills.
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2008, 01:09:11 PM »

congradulations, you have PERMANENTLY lost ANY hope of converting him to your point of view, and have DELIBERATLY made a life-long ENEMY of him!

But we don't want to convert you to FE, as it stands now you are not exactly the best RE proponent, and you would make an even worse FE proponent (Its a lot harder to appeal to authority when authority is a quack "doctor" from the 1800s). That would be doing this site, and FE theory in general, a great disservice.
The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. -Some Frenchy

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2008, 01:56:03 PM »
Why don't you just fuck off Eric you fucking twat?


Dead Kangaroo

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2008, 02:00:00 PM »
Why don't you just fuck off Eric you fucking twat?
Because he loves you.

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2008, 02:01:11 PM »
Why don't you just fuck off Eric you fucking twat?

Woah, guys, calm it. Are we going to let something trivial like the shape of our planet come between us like this?


eric bloedow

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2008, 02:36:41 PM »
thank you for proving my point, kasroa. it's people like YOU who have given this site-no, the entire society-a bad name!

it doesn't matter if you call it arguement, discussion, negotiation, or whatever...calling the other person a "fucking twat" or some such insult is NOT the way to get people to listen to your side of the discussion-just the opposite!

and the FACT that the mods of these forums don't get rid of bullies like him can ONLY mean that they WANT everyone on earth to believe that ALL FErs are JUST LIKE HIM!!

THAT'S my point: letting assholes like him hang around is THE WORST "disservice" ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY MAKE!!
you've turned this site into a haven for bullies and HELL for anyone who wants calm, rational, SANE discussion!
i really did come here with an open mind...and you idiots DELIBERATELY did EVERYTHING you POSSIBLY could to make me hate ALL you FErs FOREVER!!!

"When people come wanting a civil educated discussion, I think it has been shown that is what we give them.  When they come spouting lies, making up nonsense, and being generally a nuisance, we treat them accordingly."
i do NOT spout lies, i have only pointed out the OBVIOUS flaws in the FAQ or quoted textbooks that EVERYONE who has EVER gone to school has read. i have tried VERY hard to be civil.

"95% of the people here are round earthers, including most of the mods."
yet the mods stand by and do NOTHING when the OTHER 5% are TOTAL nuisances and TOTALLY uncivil...WHY? why do they let those VICIOUS BULLIES completely ruin EVERY SINGLE THREAD ON THIS WEBSITE?!?! why do they let idiots like kasroa BLATANTLY ABUSE EVERYONE else on this site? why don't they DO THEIR JOB and get rid of THOSE ASSHOLES?!

yes, i am being uncivil here...because that is apparently NORMAL, EXPECTED, REQUIRED, MANDATORY for EVERYONE on this site! your precious mods WANT this site to be nothing but insults! they think that's the REAL PURPOSE OF THIS ENTIRE SITE!!!

i fully expect more insults...showing everyone how insane most FEr's are...and that IS civil-i didn't say "all FErs".

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2008, 02:50:13 PM »
Why don't you just fuck off Eric you fucking twat?

the earth is round


Dead Kangaroo

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #13 on: June 11, 2008, 02:50:36 PM »
thank you for proving my point, kasroa. it's people like YOU who have given this site-no, the entire society-a bad name!

it doesn't matter if you call it arguement, discussion, negotiation, or whatever...calling the other person a "fucking twat" or some such insult is NOT the way to get people to listen to your side of the discussion-just the opposite!

and the FACT that the mods of these forums don't get rid of bullies like him can ONLY mean that they WANT everyone on earth to believe that ALL FErs are JUST LIKE HIM!!

THAT'S my point: letting assholes like him hang around is THE WORST "disservice" ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY MAKE!!
you've turned this site into a haven for bullies and HELL for anyone who wants calm, rational, SANE discussion!
i really did come here with an open mind...and you idiots DELIBERATELY did EVERYTHING you POSSIBLY could to make me hate ALL you FErs FOREVER!!!

"When people come wanting a civil educated discussion, I think it has been shown that is what we give them.  When they come spouting lies, making up nonsense, and being generally a nuisance, we treat them accordingly."
i do NOT spout lies, i have only pointed out the OBVIOUS flaws in the FAQ or quoted textbooks that EVERYONE who has EVER gone to school has read. i have tried VERY hard to be civil.

"95% of the people here are round earthers, including most of the mods."
yet the mods stand by and do NOTHING when the OTHER 5% are TOTAL nuisances and TOTALLY uncivil...WHY? why do they let those VICIOUS BULLIES completely ruin EVERY SINGLE THREAD ON THIS WEBSITE?!?! why do they let idiots like kasroa BLATANTLY ABUSE EVERYONE else on this site? why don't they DO THEIR JOB and get rid of THOSE ASSHOLES?!

yes, i am being uncivil here...because that is apparently NORMAL, EXPECTED, REQUIRED, MANDATORY for EVERYONE on this site! your precious mods WANT this site to be nothing but insults! they think that's the REAL PURPOSE OF THIS ENTIRE SITE!!!

i fully expect more insults...showing everyone how insane most FEr's are...and that IS civil-i didn't say "all FErs".
Your frustration, determination and lack of clue makes me grin.


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #14 on: June 11, 2008, 03:02:21 PM »
Can't you picture him foaming at the mouth as he's typing?
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #15 on: June 11, 2008, 04:21:08 PM »
I love how he starts it. Can't take it. Runs away bawling. Comes back later with more insults.

Pure comedy. Have you shot anyone yet, Eric? I know that was your dream...

"Never think you can turn over any old falsehood without a terrible squirming of the horrid little population that dwells under it." -O.W. Holmes "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.."



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #16 on: June 11, 2008, 04:29:17 PM »
"When people come wanting a civil educated discussion, I think it has been shown that is what we give them.  When they come spouting lies, making up nonsense, and being generally a nuisance, we treat them accordingly."
i do NOT spout lies, i have only pointed out the OBVIOUS flaws in the FAQ or quoted textbooks that EVERYONE who has EVER gone to school has read. i have tried VERY hard to be civil.
I wasn't talking about you.  Hrm.  That is a bit telling.

And yes, you do.  You constantly claim FE says things it doesn't and more importantly its members, RE or otherwise, say things they haven't.

"95% of the people here are round earthers, including most of the mods."
yet the mods stand by and do NOTHING when the OTHER 5% are TOTAL nuisances and TOTALLY uncivil...WHY?
You are saying that FEers are by nature total nuisances and uncivil?

why do they let those VICIOUS BULLIES completely ruin EVERY SINGLE THREAD ON THIS WEBSITE?!?! why do they let idiots like kasroa BLATANTLY ABUSE EVERYONE else on this site? why don't they DO THEIR JOB and get rid of THOSE ASSHOLES?!
I agree, they should hurry up and ban you.
So long and thanks for all the fish



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #17 on: June 11, 2008, 04:33:31 PM »
You are saying that FEers are by nature total nuisances and uncivil?

I don't know about you, but in my area it's usually the RE'ers who riot and such. I'm just throwing that out there.
"Never think you can turn over any old falsehood without a terrible squirming of the horrid little population that dwells under it." -O.W. Holmes "Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne.."



  • Flat Earth Editor
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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #18 on: June 11, 2008, 05:23:07 PM »
The only nuisances on this site are the overly zealous RE'ers that have little to no practical understanding when it comes to science and physics.  If I were to make a list of people that argue incessantly and are the most uncivil (leaving out of course the new posters and their "omgtheearthisroundwtfbbqpwnt" attitudes), that list would include very few, if any at all, FE'ers and DA's.
Why justify an illegitimate attack with a legitimate response?


Dead Kangaroo

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #19 on: June 11, 2008, 05:35:26 PM »
My failing empathy and endless ignorance disagrees with you, anyone who autobrags RE and autoflames FE is not worth the unpleasantries you can receive on the sole of your shoe.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2008, 06:26:42 PM by Dead Kangaroo »



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #20 on: June 11, 2008, 06:25:44 PM »
I love when Eric comes back to spout his lies!

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson


Dead Kangaroo

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2008, 06:57:57 PM »
I love when Eric comes back to spout his lies!
His lies is 40% of the fun, you also have his rage, fury and the bag of anger he can't lift.


eric bloedow

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #22 on: June 12, 2008, 08:56:53 PM »
so, username, you really want people like me, INTELLIGENT, WELL EDUCATED, HONEST people like me to be banned, while bullies like kasroa do nothing here but fling visious insults with your FULL APPROVAL?!?!

you really want someone who calls people "fucking twats" to be YOUR OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN and represent YOUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION to the face of THE ENTIRE WORLD?!

you claim i have lied about what other people have said here? BULLSHIT! YOU are the worst liar IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!

next you will say it's nothing personal...just like the ASSASSIN said to his victims...

let me ask you...would you walk up to a total stranger and say to his face, "if you believe the earth is round you are a fucking twat"?
and yet you think it's PERFECTLY NORMAL to say that to ANYONE who points out the PERFECTLY OBVIOUS FLAWS in your precious FAQ?!

i have had it with this website.
you should call yourselves the "Fucking Lunatic Asshole Twat" society!
perhaps when (not if) EVERYONE ON EARTH calls you that you will get the idea of how YOU sound!

congradulations. you have succeeded in driving every SANE, CIVILIZED, DECENT person away and are left with only the most insane, barbaric, indecent "people" in the world...JUST THE WAY YOU DELIBERATELY PLANNED IT!!!!!

good bye, you



  • Flat Earth Editor
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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #23 on: June 12, 2008, 08:59:44 PM »
congradulations. you have succeeded in driving every SANE, CIVILIZED, DECENT person away

Why justify an illegitimate attack with a legitimate response?

Re: "arguements"
« Reply #24 on: June 12, 2008, 09:00:21 PM »
so, username, you really want people like me, INTELLIGENT, WELL EDUCATED, HONEST people like me to be banned, while bullies like kasroa do nothing here but fling visious insults with your FULL APPROVAL?!?!

you really want someone who calls people "fucking twats" to be YOUR OFFICIAL SPOKESMAN and represent YOUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION to the face of THE ENTIRE WORLD?!

you claim i have lied about what other people have said here? BULLSHIT! YOU are the worst liar IN THE ENTIRE WORLD!!

next you will say it's nothing personal...just like the ASSASSIN said to his victims...

let me ask you...would you walk up to a total stranger and say to his face, "if you believe the earth is round you are a fucking twat"?
and yet you think it's PERFECTLY NORMAL to say that to ANYONE who points out the PERFECTLY OBVIOUS FLAWS in your precious FAQ?!

i have had it with this website.
you should call yourselves the "Fucking Lunatic Asshole Twat" society!
perhaps when (not if) EVERYONE ON EARTH calls you that you will get the idea of how YOU sound!

congradulations. you have succeeded in driving every SANE, CIVILIZED, DECENT person away and are left with only the most insane, barbaric, indecent "people" in the world...JUST THE WAY YOU DELIBERATELY PLANNED IT!!!!!

good bye, you


Roundy the Truthinessist

  • Flat Earth TheFLAMETHROWER!
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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #25 on: June 12, 2008, 09:50:42 PM »

congradulations. you have succeeded in driving every SANE, CIVILIZED, DECENT person away and are left with only the most insane, barbaric, indecent "people" in the world...JUST THE WAY YOU DELIBERATELY PLANNED IT!!!!!

And you don't seem to want to leave.  Interesting what that implies you think about yourself, Diddums.  :-*
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2008, 05:17:02 AM »
so, username, you really want people like me, INTELLIGENT, WELL EDUCATED, HONEST...

You forgot calm, rational and lucid.
Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.
Quote from: Robosteve
Besides, perhaps FET is a conspiracy too.
Quote from: bullhorn
It is just the way it is, you understanding it doesn't concern me.



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2008, 05:39:24 AM »

"I haven't been wrong since 1961, when I thought I made a mistake."
        -- Bob Hudson



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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2008, 12:33:07 PM »
so, username, you really want people like me, INTELLIGENT, WELL EDUCATED, HONEST people like me

Well, a few things come to mind pretty readily:

On honesty:
i was being sarcastic about the flying saucers, but username DID imply that it's possible to WALK to OTHER PLANETS past the ice wall...
again, you miss the point: if this conspiracy was as powerful as Username claims, ANYONE who typed "the earth is flat" into ANY chatroom would IMMEDIATELY be snatched by their "gestapo" (or whatever) and NEVER HEARD FROM AGAIN!
yes, i'm back-for now. i thought of some more things to say.

for example:
did you know that "username" thinks HIS OWN PARENTS are part of the conspiracy?
did you know that "username" thinks the sky is NOT BLUE because NASA says it IS?
oh, that's the problem: all the mods are fanatical FErs who think it's normal for FErs to fling vicious insults at non-FErs, but quickly ban any non-FEr who responds in kind...and that's what happened to the monterey bay thread: he got banned for insulting the FErs BACK!

in short, nutcases like Tom ARE the mods here!
amazing: Username doesn't even know the difference between a satellite and a balloon!
apparently Username thinks Tom Bishop is some sort of prophet, speaking DIRECTLY from GOD!
Those just came to mind.  There are more. I particularly like where you claim I think the sky isn't blue.  I recall plenty of times you have done similar nonsense to Engy and Tom.

On intelligence and education:

if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
this is why Alaska looks small, when it's actually as big as the other 48 states combined!
some physicists believe that an object moving faster than light would go back in time, and therefore appear to be moving backwards! that's an interpretation of Einstein's work.

only a perfect moron, with a NEGATIVE IQ, would be fooled by something as absurd as "universal accelleration" or "shadow object" or your "conspiracy" GARBAGE!!
so exactly why does username think "sustained spaceflight is impossible"? let's hear him answer for once, instead of claiming OMNICIENCE!!
"sustained" space travel? come on, even in the FE model, if something went straight up fast enough it would never come back down. that's not only "sustained", but infinite!

again, there are many many more examples.  I'd love for your explanation of these, especially the lies concerning me, eric.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 12:57:44 PM by Username »
So long and thanks for all the fish


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: "arguements"
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2008, 01:59:15 PM »
I think I might die from laughing
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?