thank you for proving my point, kasroa. it's people like YOU who have given this site-no, the entire society-a bad name!
it doesn't matter if you call it arguement, discussion, negotiation, or whatever...calling the other person a "fucking twat" or some such insult is NOT the way to get people to listen to your side of the discussion-just the opposite!
and the FACT that the mods of these forums don't get rid of bullies like him can ONLY mean that they WANT everyone on earth to believe that ALL FErs are JUST LIKE HIM!!
THAT'S my point: letting assholes like him hang around is THE WORST "disservice" ANYONE COULD POSSIBLY MAKE!!
you've turned this site into a haven for bullies and HELL for anyone who wants calm, rational, SANE discussion!
i really did come here with an open mind...and you idiots DELIBERATELY did EVERYTHING you POSSIBLY could to make me hate ALL you FErs FOREVER!!!
"When people come wanting a civil educated discussion, I think it has been shown that is what we give them. When they come spouting lies, making up nonsense, and being generally a nuisance, we treat them accordingly."
i do NOT spout lies, i have only pointed out the OBVIOUS flaws in the FAQ or quoted textbooks that EVERYONE who has EVER gone to school has read. i have tried VERY hard to be civil.
"95% of the people here are round earthers, including most of the mods."
yet the mods stand by and do NOTHING when the OTHER 5% are TOTAL nuisances and TOTALLY uncivil...WHY? why do they let those VICIOUS BULLIES completely ruin EVERY SINGLE THREAD ON THIS WEBSITE?!?! why do they let idiots like kasroa BLATANTLY ABUSE EVERYONE else on this site? why don't they DO THEIR JOB and get rid of THOSE ASSHOLES?!
yes, i am being uncivil here...because that is apparently NORMAL, EXPECTED, REQUIRED, MANDATORY for EVERYONE on this site! your precious mods WANT this site to be nothing but insults! they think that's the REAL PURPOSE OF THIS ENTIRE SITE!!!
i fully expect more insults...showing everyone how insane most FEr's are...and that IS civil-i didn't say "all FErs".