Hang on, hang on.....saying that the Earth is accelerating exactly proves my point that when you throw something up, it should stay where it is!!
Because the object thrown is in the same directing as the earth, (supposedly) it should glide upwards unless something is holding it in place to allow the earth to accelerate towards it. For it to fall back (or allow the earth to accelerate towards it and meet it) then there would have to be another force from the other directing forcing it down (the force would have to be more than the velocity of the earth as well). So if there is this magical force, (without it, none of this accelerating nonsense and everything magically staying put is a poor excuse to start an argument), then why aren't we all crushed? Because I do not see any robotic hand holding me in mid air when I jump, allowing the earth to meet me, then releasing me so I don't get crushed trying to penetrate the earths crust and then mantle.
And what about my other question? How can someone fly from Australia, stay in a constant direction, then end up in the same place? They crossed the dreaded underworld (or elephants) and didn't tell anyone?
And if gravity doesn't exist, then how are we accelerating around the sun, or being sucked up the universe? What is drawing us upwards? Gravity? (NO CAUSE THAT DOESN'T EXIST apparently) So maybe God has a magic wire that he is pulling us upwards with....
Also, technically, the Earth (if it was flat) would not be balanced. As ice melts (primary school stuff), the balance in mass would cause whatever is drawing us up to make the earth spin around. So when we fall over, that is really the earth spinning around and hitting me in the face? Then why doesn't everyone get hit in the face?
Can't wait to see any OBJECTIVE responses that don't attack anyone as a person, but argue with facts...
PS: I based my 'moot' point based on the notion that the earth is accelerating...so to me it would make sense....maybe not single minded Amish people...