Hello.. I'm a physicist, but an open-minded one. I believe in RE theory because it is a basic fact (not a theory) in scientific community. All gravity theory, astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, geology, atmospheric physics, and who knows what else, would be an hoax if RE were false. Nevertheless I find quite interesting this site. You people perhaps are insane but have critical reasoning...
I've just read the FAQ's thread and noticed that the offered explanation of sunrise/sunset phenomena it's quite poor. If the sun were a disc 3000 miles above you could see it anytime. Suppose you are on the Equator (during Auntum or Spring), by midnight the sun would be only 20000km north and 4800km above. You would see the sun 13š (impossible not to see it) above the horizon (and that would be its lowest altitude!) . It's just crazy guys... And it is not only the sun, you now have to explain the motion of everything in the sky!. In southern hemisphere the stars moves in circles around a point called the south celestial pole, its altitude is equivalent to the latitude where you are. How can you explain this?
According to your theory any celestial object would rise or set only because of an optical illusion... WTF?! 13š its too much..Perhaps you think we see an object whose altitude is 30š as it were setting or rising..
Sorry for my English. I'm form Argentina...