Movement of the earth
FE predicts that the earth is still and the celestial bodies whirl above our heads. To test this we simply need to sit on our porch for a while and watch as the sun and stars move through the sky on their own accord as the earth remains still - Testable
RE predicts that the earth is in constant motion, spinning like a top at over a thousand miles an hour at the equator, the appearance of moving celestial bodies being an illusion. – Untestable
Excellent my favorite subject of the mo.
Again, in both cases on an incredibly superficial level they predict if we look up we should see objects go by. So on this basis testable and pass for both.
Now how about a proper test, you know like they do in science, with like equipment and numbers.
RET predicts the sun and celestial bodies move through the sky with constant angular velocity
FET predicts angular velocity varies by location and time of day.
Guess what result we get when we test.
Size of Celestial Bodies
FE predicts that the celestial bodies are all very small. To test this we simply need to look into the sky. We see that the sun, moon, and stars all appear to be small bodies. – Testable
RE predicts that the celestial bodies are very large, being hundreds of thousands of miles in diameter; however they are at such a distance from the earth that they create the illusion of being small bodies. – Untestable
FET predicts that the size of the sun and moon should markable (measurably) decrease towards the end of the day as they get further away - Testable
RET predicts that celestial objects (particularly the sun and moon) maintain virtually the same size (except the nearest planets) in the sky as the distance to them does not change very much. - Testable
Again, what result do you think we get when we test.
So, TB's test are of the calibre of 'look mummy the moon is in a different place to earlier'.
The test I use are something that could be done with a £100 telescope, or a stick and some string.