Divito gave me a good idea, and so I spent some time and compiled some interesting evidence. You'll catch on quickly.
I have no Idea what you guys are talking about. I posted drunk once this whole year.
PS I am drunk, dont hold this post against me. I will edit it when I wake up later today. After all, today is monday.
Are you drunk like me? Because the bold part sure lost me. The bold part being the whole fucking thing. Plus the bad English.
I just meant theories on this forum. The Engineer has a few, the best being the magical dirt one. There are some others, like the bending light theories.
Xm and sirius radio own satellites. One of those companies owns satellites that are named rock and roll. Search.
Edit, and fucking Indians could mean they are actually having sex, I mean Indians still have that arranged marriage. Search probetalk, they really still do that.
Um some. I told you I’m to drunk to copy paste into openoffice to check spelling., Check mx6.com, I am drunk posting there as well.
Google owns staellites unlike theengineer and tom say. They have the ability to uodate when ever they want. Look at the street view. Ceryain citys have it. Google has the money. Goggle uses satelittes. Its end of story. Find the videos where google uses satelittes, as in the pictures show planes.
Wow, I may be drunk but I know I ment are not as in are'nt.
I don't start theories. Butt hurt are you?
Apparently, because everyone thinks you arn't.
What are you rolling your eyes for? You argued for it not once but twice.
Depends on the altitude of the satellite.
Don’t take offence but people pull theories out of there asses all the time and they all fail.
He says he is an fe'er and that he believes in magical dirt all in one sentence.
<--- Because you are an idiot.
Yes because it would be stupid to not believe in magical dirt.
I count 15 messages posted in the last year -- all submitted within a drunk time frame -- whose author admits sobriety deprivation several times in that time frame. Granted they are all on the same day, but the evidence is overwhelmingly contradictory to the statement made just a few months ago.
Please form your own conclusions.