According to the faq the earth doesn't have a gravitational pull, but everything else does. First of all, this is pure nonsence. And the only explination is that it's "special?" Secondly, where's the atmosphere? If there's no gravity, then one of 2 things could occur. 1) The air molecules simply drift of the edge. 2) the air molecules would be compacted to the point that everything would be crushed under the pressure. Also, then in order to have the feeling of moving upwards to simulate gravity, one would need an oppisite force to be pulling agianst. That would mean that the universe would need a floor, and that would have gravity to pull agianst, but then the earth would be pulled downwards and we would all be in free-fall. The only way for the system to work, is if the earth was round, and had it's own gravity.
If the sun is so close then there would be no polar ice caps, because they would be melted by the heat that it generates. plus, the sun would run out of fuel after a few hundred years because it's so small. And the molecules can't be compressed to a point where the sun would have enough energy to burn this long, because it'd then turn into a black hole and the earth would be sucked into it. therefore, the sun must be massive, far away, and we must orbit around it.
Lastly, why is the government so bent on hiding the earth's flatness. They seemed to be okay with it originally. and if every piolet, sailor, officer, etc. was in on it; then at least a third of the population would know, and by then, there'd be no point in hiding it. Also, the reasoning behind it is even worse. basically it's "because they don't menchen that the world is flat then it must be flat." that's just like saying, "because I didn't say that I have an Xbox, then I must have an Xbox." also, if nobody has seen the earths edge, then how come people seem to have so much info on the ice wall? it's all made up, mainly due to overactive imaginations. There's also no way nasa would fake about a hundred launchs, and several deaths. They could've just said that space travel is impossible, and then moved on.
Now that that's over, I shall return to my poker game with bigfoot and Elvis.