That won't be a problem. Obviously if you're too far the amount of atmosphere in between will make seeing some objects impossible. If my calculations are correct then everyone who lives far from the North Pole will see Polaris very close to the horizon, and people even beyond are just too far away to see it.
It will make measuring the declination of Polaris difficult for me at 34° S latitude.
No, that 34 degree figure is from the RE maps and is wrong. If you tell me what city you're in, I'll tell you the real latitude based on my correct FE maps. More than likely you'll just be too far away to see Polaris from where you are. It's a matter of distance, not curvature.
I'd love to see 'your' maps. It is a matter of distance plus curvature. Also taking into account the speed of light which is measurable. The reason why the Sun is never in the position you are actually looking at is because it takes about 8 minutes for that sunlight to reach the earth at that distance. We should be able to measure the distance of the sun from the earth with our modern technology.
In the FE model, is the speed of light a constant? Does it even exist? If gravity does not exist, then neither does magnetism. Then there are a whole bunch of other things that cannot exist because of it.
How does the FE not slow down while getting hit by other objects in space... like asteroids. Or does the anti-moonsun take care of that as well?
I am genuinly interested in hearing the theories of FEers.
Also, is being an FEer also like following a religion?
Do you have to give up common sense to beleive in the fantastical ideas you propose?
So why is there no physical or pictoral evidence of the Ice Walls in the FE model? Why is it always too far away. Why can we put stuff in space (according to the FErs it is a ruse) and not find evidence of this Ice Wall. Or was the Ice Wall an anwer to .. why does not all the water fall off the earth?? Which makes it a theory and nothing more. Since there really has been no proof of it.