everything ruined

  • 28 Replies

Thomas Bishop

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everything ruined
« on: February 26, 2008, 01:04:09 PM »
I will now go through the Q&A and disprove everything.

"Q: "Why do the all the world Governments say the Earth is round?"
A: It's a conspiracy. "

Yes, all the governments of the world, every scientist ever, and anyone with half a brain is in on this conspiracy. Why? Well in actuality there is no advantage in having everyone else believe in world is flat. That would be like the government convincing people that the boogy man actually does exist.

"Q: "What about NASA? Don't they have photos to prove that the Earth is round?"
A: NASA are part of the conspiracy too. The photos are faked. "

Like I said, there is no reason why Nasa would trick everyone into thinking the world is flat. You know all those billions of Dollars Nasa gets every year? Yeah all the scientists actually blew the money on beer. And all those people who regularly see the space shuttle fly up into the air and come back a week or so later? Yeah they are lying.

"Q: "Why has no-one taken a photo of the Earth that proves it is flat?"
A: The government prevents people from getting close enough to the Ice Wall to take a picture.""

Infact, along with Nasa wasting money, every scientist ever agreeing to make up that the Earth is round, every witness of the space shuttle lying, The government has seceretly spend massive amounts of money (dont even think that the money Nasa uses is actually money the prevent people from seeing the Ice Wall, that would cost so much more money) to make sure no one sees this giant wall. Why? Oh they just felt like it.

"Q: "How did NASA create these images with the computer technology available at the time?"
A: Since NASA did not send rockets into space, they instead spent the money on developing advanced computers and imaging software instead "

Its not hard to make it look like you were on the moon or in space. I cant imagine Nasa spending billions of dollars on lessons for Photoshop. You know all those people who work at Nasa? When we werent looking, they all got their degrees in computer engineering, and made computers so advanced they were 40 years ahead of their time. In fact, the small group of areonautics engineers and scientists, they actually beat every computer company ever in making advanced computers. I find it hard to believe that that small group of people who work at Nasa, who dont even make computers, they work in aviation. Managed to make computers so well that no even actually professionals had computers that made.

"Q: "What is the motive behind this conspiracy?"
A: The motive is unknown. "

More like The motive doesnt exist. Saying its unknown doesnt mean is could exist? It would be like me saying there is 12 tons of gold in my house right now. Its just unknown. Or when I go to the gas station, some guy has a gun pointed at my head, there is no evidence disproving it right? The absense of evidence is not evidence of absense.

"Q: "How are the world governments organised enough to carry out this conspiracy?"
A: They only appear to be disorganised to make the conspiracy seem implausible. "

Its all part of their master plan right? The plan that has no motive, and is being carried out by a near impossible number of people?

"Q: Why hasn’t this site been shut down by the government?
A: Doing so would prove that the government is hiding something. "

Its probably because the government knows no one is going to take this seriously. Anyway, the government isnt afraid to show they are hiding something. What do you think the CIA or the NSA are for? Or how about Area 51? Or how about all the secret tests they do? They arent afraid of people knowing that they are hiding those things. So why this?

"Q: "What about the stars, sun and moon and other planets? Are they flat too? What are they made of?"

A: The sun and moon, each 32 miles in diameter, circle Earth at a height of 3000 miles at its equator, located midway between the North Pole and the ice wall. Each functions as a "spotlight," with the sun radiating "hot light," the moon "cold light." As they are spotlights, they only give light out over a certain are which explains why some parts of the Earth are dark when others are light. Their apparent rising and setting are caused by optical illusions. In the "accelerating upwards" model, the stars, sun and moon are also accelerating upwards. The stars are about as far as San Francisco is from Boston. (3100 miles)"

First of all, I want to know where you guys got these numbers. How can you have cold light? Light has to come from an energy source, and that means there is some amount of heat produced. The coldest you can get light is no hot.

"Q: "Please explain sunrises/sunsets."

A: It's a perspective effect. Really, the sun is just getting farther away; it looks like it disappears because everything gets smaller and eventually disappears as it gets farther away. "

Your optical illusion theory fails too. Why? Because when I see the sun go down, it doesnt get smaller and smaller and smaller until it disappears. I see the sun, and it is always the same size, it just drops below the horizon.

Plus, if the world was flat, and the Sun was always above us, wouldnt that mean that I would always be able to see it, even if it was way way out in the distance?

"Q: "Why are other celestial bodies round but not the Earth?"
A: When you look at these celestial bodies, even with a telescope, they're entirely two-dimensional."

If we are going to use that logic everything is 2 dimentional because I see everything from one angle constantly. Also, Astronomers have seen an object in space from two angles, just from different places on the Earth.

"Q: "What about satellites? How do they orbit the Earth?"
A1: They don't, satellite signals come from radio towers. "

That doesnt answer the question moron. A Satellite is something that orbits the Earth. The moon is a satellite. How does the Moon stay in orbit?

Do any of you have satellite TV? Or have Satellite radio? Because the Satellite is in geosyncronized orbit with the Earth. The only way to be in an orbit like that is if you are over the Equator. Thats why we in the US have to point our satellite dishes south because thats where the satellite is. I guess DirecTV is in on this one too. And Serius and XM radio. I bet the government had to hide all the Radio Towers at the equator too and blow even more money for no reason.

"Q: "What's underneath the Earth?"
A: This is unknown. Some believe it to be just rocks, others believe the Earth rests on the back of four elephants and a turtle. "

How can anyone think this is a logical answer? ELEPHANTS AND TURTLE?! You might as well told me that Zeus and Hera are watching me from Mt Olympus right now and are pissed. I better watch out, you FEers might pull out your VooDoo dolls tonight and poke me.

"Q: "What about gravity?"
A1: The Earth is accelerating upwards at 1g (9.8m/s-2) along with every star, sun and moon in the universe. This produces the same effect as gravity.
A2: Gravity comes from an external source (to be discussed) "

You guys would be damned if you actually provided some reasoning for your statements right? I also like how they give two conflicting answers. As if that is some kind of conclusion. That doesnt answer anything.

"Q: "Isn't this version of gravity (A1) flawed? Wouldn't planes/helicopters/paragliders crash into the Earth as the Earth rises up to them?"
A: No. If that were to happen, then no planes could fly right now as gravity would pull them into the Earth. The reason that planes do not crash is that their wings produce an upthrust which, when the rate of acceleration upwards equals that of gravity's pull downwards, and so their altititude does not change.
The same thing happens if the Earth is moving up. The plane is accelerating upwards at the same rate as the Earth, which means the distance between them does not change. Therefore, the plane stays at the same height and does not crash."

You are right, because gravity causes planes to naturally stay up in the air then they must need thrust from wings to stay off the ground. Thank you for helping me prove the Earth is round.

"Q: "Doesn't this mean we'd be travelling faster than the speed of light, which is impossible?"
A: No, here is a detailed explanation. "

I actually clicked the link, but I stopped reading when the guy suggested that the cintrifical force is actually a gravitational field.

"Q: "If the world was really flat, what would happen if you jump off the disc's edge?"
A: You would enter an inertial reference frame, moving at a constant velocity in the direction the Earth was moving before you jumped. The Earth would continue accelerating upwards past you at a rate of 1g, so it would appear to you that you were falling into space."

Yes, you are correct. People tend to fall downward, when they go off cliffs.

"Q: "If the Earth was indeed a flat disc, wouldn't the whole planet crunch up into itself and eventually transform into a ball?"
A1: If the Earth generated a gravitational field, yes, it would eventually happen, after a billion years maybe. FE assumes that the Earth does not generate a gravitational field. Also, I'm not sure what FE's stance on the age of the world is, but it's plausible that it's a younger estimation than the RE claim.
A2: There is a counter-mass which pulls the Earth back into a disc shape."

Once again you list two conflicting answers. One agrees that there is a gravitational field one says there isnt. And if their was a disc/disk in space that was under the effects of gravity. Then no, it would fall into a ball eventually. There is no "counter mass" that would keep it in a disc/disk shape. Thats just scientific gibberish you invented.

"Q: "Why does gravity vary with altitiude?"
A: The moon and stars have a slight gravitational pull.
Q: Followup to previous question: How is it that the Earth does not have a gravitiational pull, but stars and the moon do?
A: This argument is a non sequitur. You might as well ask, "How is it that snakes do not have legs, but dogs and cats do?" Snakes are not dogs or cats. The Earth is not a star or the moon. It doesn't follow that each must have exactly the properties of the others, and no more. "

The thing is snakes move a different way then cats or dogs, even if they dont have legs they still move. Not that that example answers the question. The thing is there has to be a reason why the Earth doesnt have gravity and the moon/sun do. A reason you dont list. Even if you did list it it would probably be "The reason is unknown"

"Q: "Why doesn't water run off the Earth?"
A: There is a vast ice wall that keeps the water where it is. The ice wall is roughly 150ft high. This also explains why you can find a vast plane of ice when you travel south. "

I bet the reason why the ice doesnt melt is also unknown. Also, the Ice wall wouldnt be cold enough to keep ice a good 3,000 Kilometer away from the Edge. The tempurature at the south pole is -100F, that is no where near cold enough to keep the ice out 3,000 Kilometers.

"Antarctica as a continent does not exist."

Ill add the all the scientists who have done studies in antartica to the list of people in on the conspiracy.

"Q: "How does global warming affect the ice wall?"

A1: Global warming is melting the ice wall, but the government isn't doing anything because cutting carbon emissions would damage the economy, and they only care about making money.
A2: Global Warming doesn't happen. It and it's counter-theory (Global Cooling) are effects that cancel each other out. Remember, these "greenhouse gasse" can reflect heat back out into space as well as keep it on Earth. Yes, there are recorded rises in temperature, but the only records we have go back, at most, around 150 years. This is very likely an occurence that happens every [x>150] years, that's happened before (perhaps many times), and that the Earth has thus survived before."

Unless you live in China, your government doesnt get a dime from company's who damage the air. Also, you people must not know how the economy works. Because if it costs more to make millions of cars that dont emit carbon then it helps the economy, because then people get paids more, then people buy more, then company's make more, then people get more jobs, then people make more, then people buy more...

You clearly dont understand how greenhouse gases work. You realize the name comes from how a green house works. The light that does come in stays in. I guess the people who make/use greenhouses are in on the conspiracy too then.

"Q: "What about tides?"
A: The tides exist due to a slight see-saw effect on the earth. As it goes back and forth, the water rushes to the side that is lower. Note, this is a very slight wobble. Remember, these wobbles are created by very minor earthquakes. They keep the tides in check. Notice that large earthquakes result in large tides or "tsunami". "

That doesnt make sense, that means when ever it is hide tide on the west coast of anything, then it is low tide on the east coast of anything. Including the cup of water I have right here (which happens to be immune to these tilts) Also, dont you think the world would of figured out that something was wrong when the direction down kept changing? If the world is tilting, then some of my stuff should of rolled away by now.

"Q : "Why is the North pole colder than the equator?"
A: The sun orbits over the equator, not the North pole "

According to you the Moon Emits "cold light" just like how the Sun emits "Warm light" wouldnt the two cancel out? I see the sun and the moon both up all the time. That doesnt make it the average of 0F at any time.

"Q: "How do volcanic eruptions happen?"
A: The Earth is thick enough to have a core of molten lava. Once there's too much of it in too confined a space, it finds it's way out, just like the water will come out of a full bottle if you squeeze it too hard"

Where does this Lava come from? Or is that place unknown too? Anyway, a core is in the middle of something. That means the core of the Earth is only at the North Pole. Why do I get Volcanic eruptions anywhere relatively south?

"Q: "What about time zones?"
A: The sun is a spotlight which shines light on a concentrated area, so not everywhere on Earth will be lit at once. Times zones exist so that everyone's clock will be at 12:00 around the time the sun is approximately directly overhead. "

Yes, that is how time zones work.

"Q: "What about Lunar Eclipses"
(Possible A) The moon isn't a spotlight; it glows with light from the sun, reflected off the Earth. Different parts of the Earth are more reflective than others (the seas, the polar cap, the ice wall, for example). Sometimes, the position of the sun (which is a spotlight) means that only very low-reflective or non-reflective parts of the Earth's surface are illuminated, so the moon is abnormally dark. This could potentially explain lunar phases as well. "

I like how this answer has a part A and no part B. Also, in a previous question you said "The moon is a spot light" and now you are saying "The moon isnt a spotlight" Which one is it?

"Q: "How come the travel time by air from South America to New Zealand, via the polar route, is SHORTER than the travel time going North first and then South again?"
A: (Presumed answer: The airline pilots are misled by their GPS, or are deliberately conspiring to make it appear that the flights take different times) "

Ill add everyone who works for an airline company too to the list. In order to screw with the distance you travel, you actually have to stop going directly to where you are going. So you have to go in a loopy path. And in order to do that you will change what you are flying over. Pilots/passengers must be pretty dumb not being able to tell the different when they are over water or land. Oh wait, the passengers are in on it too probably.

"Q: "When traveling in a straight direction, you will always reach the same point on the globe from where you started. How can this happen if the world is flat?"
A: You need to have evidence for this to be true. Also, define "straight." Remember, the northern point on the compass is, under most circumstances (unless near the centre or deep in the ice wall), pointing toward the centre of the Earth. Therefore, if you follow your compass due east or due west, ending up at the same point you started from, you've just gone around the world in a circle."

The worst part about this, is he says "You need evidence for this to be true." What and you dont need evidence for what you say to be true? Plus, in order to have a compass to work, there needs to be a north and south point to things to make it a magnet. If the Earth was flat, the North and South points would be both against the ice wall some where. So I guess Compasses are in on the conspiracey too then.

"Q: If you go directly south won’t you eventually fall off the edge of the Earth?
A: Yes, you will. In order to use this fact as proof you need to record a video of someone flying directly south around the world without falling off the edge. Furthermore you need to prove that your navigational equipment allows you to travel directly south without deviating. "

Okay then, every black box from every plane that has flown over the south pole can prove this one for me. Unless those stupid black boxes are in on the conspiracy too.

"Q: How come when I flush my toilet in the northern hemisphere it goes counterclockwise but I have this friend in Australia and when he flushes it it goes clockwise?
You're mistaken. On a round Earth, the Coriolis effect adds at most one (counter)clockwise rotation per day; fewer as you get closer to the equator. The water in your toilet/sink/bathtub/funnel spins much faster than that (probably at least once per minute, or 1440 times per day) so the additional/lost rotation from the Coriolis effect wouldn't be noticed. "

Okay, so I guess people who use plumbing are either too stupid to recognize a direction either being Clockwise or counter-clockwise, or everyone who has used plumbing ever is in on the conspiracy too.

Now it is time for my questions. If the Earth is flat, why cant I see the ice wall. Even if it is really small way out in the distance. It should be visible to some degree.

Also, unless the Earth is very very young, a lot of stuff must have fallen off the Earth. We must have lost a lot of stuff.

Let me make a list of the people who have to be in on the conspiracy in order for this to be true.

Every Government ever.
Every Scientist/Astronomer ever
Anyone who has ever used plumbing and paid attention to the swirl
Anyone who has ever been on a plane or works for the airline industry
Anyone who works for a satellite radio/tv company.

All these people have to be in on a conspiracy for a reason no one that can not be understood.

I hope you people can understand my sarcasm and writing. I didnt really double check this.


Tom Bishop

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2008, 01:10:34 PM »


Saddam Hussein

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2008, 01:11:35 PM »
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Tom.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2008, 01:12:41 PM »
piss off
Quote from: WardoggKC130FE
If Gayer doesn't remember you, you might as well do yourself a favor and become an hero.
Quote from: Raa
there is a difference between touching a muff and putting your hand into it isn't there?


Saddam Hussein

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2008, 01:17:44 PM »
I wonder if anyone will actually read this.

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2008, 01:37:35 PM »
No way. I wouldn't even read my own version of this thread.

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2008, 03:30:36 PM »

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 09:23:29 PM »



  • 3077
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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2008, 10:51:43 PM »
Wow, that was even too long for me. I may have too much free time but not that much.
Quote from: President Barack Obama
Pot had helped
Get the fuck over it.


Loard Z

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2008, 07:45:17 AM »
if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
See My Greatness


Chris Spaghetti

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2008, 08:03:27 AM »
I pity newbs who take this site far too seriously


Loard Z

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2008, 08:09:03 AM »
I pity everyone.
if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
See My Greatness

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2008, 09:32:56 AM »
I pity tha' fool.


divito the truthist

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2008, 09:55:28 AM »
I'm only going to respond to a few things, because it's just so pathetic.

Yes, all the governments of the world, every scientist ever, and anyone with half a brain is in on this conspiracy. Why? Well in actuality there is no advantage in having everyone else believe in world is flat. That would be like the government convincing people that the boogy man actually does exist.

No, not the governments of the world, and not every scientist. Only the space agencies need be involved.

Like I said, there is no reason why Nasa would trick everyone into thinking the world is flat. You know all those billions of Dollars Nasa gets every year? Yeah all the scientists actually blew the money on beer. And all those people who regularly see the space shuttle fly up into the air and come back a week or so later? Yeah they are lying.

Large profit is enough for people to do a lot of strange things. Just look at you for instance, posting a bunch of ignorant bullshit for free. Imagine what NASA can do with billions.

Infact, along with Nasa wasting money, every scientist ever agreeing to make up that the Earth is round, every witness of the space shuttle lying, The government has seceretly spend massive amounts of money (dont even think that the money Nasa uses is actually money the prevent people from seeing the Ice Wall, that would cost so much more money) to make sure no one sees this giant wall. Why? Oh they just felt like it.

Oh how I love the invokers of fallacies. Not to mention that scientists inferring something has nothing to do with the actuality of anything.

Its all part of their master plan right? The plan that has no motive, and is being carried out by a near impossible number of people?

Near-impossible? Really, what estimates do you have? What ignorance have you invoked to come to such a conclusion?

I bet the reason why the ice doesnt melt is also unknown.

Um, no the reason is known and only requires slight use of the brain.

Now it is time for my questions. If the Earth is flat, why cant I see the ice wall. Even if it is really small way out in the distance. It should be visible to some degree.

No, you shouldn't. You're forgetting the factors known as elevation, perspective, atmospheric density, and atmospheric distortion.

Also, unless the Earth is very very young, a lot of stuff must have fallen off the Earth. We must have lost a lot of stuff.

Really? How did "a lot of stuff" get passed the Ice Wall?

Let me make a list of the people who have to be in on the conspiracy in order for this to be true.

Every Government ever.
Every Scientist/Astronomer ever
Anyone who has ever used plumbing and paid attention to the swirl
Anyone who has ever been on a plane or works for the airline industry
Anyone who works for a satellite radio/tv company.

Let's see:

1. Nope
2. Only top-tier NASA employees
3. Nope
4. Um, no
5. No, again
6. Nope

So, out of that diatribe of garbage, ignorance, and pompousness, we've established that you haven't really used much of your brain, nor have you read anything else contained in the threads of this forum.
Our existentialist, relativist, nihilist, determinist, fascist, eugenicist moderator hath returned.
Quote from: Fortuna
objectively good

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2008, 11:56:28 AM »
I understand you were writing in the spirit of sarcam, but despite that, all I have to say is...

All these people have to be in on a conspiracy for a reason no one that can not be understood.

Wow. Case closed. Because that made perfect sense!



  • 1560
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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2008, 12:21:21 PM »
Sad. This person has marked the second time that Tom has pwned someone. Very, very sad. That's just the ultimate low, to be pwned by Tom.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2008, 12:26:40 PM by fshy94 »
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Saddam Hussein

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2008, 12:52:30 PM »
He got owned by Tom.



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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2008, 12:54:40 PM »
I'm only going to respond to a few things, because it's just so pathetic.
I'm only going to respond to a few things, because it's just so pathetic.

No, not the governments of the world, and not every scientist. Only the space agencies need be involved.
Space agencies aren't the only ones that deal with space.  There are privately owned satellites and there are many companies that require data from satellites to function. 

Large profit is enough for people to do a lot of strange things. Just look at you for instance, posting a bunch of ignorant bullshit for free. Imagine what NASA can do with billions.
Go into space.  You know they pay out billions to contracts. 

Oh how I love the invokers of fallacies. Not to mention that scientists inferring something has nothing to do with the actuality of anything.
oh how I love people trying to act smart. 
Near-impossible? Really, what estimates do you have? What ignorance have you invoked to come to such a conclusion?
Millions.  What estimate do you have?  Why do you think the world consists of the area you see out your window? 

Um, no the reason is known and only requires slight use of the brain.
Because the icewall doesn't exist.  That was easy. 

No, you shouldn't. You're forgetting the factors known as elevation, perspective, atmospheric density, and atmospheric distortion.
And to claim the earth is flat you also have to forget about those things. 

Really? How did "a lot of stuff" get passed the Ice Wall?
Well air is stuff and air can go over the ice wall so....

Let me make a list of the people who have to be in on the conspiracy in order for this to be true.

Every Government ever.
Every Scientist/Astronomer ever
Anyone who has ever used plumbing and paid attention to the swirl
Anyone who has ever been on a plane or works for the airline industry
Anyone who works for a satellite radio/tv com
1. Nope
2. Only top-tier NASA employees
3. Nope
4. Um, no
5. No, again
6. Nope

1.Well the government sets how much money NASA gets so some would have to be bribed.  Also the US is not the only country with a space program.   
2.If top-tier NASA employees know and others don't who makes up all the data for the low-tier people to use?  Top-tier people are to important to make $10/hr watching a screen of information a satellite is sending back.  Also who is making all the equipment to fake satellites?  Those top-tier NASA people sure do stay busy.
3. Many astronomers would have to be paid off.  They know so much that goes against the FE that they would of had to of gotten it from somewhere.  And if all there data is a lie it had to come from NASA according to you.
4.This is up to debate.
5.Airlines would notice that the distance between longitudes is different between the north and south hemispheres.  Some people would have to be paid off.
6.Satellite radio companies use two satellites to cover the whole united states.  To cover the whole united states without satellites would require thousands upon thousands of people.       
So, out of that diatribe of garbage, ignorance, and pompousness, we've established that you haven't really used much of your brain, nor have you read anything else contained in the threads of this forum.
So, out of that diatribe of garbage, ignorance, and pompousness, we've established that you think the earth consists of what you see you of your window.  Also you assume everyone is greedy and no one care about the truth.  Even though there are millions of conspiracy theories started from people seeking the truth.  It would be quite easy for anyone who knows the conspiracy to get it to the public but no one ever has? 

It's no slur if it's fact.


Thomas Bishop

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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2008, 06:07:03 PM »
I'm only going to respond to a few things, because it's just so pathetic.
I'm only going to respond to a few things, because it's just so pathetic.

No, not the governments of the world, and not every scientist. Only the space agencies need be involved.
Space agencies aren't the only ones that deal with space.  There are privately owned satellites and there are many companies that require data from satellites to function. 

Large profit is enough for people to do a lot of strange things. Just look at you for instance, posting a bunch of ignorant bullshit for free. Imagine what NASA can do with billions.
Go into space.  You know they pay out billions to contracts. 

Oh how I love the invokers of fallacies. Not to mention that scientists inferring something has nothing to do with the actuality of anything.
oh how I love people trying to act smart. 
Near-impossible? Really, what estimates do you have? What ignorance have you invoked to come to such a conclusion?
Millions.  What estimate do you have?  Why do you think the world consists of the area you see out your window? 

Um, no the reason is known and only requires slight use of the brain.
Because the icewall doesn't exist.  That was easy. 

No, you shouldn't. You're forgetting the factors known as elevation, perspective, atmospheric density, and atmospheric distortion.
And to claim the earth is flat you also have to forget about those things. 

Really? How did "a lot of stuff" get passed the Ice Wall?
Well air is stuff and air can go over the ice wall so....

Let me make a list of the people who have to be in on the conspiracy in order for this to be true.

Every Government ever.
Every Scientist/Astronomer ever
Anyone who has ever used plumbing and paid attention to the swirl
Anyone who has ever been on a plane or works for the airline industry
Anyone who works for a satellite radio/tv com
1. Nope
2. Only top-tier NASA employees
3. Nope
4. Um, no
5. No, again
6. Nope

1.Well the government sets how much money NASA gets so some would have to be bribed.  Also the US is not the only country with a space program.   
2.If top-tier NASA employees know and others don't who makes up all the data for the low-tier people to use?  Top-tier people are to important to make $10/hr watching a screen of information a satellite is sending back.  Also who is making all the equipment to fake satellites?  Those top-tier NASA people sure do stay busy.
3. Many astronomers would have to be paid off.  They know so much that goes against the FE that they would of had to of gotten it from somewhere.  And if all there data is a lie it had to come from NASA according to you.
4.This is up to debate.
5.Airlines would notice that the distance between longitudes is different between the north and south hemispheres.  Some people would have to be paid off.
6.Satellite radio companies use two satellites to cover the whole united states.  To cover the whole united states without satellites would require thousands upon thousands of people.       
So, out of that diatribe of garbage, ignorance, and pompousness, we've established that you haven't really used much of your brain, nor have you read anything else contained in the threads of this forum.
So, out of that diatribe of garbage, ignorance, and pompousness, we've established that you think the earth consists of what you see you of your window.  Also you assume everyone is greedy and no one care about the truth.  Even though there are millions of conspiracy theories started from people seeking the truth.  It would be quite easy for anyone who knows the conspiracy to get it to the public but no one ever has? 

screw u



  • 692
  • House Shaped Earth Proponent
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2008, 06:14:36 PM »
Quote from: Tom Bishop
(random horseshit that doesn't make sense)
Quote from: Viscount Dead Kangaroo
I spend half the day with a dick in my mouth

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2008, 06:15:00 PM »

Re: everything ruined
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2008, 12:20:30 PM »
I fucking hate that band


Saddam Hussein

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  • 35374
  • Former President of Iraq
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #22 on: August 11, 2008, 12:29:49 PM »
Why did you bump this?



  • 1089
  • ROUND000
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #23 on: August 11, 2008, 12:32:12 PM »
Big win for RE.
We told you to go to rehab, but you were all like "no, no, no!" ::)


Saddam Hussein

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  • 35374
  • Former President of Iraq
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2008, 12:37:18 PM »
No, this was another win for FE!



  • 1089
  • ROUND000
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2008, 12:38:27 PM »
Silly dead president of Iraq.
We told you to go to rehab, but you were all like "no, no, no!" ::)


Saddam Hussein

  • Official Member
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Re: everything ruined
« Reply #26 on: August 11, 2008, 12:41:24 PM »
I'm only officially dead. ::)

Besides, you're Roundoo, and I'm Saddam.  I'm a good many cuts above you.



  • 1089
  • ROUND000
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2008, 12:42:05 PM »
Epic lulz.
We told you to go to rehab, but you were all like "no, no, no!" ::)


Saddam Hussein

  • Official Member
  • 35374
  • Former President of Iraq
Re: everything ruined
« Reply #28 on: August 16, 2008, 07:25:47 AM »
True.  This was another win for FE.