Act 2 Scene 2
The past. A great big blue light thing appears and NASA soldiers emerge from it
Commander Saddam: Here we are boss, the past. Just like I promised.
NASA Overlord Z: Well, technically you were supposed to build your own time machine, not just use the FES one.
Commander Saddam: Yeah well, guv'nor, it's the results that count.
NASA Overlord Z: It is indeed. General Gayer?
General Gayer: Yes, boss?
NASA Overlord Z: Where are we?
General Gayer: Lowestoft, sir. It's a highly significant town on the east coast, the most eastern point of England in fact. In the future Bird Flu will occur here.
NASA Overlord Z: Very good. Order the NASA taskforce to establish our HQ here.
General Gayer: and the Lowestoft population?
NASA Overlord Z: Kill them all!
General Gayer: Yeehah!
General Gayer shoots a local in the face. The rest of the NASA soldiers start killing indiscriminately
NASA Overlord Z: Excellent... first Lowestoft... then Rowbotham himself, and anybody who gets in the way! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!