Act 1 Scene 2.
July 20th 1969, in a bar in America somewhere.
Barman: Look guys, the moon landing is on the tee vee
Barfly 1: Why, it makes you proud to be an American!
Barfly 2: Yupp, this is surely the pinnacle of human achievement!
Mysterious voice: I'm afraid not, gentlemen. This is nothing but a heinous lie!
The door opens and a man of indeterminate age walks in
Barman: Come in mysterious stranger, and have a drink
Barfly 2: Surely that's against the licensing laws, what with him being of indeterminate age and all. He could be seven years old for all we know!
Barman: Hell son, this is America. We ain't got no laws!
Mysterious Stranger: Let me introduce myself. My name is Tom Bishop.
Barfly 2: Anyhew, explain yourself Tom! This here on the tee vee is America's victory over the evil commie bastards and their crummie cosmo rockets, and you're saying it's a fake? You wanna get your head screwed on, boy!
Tom Bishop: It's quite simple really- we know the earth is flat, therefore Nasa must be a bunch of liars. If Nasa are liars, then the moon landing must be fake. If they've faked the moon landings, then they must be hiding something big, something they don't want us to know. That thing, gentlemen, can only be one thing - the earth is really flat!
Barfly 1: Holy shit! You're right!
Barfly 2 Goddamn motherfuckers lying to us!
Tom Bishop sings:
NASA is lying to us all
it's a big conspiracy
Only one thing you can do
Join the Flat Earth Society
Tom Bishop jumps on the bar and dances
Join the Flat Earth Society
Only the truth will set you free
Nasa's lies will fool your brain
Listen to me I'm not insane
Everybody else sings while Tom dances on the bar
Join the Flat Earth Society
Only the truth will set you free
Nasa's lies will fool your brain
Listen to Tom he's not insane