The all-new conspiracy theory!

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #60 on: January 17, 2008, 01:58:37 PM »
^^HAHAHA. Nice work again, Roundy. Note how he doesn't respond to that.
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #61 on: January 17, 2008, 01:58:49 PM »
Erm...look at the website, and show me flights which all appear 8 hours late. I'd like to see the load of delays there. Go ahead, liar, show me.

You won't see many 8-hour delayed flights because most planes visit the Southern continents traveling a North-South route from the populated industrial continents. Flying North-South on a Flat Earth map would give you an identical distance to the Round Earth model.

It's only the very few eastward or westward flights between the southern continents that would experience a delay.

What was the RAS covering up, exactly?

They weren't covering anything up. They were just making up data for the RE to steal science grants from the government, just as NASA does now.



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2008, 02:00:47 PM »
Oh, so now you rescind the previous statement? Fail. And there are East-West flights. Take a look. Try major population centers, like Sydney to Delhi, or Sydney to Santiago/Mexico. Try it. You don't have to fly purely East-West. Just enough to show how badly you fail.
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2008, 02:01:18 PM »
What was the RAS covering up, exactly?

They weren't covering anything up. They were just making up data for the RE to steal science grants from the government, just as NASA does now.

Then why did you directly state that they were perpetuating the myth of a round earth?  ???
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2008, 02:02:17 PM »
And who "murdered" the South Pole explorers, like you said before?
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2008, 02:05:11 PM »
Oh, so now you rescind the previous statement? Fail. And there are East-West flights. Take a look. Try major population centers, like Sydney to Delhi, or Sydney to Santiago/Mexico. Try it. You don't have to fly purely East-West. Just enough to show how badly you fail.

I don't see any East-West SH flights. You are mistaken.

And who "murdered" the South Pole explorers, like you said before?

How am I supposed to know who murdered Scott of the Antarctic?

Then why did you directly state that they were perpetuating the myth of a round earth?

Because they were.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:06:48 PM by Tom Bishop »


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2008, 02:05:59 PM »
Around and around we go.  ;D

I guess I've made my point.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2008, 02:07:11 PM »
Can you read Bishop? Delhi-Sydney? Santiago-Sydney? Now, unless you claim that those are North-South, in which you fail even worse than you do, you fail yet again.

How am I supposed to know who murdered Scott of the Antarctic?

How do you know he was murdered in the first place?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:08:58 PM by fshy94 »
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.

Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #68 on: January 17, 2008, 02:07:29 PM »
I have quite a bit flying experience, both as a pilot, and a passenger. I've flown to pretty much every continent, and i've had delays, sometime as much as up to an hour. In the air. None of this 8 hours late that seems to be the 'proof' of a flat earth. I've done visual flying, and instrument rating hours (you're right, the windshield is covered from the inside, and you have nothing but to guide you but instruments and a tightly clenched rectum) and i managed to make it back. Your FAQ says pilots are either too stupid to notice the difference, which i'd like to correct, or that they're in on it too. When i got my licence, i didn't get a lecture on 'the secret' and neither has any pilot i've met, and i've met a lot. Australia had a pilot strike a few years ago, and quite a few of these taxi-drivers were sacked out of hand. Not what i thought would've happened to people who could've blown it all out of the water by talking to the press. I thought they'd all be paid out to shut them up, after all they are the secret masters of the universe. or something. Incidentally, this is your theory, that you're trying, TRYING, to prove, so it is incumbent on YOU and YOU ALONE to provide ABSOLUTE SCIENTIFIC proof of your theory. You say flights would experience 8 hour delays, prove it. It's not for me to disprove, it's for you to prove. That's the scientific method. You can't say 1+1=3 and just keep waving your hands rather than support your claim. I want proper proof, provided by you Tom Bishop, actual proof, numbers, figures, interviews with people. Bring it to the table, or admit you're wrong, you're desperate and you've got nothing.


Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #69 on: January 17, 2008, 02:07:55 PM »
Can you read Bishop? Delhi-Sydney? Santiago-Sydney? Now, unless you claim that those are North-South, in which you fail even worse than you do, you fail yet again.

I can't find any of those flights you've listed. You're mistaken.

I guess I've made my point.

Perpetuating the myth of the Round Earth doesn't mean that you know the true shape of the earth.

How do you know he was murdered in the first place?

Because he was found clawing for life in his tent.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:10:27 PM by Tom Bishop »


Loard Z

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2008, 02:09:50 PM »
this thread = win for Tom.
if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #71 on: January 17, 2008, 02:09:55 PM »
Could be lead poisoning. I suppose the more prudent question is, Bishop, do you know anything at all?

Oh, and answer the first point.

this thread = win for Tom.

Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #72 on: January 17, 2008, 02:10:36 PM »
And who "murdered" the South Pole explorers, like you said before?

How am I supposed to know who murdered Scott of the Antarctic?

Well, you clearly implied it was the conspiracy.  ::)

Then why did you directly state that they were perpetuating the myth of a round earth?

Because they were.

Sure.  But by saying that they were faking data related to the shape of the earth you're implying that the conspiracy's purpose was to hide the shape of the earth (thereby profiting).  Or can you cite anything not related to the shape of the earth that they "lied" about?
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:12:17 PM by The Great God Roundy »
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?

Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #73 on: January 17, 2008, 02:13:58 PM »
Have a look through these posts, anything that doesn't jibe with Tom's world-view is either a conspiracy or special effects. Mr Bishop, you're a very poor debator, and an extremely poor reasoner.


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #74 on: January 17, 2008, 02:15:32 PM »
Not news, Officer.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?

Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2008, 02:17:25 PM »
I thought flat-earthers were a bunch of cute, grumpy old men who just wanted things the way they were in the fifties. This crowd is amazing, i've never seen such ignorance. It's going to fun to chase them into a corner and beat them senseless with logic and reason.



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2008, 02:17:38 PM »
Oh, and Tom?

Flights QF 63 & SA 7701


Both 36 minutes late, not 8 hours.

JNB    Johannesburg    QF 63    Qantas Airways    10:30 AM    11:09 AM       T-1    Landed
36 min    744    
JNB    Johannesburg    SA 7701^    South African Airways    10:30 AM    11:09 AM       T-1    Landed
36 min    744    

RE win. You fail.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:20:31 PM by fshy94 »
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Colonel Gaydafi

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2008, 02:23:31 PM »
Tom has finally lost the plot. Another win for entertainment!
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Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #78 on: January 17, 2008, 02:24:04 PM »
Both 36 minutes late, not 8 hours.

JNB    Johannesburg    QF 63    Qantas Airways    10:30 AM    11:09 AM       T-1    Landed
36 min    744    
JNB    Johannesburg    SA 7701^    South African Airways    10:30 AM    11:09 AM       T-1    Landed
36 min    744    

For the rare flight that does occur between those two extremities of the earth; along the courses between Sydney and Johannesburg exist enormous jet streams located at around 35,000 ft above the surface of the Earth. In the Southern Hemisphere there are both eastward and westward jet streams. By necessity, in relation to the polar front and subtropical jets, easterly jet streams in the Southern Hemisphere propagate at rates even faster than the westward ones. According to the winds in a jet stream regularly reaches speeds of over 400 mph. Airliners use these jet streams to faster reach a destination.

This variable contributes significantly to the travel time between Sydney and Johannedburg. While an airplane may have a rated cruise speed it can provide under its own power, the extreme winds of the jet stream adds enormously to the actual velocity of the plane over the surface of the Earth.

For every moment the plane stays in the jet stream it is being accelerated until it matches the surrounding velocity and momentum of the air around it. From there the plane can use the limits of its power to travel faster than the jet stream. Thus, six hours of travel time between Sydney and Johannedburg becomes extremely possible.

In general, the Flat Earth Society has found that winds are strongest just under the tropopause. If two air masses of different temperatures meet, the resulting pressure difference is highest along the interface.

These facts are a consequence of the thermal wind relation. The balance of forces on an atmospheric parcel in the vertical direction is primarily between the pressure gradient and the force of gravitation by acceleration is a balance referred to as hydrostatic. In the horizontal, the dominant balance outside of the tropics is between the Coriolis effect and the pressure gradient is a balance referred to as geostrophic.

Given both hydrostatic and geostrophic balance, the Flat Earth Society derives the thermal wind relation: the vertical derivative of the horizontal wind is proportional to the horizontal temperature gradient. The sense of the relation is such that temperatures decreasing polewards implies that winds develop a larger eastward component as one moves upwards. Therefore, the strong eastward moving jet streams are in part a simple consequence of the fact that the equator is warmer than the poles.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:30:23 PM by Tom Bishop »


Loard Z

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #79 on: January 17, 2008, 02:25:37 PM »
yes, superfast jet streams for the win!!!

Tom just keeps on pulling out the wins today.
if i remember, austria is an old, dis-used name for what is now Germany.
See My Greatness


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #80 on: January 17, 2008, 02:29:29 PM »
It's been a while since I so thoroughly pwn'd Bishop.  I had forgotten how satisfying it feels.  ;D
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?


Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #81 on: January 17, 2008, 02:31:32 PM »
Dogplatter's silence on the matter thus far is another win for me.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #82 on: January 17, 2008, 02:33:06 PM »
Aaaah, no. So, meteorologists can't detect these special jet streams...why? They detect the normal ones, but they don't detect these? Nice.

But really, nice work on the Bullshit. It's amazing that this jet stream didn't exist until proof came along. It's amazing. May I ask one question? What about the return trip?

JNB    Johannesburg    QF 64    Qantas Airways    2:35 PM    3:06 PM       T-1    Landed
31 min    744    
JNB    Johannesburg    SA 7700^    South African Airways    2:35 PM    3:06 PM       T-1    Landed
31 min    744    

Only 31 minutes late.

16 hours off now. Pfffft... LOL

Two way jet streams? HAHAHAHA!!!!! You're right Roundy. I had forgotten how hilarious it feels.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:39:24 PM by fshy94 »
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #83 on: January 17, 2008, 02:39:00 PM »
Bumped for Tom's latest hilarity. ;D
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #84 on: January 17, 2008, 02:40:34 PM »
Aaaah, no. So, meteorologists can't detect these special jet streams...why? They detect the normal ones, but they don't detect these? Nice. tells us that the Jetstreams are 400 mph. They list their sources right on the page I linked.

But really, nice work on the Bullshit. It's amazing that this jet stream didn't exist until proof came along. It's amazing. I might ask one question. What about the return trip?

There are both Eastwardly and Westwardly moving Jet Streams in the Southern Hemisphere. Pilots purposelessly use them to faster reach a destination.



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #85 on: January 17, 2008, 02:42:14 PM »
So every single time, without noticing it? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Nobody every hits the wrong jet stream and comes 16 hours late? HAHAHA! You fail, and I think this constitutes an extremely valid proof for RE. Not to mention that these jet streams go magically from Johannesburg to Sydney? HAHAHA
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.


Tom Bishop

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #86 on: January 17, 2008, 02:43:21 PM »
So every single time, without noticing it?

Uh, pilots purposely use the jet streams to faster reach a destination. That's why they're called "jet" streams.

Edit: Typo.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 03:01:33 PM by Tom Bishop »



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #87 on: January 17, 2008, 02:44:42 PM »
So every single time, without noticing it?

Uh, pilots purposelessly use the jet streams to faster reach a destination. Did you drop out of High School?

Did you? Check the definition of purposeless. Then come back later.

EDIT: Tom fixed typo
« Last Edit: January 17, 2008, 02:50:10 PM by fshy94 »
Proof the Earth is round!

Quote from: Althalus
The conspiracy has made it impossible to adequately explain FE theory in English.



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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #88 on: January 17, 2008, 02:50:04 PM »
Dogplatter's silence on the matter thus far is another win for me.

Sorry man, genuinely just didn't check this thread.

In response to the OP, I don't know. People change their minds about stuff. I change my mind about things, it's a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I'm an agnostic on Tom.
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Roundy the Truthinessist

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Re: The all-new conspiracy theory!
« Reply #89 on: January 17, 2008, 02:50:43 PM »
Fair enough.
Where did you educate the biology, in toulet?