In a recent argument with my ex (me being an atheist and her being a Southern she explicitly said that acts do not get you into Heaven. She said the only way to get in was to accept Jesus blah blah... But anyway I started thinking, what about all those people in isolated parts of the world that may never meet a Christian or read a bible? Even if they lead an otherwise Christian life, they're doomed to an eternity in that fair? Does God cut them some slack or what? I just would like to see some thoughts on this issue.
They have the creation around them. If they just look at the complexity and awesomeness of the creation around them that God has created, then they should see God.
Also, in response to all the people who say that Christians say that we can be saved just by believing, here is what I say: we are all fallen, we are all sinful. In order to get to heaven, God requires perfectness. Since we are sinful, we obviously cannot get to heaven. However, God in his good grace to us, has sent His Son to die on the cross for us, and take our sins. God has chosen certain people from before the earth was made to be saved, and others not to be. God is the one who saves us, we cannot do anything. We are NOT saved by our good works. It's like trying to cross the Grand Canyon by trying to make a bridge out of a pencil. So we cannot do anything, it's God who does it for us. We hope and pray that God will be merciful to us, since we cannot do anything on our own. But by Jesus' death, we can be saved.