The curvature really isn't that obvious. What can be obvious at the ocean, on a moderately cloudy day, is you can clearly see the clouds curve over the breadth of the sky.
No, that is not seen. Stop making things up.
Stop talking out of your ass, Tom. It's rather brash of you to insist that one is 'making something up' when they merely relate an easily reproducible experience witnessed by uncountable numbers of people. I see this phenomenon all the time at the beach.
However, it is easily explicable under the FE model, if you will permit me talk out of MY ass for a space. FET as commonly understood holds that the sky is a curved dome of air; this is likely because the Ice Wall ringing the disc of the Earth is somewhat lower than the height of the atmosphere at the North Pole (the Earth's center). If we imagine a hypothetical Earth in a time before it was being acted on by a Universal Accelerator, the atmosphere might have been a cylinder rather than a dome extending upwards from the surface (though of course this would soon have drifted off into space). Once under the force of the Accelerator, any air near the Ice Wall but extending 'above' it would slough off, while the rest of the atmosphere would be held to the Earth by its inertial reaction, leaving a dome shape. The clouds merely conform to this shape.