Feel free to answer 1, 3, or all 11... just post the number and your answer to it.
1. What are the rocks resting on under the earth? Or what are the elephants and turtle standing on?
2. If, in fact, the earth is supported by elephants and a turtle, how do they eat? And if one would die, wouldn’t the earth fall over?
3. How did the elephants and the turtle get off the earth and under it?
4. Elephants and turtles are severely different in sizes… how in the hell does this balance out that they can support the earth together??
5. The government, NASA, and all the pilots on the earth are part of this “conspiracy”… how come my grandfather was a pilot, my friend’s dad is a pilot, and my boyfriend has had flying lessons, and my boyfriend’s uncle is an aeronautical engineer for the air force, but none of them believe the earth is flat?
6. How can there be a conspiracy with no motive? Do you really believe that all the governments in the world are lying to every person on the earth just so that they can kick back and laugh at us?
7. Where are these “other planets?” Why isn’t the earth one of the planets? What makes earth special? How are the “other planets” supported?
8. So basically, the entire universe rests in our “sky” and is above us?
9. First, your Q&A claims there is a giant ice wall blocking us in, then it switches to saying it’s not really ice, but a mountain range… make up your mind. Then, tell me how far this icewall-mountainrange stretches? Wouldn’t that really be the edge of the earth… not the “ice wall?”
10. Good job – you came up with some bizarre theory for lunar eclipses, but what about solar eclipses???
11. There is a world sail boat race that takes place every year. I have had the luxury of meeting some of these sailors twice. They believe that they are sailing around the world. They have not fallen off the edge of the world or ran into a huge ice wall… why is this?