The conversation in the early books of the Bible is understood to be within the trinity in Christianity and God addressing his host of angels in Judaism.
note that I already debunked this statement earlier but I will restate it. This is an imperfect assumption human beings have hopefully placed upon God's word to explain the terminology they can't explain. There is no reason for god to use the terminology when he does not use it on any consistent basis, and again - according to humans, God would most definatly not be referring to *us* as multiple deities equal to himself now would he?
Also note:
I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.
If God was a multiple that would be 'us' instead of 'me'.
How does this differ from anything I have said previously? That is my whole point. He uses this consistently throughout the bible, whereas he only uses the phrase us and we very few times...
between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence: (Luke 16:26 KJV)
Abraham met the Lord and Moses wrote about it. So Abraham and Moses knew.
David obviously knew, he called HIM his Lord, wrote about Him too.
Jeremiah knew. Jer:23:5
Zechariah obviously knew. Zec:12:8-12
Micah knew. Mic:5:2:
I could keep going, but is this even necessary? You are fighting a ridiculous battle you cannot win because it is a moot point. God has never and does not exist except to those that believe in him. You do, therefore he exists. I don't therefore he does not. End of story. Either way he is not three entities in one and never has been aside from some peoples weird interpretations. Same thing as saying Director and CEO of Such and Such corporation. That's not the same context as "neither can they pass to *us*"
EDIT: Why would god even refer to other *gods* in the forst place? "Though shall have no other gods before me". If he's the only God what's the point? Whether or not people might be worshiping others is moot. He is all powerful, he is the one true god... why would he refer to others at all? Just a thought.