sunrise, sunset, eclipses, seasons, tides, orbits, constellations (and their movement through the sky,) general relativity, the nature of mass, the mass of the earth, the formation of galaxies, stars and planets (AND their satellites) the radius of the earth, the nature of the atom, space travel... all of these are simply explained with a round earth.
If you want to be anal about it. Here's the list (with a couple of extras added.) I'll explain every one, and how it fits in with my theory. Then you can quote the list, and explain every one with your theory. Then we can decide who's theory is more flawed.
After all, debating works this way, correct?
Theory: The Earth is an Approximate SphereEvidence.
Sunrise and sunset.: Every day we see the sun rise in the East, and Set in the West. This is caused by the rotation of the Earth about it's axis, and gives us day and night as parts of the earth turn away from the suns light.
Eclipses: Solar eclipse: The moon lines up in front of the sun and blocks the suns light, creating a shadow upon the Earth.
Lunar eclipse: The Earth lines up in front of the sun and blocks the suns light, creating a shadow upon the moon.
Orbits: We'll start simply, with the Newtonian theory of gravity, and take it from there. An orbit is caused by an object that is accelerating towards an object of larger mass, due to the gravitational force. At a sufficient distance, the object will always be accelerating towards the other object, and never reach it. Consider the cannon fired from a mountaintop example.
Now, in General Relativaty, the concept is that mass distorts 4-dimensional space-time, and objects of larger mass cause larger distortions. The object of smaller mass is trapped in a geodesic, and thus, we get orbit.
These two points showcase the nature of a theoretical Round Earth orbiting the Sun, and also of a theoretical Satelite (The Moon) orbiting the Earth.
Evidence for this effect: as quoted earlier, we can see a (very small) difference in the position of stars in the sky at different times of year. Which would indicate that we have changed position, or every single star in the sky has changed position. Which basically explains constellations.
And if you expand this to more massive objects, then we get the formation of galaxies.
That's all I can be bothered with for now, I look forward to your side of the debate. I will however, go on to the points of your previous post.
You're telling me to look at the stars as evidence for the shape of the earth? That's ridiculous. On that token, why don't you look at your kitchen floor for evidence for the shape of the earth.
You're telling me that the Sun is not a star? It fits
exactly the properties of every other star. And other stars have planets in orbit around them. I cannot see all of the earth, however, I can see the entire surface of the star and I can see that it is round. I can look at a million different objects in the sky which all have exactly the same properties as the sun, so I can safely assume that they are similar to the sun. I can know and apply the theory of GR, and thus I can deduce that the Earth must be a sphere orbiting the sun.
The stars cannot be used as evidence because the stars are not the earth. Having trouble with that concept? Go ahead and ask your nearest priest if the stars are the earth.
I don't know what the point in this comment is, are you trying to imply that the stars are heaven or something?
The stars move however they move. Flat Earth Theory predicts through astronomical parallax on a plane surface that the stars are between three to four thousand miles above the earth. The Flat Earth Literature describes the movement of the stars as circular because they are caught in a vast stellar multiple system which makes one rotation per twenty-four hours.
I've already seen you write this, and another user showed you using a mathematical example how this system would not be possible.
The movement of the stars says nothing about the true form of the earth. Even if the earth was moving (it's not), the movement would occur on a spinning cube or triangular planet as well.
I thought your theory stated that the Earth was accelerating? Doesn't that count as movement?
We're talking about YOUR model. Not mine. Flat Earth Theory admits that there is no apparent evidence for the sun's power source, therefore FET does not make a prediction. The power source of the FE sun could range from fission to electron degeneracy pressure.
There is no direct evidence that fusion is occurring within the sun. The theory of fusion is a theory only, and a flimsy one at that. Once man masters stellar fusion get back to me.
You're supposition of a fusion powered sun is science fiction only. We're talking about evidence here. Do you have trouble with that concept? science starts out with a theory. When the theory is tested and turns out the right result, then the theory appears to be valid. This theory has turned out the right result over and over and over again. Yours has simple problems in it that anyone studying high school physics could spot.
Why don't you buy yourself a UV filter telescope and look at the sun for yourself.
Plus, mankind
has mastered fusion - a modern Hydrogen Bomb uses a fusion reaction to explode. We can track the spectral emissions from such an explosion and compare it to the emissions from a star. GUESS WHAT!!!!!!?