NoteAssuming most people reading this thread are going to be using the links in the contents, I'm keeping these notes here. There are typos and small mistakes dotted throughout, and the format was made as I was going along so the layout is terrible. Read the actual AFET posts for a better overview. These notes are just here for personal reference.
It begins... This post, and likely the following few, are going to be different to start with. I need to keep my notes somewhere, and this way at least there are interim notes. This is probably going to be the trickiest model to pare down to its essentials, as with the other posts I'm just going to be focused on the layout of the Earth and the observations this explains, not making arguments for or against. It'll be compressed to begin with, and a lot of the chronology focused posts omitted to focus purely on the Earth's shape. As I learn more about it, using this as a reference, hopefully I can arrange it into a better description.
It's not meant to misrepresent, though I'm working from archived threads where not all the relevant links were archived, and going through a lot of terminology so mistakes are entirely possible.
If I make any error, please do let me know.
I imagine this is going to need a foreword when it's done. I'm cutting out a lot of material. If you're interested I do recommend Sandokhan's thread, he gives a lot of accounts of experiments and data that I'm omitting here in the interests of just giving an overview of how the Earth works. Equally, there are a lot of different terms for various entities which I'm cutting out.
Sandokhan's Advanced Flat Earth TheoryThe Earth is a flat disc, centred on the Sea of Marmara. Antarctica is an island. Around the known Earth is a ring of land, populated by animals and plants, named as the continent Antichtone, and beyond this ring is a vast sea that was known of in ancient times and is the source of the Earth's water. The Earth is in the centre of the universe, is the sole planet, and is entirely stationary.
There are two domes. The first comes down on the outside of this sea; on the outside of this First Dome is a rotational layer of ether, and in the dome there are six gates in the East, and six corresponding in the west. The stars, Sun and moon pass through these gates.
Surrounding the first dome is a second dome; all of what we think of as the universe is contained within the second dome. The first dome is composed of a very dense layer of aether and ether. The Sun and all similar objects never pass inside the first dome.
The Sun's orbit is composed of arches. It rises from beyond Japan, illuminates half the Earth's surface, and sets past Antarctica, where it then rises again the complete its orbit over the other semicircle of the Earth's surface. The Sun does indeed set.
The map is:

The circumference of the flat Earth is approximately a little under 40,000km.
Now, on the aforementioned six gates theory, these mark the Sun's progress throughout the year. The Sun passes through each gate for approximately thirty days at a time (six in the east, six in the west), before moving on to the next, and the next; they compose the distances between the tropic. Each day it rises through one, and sets through an opposite on the far side of the Earth. The gates map out the period from summer to winter solstice, and from winter to summer solstice.
There are thirty windows associated with each gate. Each gate is 1048km in arclength, and so each window is approximately 35.4km. The axial precession of the Sun is a gauge of what part of each window it travels through. When the Sun reaches the final part of a window, all celestial objects will be as they were originally. At this point it will be possible to see the moon as a separate entity during a solar eclipse.
The moon receives its energy from the Sun.
The Sun emits high frequency electric energy into the low pressure gas in the upper atmosphere causing the luminescence observed at sunrise. Thus a setting Sun swiftly becomes a rising one. Further, these electrical currents are the Birkeland currents associated with the Earth's magnetic field. They also affect comets, (insert more on electric comet theory here when it comes to writing up).
There are Birkeland currents throughout space.
The Sun, moon and all stars are flat disks. The Sun, moon and (for reference of scale) Jupiter have a diameter of 618m. The Sun is 10km up.
The moon, Mercury and Venus rotate around the Sun, though Venus formerly orbited Jupiter. Meanwhile the Sun, as well as Mars, Jupiter and Saturn rotate above the Earth. The Sun does indeed set.
Historically there was a third star in the Sirius cluster, which exploded into two halves. In their new movement patterns, one half (termed Black Sun) causes the solar eclipse, the other (the Shadow Moon) the lunar eclipse. Before this point the Sun and moon both shone with equal intensity and the Earth had 24 hour daylight. Fifty years after this cataclysm was the Great Flood.
The asteroid belt was formed when Jupiter collided with the second of these two halves.
Both Jupiter and Venus emit bosons.
There are two other celestial bodies, one over each pole (the North Pole, the receptive one, located north of Greenland. the South Pole, the emissive one, over Antarctica, which is larger than commonly believed, not covered by ice and inaccessible). These cause the Aurora and give light to their respective poles at certain times of the year, but their orbits never take them far. The body over the North Pole is itself named Aurora.
Satellites do orbit, and are powered by a device that triggers laevorotatory subquarks via an electrical current (the Biefield-Brown effect).
Aether is a universal medium, a fluid, filling all of space, and through it flows ether, which is ultimately the energy source for everything. It is described by means of an analogy; according to conventional science, atoms feature a kind of perpetual motion, with electrons constantly moving. Ether is the energy source that allows for this motion to happen. Ether will be better defined below. Aether, it has multiple densities, and there are many layers of it between us and the Sun.
When light passes through these different densities of aether, it is refracted. Light travels through aether akin to the way sound waves travel through matter.
Ether flows through aether into physical objects; this causes a pushing force, gravity. This pushing force could not result in rotational motion however, so the force affecting the Sun, moon and stars is somewhat different. Instead they exist on the other side of a barrier and are subject to rotational gravity from ether.
The variation in the pushing force, the telluric currents, is responsible for tides.
The following is a subquark, composed of ten vibrating strings:

These are made of closed loops. The direction in which they rotate is also important; those which rotate left are called laevorotatory, while those that rotate right are called dextrorotatory. They could also be called positively and negatively charged. This rotation, along with the shape of the subquark, creates a vortex that could be receptive (for dextrorotatory subquarks/negative charges), drawing in ether, or emissive (for laevorotatory). Neither subquark is exclusively emissive or receptive, just predominantly so.
An electrical current is caused by ether flowing along through these vortices, from emissive to receptive; a conductor is a material in which the subquarks are lines up to allow bosons to be transmitted from one to the next. . Magnetic fields are similar, because caused by the 'double helix' of positive and negatively charged/laevorotatory and dextrorotatory vortices affecting the flow of strings of bosons through a subquark. The difference between it an electricity is that electricity is a subquark flow through some conductor, while magnetism is external.
Magnetism can be viewed as two streams spinning around each other, one going to the North Pole, the other to the South. This general principle, as would be expected, is the same for handheld magnets and the planet's magnetic field. Of these two streams, only one is studied by modern science, the electromagnetic stream. The other stream that runs counter is the gravitational flow.
The Earth's magnetic field is composed of a subquark flow that begins at one pole, goes through the centre of the Earth, and reaches the other.
All of space is filled by these torsion fields, these vortices, and they affect one another. The aether is composed of these molecular vortices.
All matter is composed of both laevorotatory and dextrorotatory subquarks. For example, a hydrogen atom is composed of eighteen, nine of each spin.
This allows for hydrogen to not in fact be the lightest element; in fact, there are two lighter, both unacknowledged by mainstream science The heavier is named Koronium by Dmitri Mendeleev. Koronium is prominent in the Sun's corona, hence its name, and is formed of two quarks (rather than the three of hydrogen), and instead of the negative charge being ascribed to one electron as in the mainstream model, this charge is instead divisible. Further, koronium is already 'imploded,' composed not of whole protons but rather just quarks, and further is completely imploded, not merely partiallly imploded as happens when other elements undergo torsion/electrical fields etc. As such, any gravitational force has no effect on it, as its antigravitational force is active.
Lighter still, also named by Mendeleev, is Newtonium, emitted by the Black Sun. This is the lightest element of all, composed only of strings of subquarks.
X-rays are emitted by the Sun, not because of high heat, but because of electromagnetic particles being accelerated through its ether field. That is, their source is electrical.
Dextrorotatory subquarks absorb aether, laevorotatory subquarks emit it.