The earth is clearly flat, as my house's vector is made on the same vector of the house next to mine and HIS house is flat. Furthermore, my level reveals my workbench is flat. Ergo, the earth is flat.
Now I'm going to post an arbitrary, semi irrelevant diatribe that reveals nothing but a local viewpoint of an explorer, and go on to make up more facts about his life:
"It was ... an obstruction of such character as to leave no doubt in my mind as to our future proceedings, for we might as well sail through the cliffs of Dover as to penetrate such a mass.
It would be impossible to conceive a more solid-looking mass of ice; not the smallest appearance of any rent or fissure could we discover throughout its whole extent, and the intensely bright sky beyond it but too plainly indicated the great distance to which it reached southward."
James Clark Ross and his expeditionary fleet sailed around the Ice Wall for a number of months in circumnavigation. Between pit stops in Europe and his polar expeditions, he spent the next five years of his life vainly in search of a south sea passage to the other side.
After he couldn't find the south sea passage, he got terrifically depressed, divorced his wife, and took to drugs. Despite being burdened and dissilussioned that his government and all the others had lied to him about the shape of the earth and being completely stoned, he decided to reveal the truth. He designed a really really big hot air balloon (RRBHAB) and floated up into the sky. However, his camera flew away when he accidently dropped it over the edge of the planet, and the universal accelerator carried it away. His balloon also tipped over in the gale force, 500 mph winds experianced at that altitude in the jet Stream, and he fell. Lluckily, the UA slowed his fall, and he landed on a snow-mobile riding moose. Greiviously injured because of falling on the antlers, he whispered his account into the animal's ears before he died. The moose wrote down the account and it was translated into several thousand languages, including gnomish. Unfortunately, the RRBHAB was recovered by a national government and became the basis of modern psuedolites, a central tenant of the infinitely powerful conspiracy, which actually controls even the most fundamental laws of physics so that they could only apply in certain aspects at certain times.
Ergo, with the tale of the explorer and the moose, in conjunction with the evidence of the conspiraDiety's ability to revoke gravity in propaganda videos, we must conclude the earth is flat.
Ergo you are wrong.
Ergo I am right.
Ergo everyone else on the planet is wrong.
Ergo I win.